Thursday, January 31, 2019


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres this Friday from director Peter Jackson and Warner Bros. is a look at the first World War in THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD.

It has been one hundred years since the end of World War I and with over 600 hours of footage, director Jackson along with the Imperial War Museum archives and the BBC tell a story that has never been experienced before.

In those archives are also the voices of men who lived through the war from 1914 to 1918 and share every detail of their military time. When it is realized that war is coming, it wasn’t just men in their twenties signing up. Boys as young as 15 were lying about their age to join and make their way to training and to war.

For some this was their first experience in the world let along a world at war. Their stories of coming together was a mixture of leaving home for the first time and not quite grasping what they were about to do.

Jackson takes the black and white footage and colorized it and within moments we are brought into their world. The film can be seen in 2D and 3D, I saw it in 3D and it is stunning. It is his hope that by telling a small fraction of a larger story of the war that viewers will see and hear for themselves what has not been before.

In the voices of the men unfolds their life once they became soldiers and that includes every detail of marching, eating, sleeping, friendships and the life of living day to day in the trenches. The German forces are on the other side of a field and in the middle is the constant barraging of bombs.

From the very beginning of the film it is clear that this is a documentary like nothing I had seen before. Every gambit of human emotion was happening on the screen but also the response of an audience who was totally invested in the experience. There were moments of gasping and moments of chuckling and in between moments of keeping emotions together.

Transforming 100 year old footage, Jackson and his team have brought together an incredible accounting of World War I. By colorizing the footage he has brought this piece of a larger story into such perspective that it is almost hard to believe that the film is only 90+ minutes. There isn’t a moment that didn’t hold the audience captive and not one person left their seat until the film was finished.

I have spent days thinking about this film because of everything that Jackson managed to put together. He was not shy about the personal life of the soldiers nor was he shy about death in war. Once again the emotions of the film bring a quiet theatre even quieter.

THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD is an amazing documentary from beginning to end and what Jackson accomplished in four years is nothing short of stellar. Jackson also has an investment in the film as his own grandfather fought in the war and he did not receive compensation for the film. It is a documentary but I have not felt this moved by a documentary in quite a long time.

To see the young faces of the men who fought World War I in the way Jackson has presented them tugged at my heart. We have to remember that 100 years ago; these soldiers did not have the technology available today so when you wanted to get a message to someone else on the line, a soldier ran it. Tanks were experimental and crude at best and personal protection entrusting your life to the soldier next to you.

Surviving on rations and taking care of ones self was done through creativity and ingenuity that most of us today can’t even wrap our minds around. That is what this documentary does, helps us all wrap our minds around something that we’ve only read about in books. Now, that word has jumped from page to screen and given faces to it all.

THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD is a must-see on ever level and I would even go so far as to say it is filled with teachable moments. Copies of the film are already in schools in the UK. As Jackson states in the beginning, this is only a small piece of a large war and it is my hope that he continues with this work and brings more to audiences. I would be the first to watch a series of this work!

This is a telling, visually confronting and soul searching film and worth every moment in the theatre to see and experience.

In the end – this is the true experience of being a soldier.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Ticket Giveaway to THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD in San Diego

Want to see a free film? THEY SHALL NOT GROW OLD from Director Peter Jackson. An extraordinary look at the soldiers & events of the Great War, using film footage captured at the time, now presented as the world has never seen.Jackson puts forth an intensely gripping, immersive & authentic experience through the eyes and voices of the British soldiers who lived it. GO TO and look for GIVEAWAYS to get your ticket!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

THE HATE U GIVE Explores One Girls View of the World on Bluray

Jeri Jacquin

This week on Bluray from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment and director George Tillman, Jr. brings a story of duality when dealing with THE HATE U GIVE.

Living in Garden Heights, Starr Carter (Amandla Stenberg) lives with her father Maverick (Russell Hornsby), mother Lisa (Regina Hall) and brothers Seven (Lamar Johnson) and Sekani (TJ Wright). Maverick owns a local grocery story while Lisa is a nurse so that both incomes can send their children to a school outside the neighborhood at Williamson Prep.

Starr enjoys her friends Hailey (Sabrina Carpenter) and Maya (Megan Lawless) and is especially happy with boyfriend Chris (KJ Apa).  She admits it’s like living in two different worlds but manages with both. When friend Kenya (Dominique Fishback) convinces Starr to go to a local party, she runs into friend Khalil (Algee Smith). Their party time is brief when a fight breaks out and there is gunfire.

Getting her safely away, Khalil and Starr talk about their childhood memories when a police officer pulls them over. Starr tells Khalil to do what he is told and keep his hands where they officer can see them. Questioning the officer and not doing what is asked, Khalil finds himself at uncomfortable odds with the officer. Outside the car it all happens so quickly as Khalil is shot.

Starr’s parents try to protect their daughter when the police question her but it’s all stopped when her Uncle Carlos (Common). She sees him as an important person in her life when Maverick spent a little time in prison. Also threatening her is King Lords (Anthony Mackie), a drug dealer who wants her to keep her mouth shut about the incident.

Learning that the police officer is to go before a grand jury, it becomes clear that Starr might not be able to hide her anonymity. A few people in Garden Heights know it was she in the car with Khalil that night but Starr has to hide it from those she knows as Williamson Prep. The confrontations are coming from all sides for Starr as she realizes that she must either remain silent or let the truth be known.

When a protest breaks out, Starr must make a stand and hope they all hear!

Stenberg as Starr is a young girl who was raised in the way of surviving Garden Heights while also fitting into a school she is sent to for her own protection. Jumping in between both situations, Starr has become fluent in gliding between the two. That is until Khalil is killed and she is stuck between the worlds that she maneuvered with ease just hours before. Stenberg gives a performance that is believable and solid

Hornsby as Maverick is a man with a past but it isn’t the past one might think. After meeting his wife, Mav became a family man who believes in protecting his family by making them aware of what goes on in the world. When it all comes to their front porch, there is nothing he won’t do for his family – nothing. Hall as Lisa is equally protective of her family and thinks its time to leave Garden Heights, especially when Khalil is killed and her daughter is in danger.

Smith as Khalil has a small role but an important one as what happens to him is indicative of what is happening a lot in the United States. Johnson as Seven is a young man also torn between two families but doesn’t hesitate to support his sister Starr. Wright as Sekani is a young boy who is witness to it all and makes a move that shocks everyone.

Common as Uncle Carlos is a man who is seeing the world from the view of the police and even when he tries to explain it to Starr, it doesn’t come off well. Mackie as King Lords the local kingpin is a rough man who knows where he comes from but isn’t going to change where the money is.

Other cast include Issa Rae as April Ofrah, Tony Vaughn as Mr. Lewis, Rhonda Dents as Miss Rosalie, Marcia Wright as Tammy, Al Mitchell as Mr. Reuben, Javon Johnson as Pastor Eldridge, Kurt Yue as John, Andrene Ward-Hammond as Brenda.

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment brings award-winning global product and new entertainment to DVD, Bluray, and Digital HD. There amazing collection offers fans an opportunity to expand their own home libraries with the best films. To discover what other titles they have please visit

The Bluray and DVD Special Features include Extended Scenes, Starting a Conversation, The Talk, Code Switching, Starr: Shine Your Light, The Heart of Georgia, Thank U Georgia, Audio Commentary by George Tillman, Jr., Amandla Stenberg, Russell Hornsby, Angie Thomas and Craig Hayes and Gallery.

Also included is Movies Anywhere which allow movies with Digital Codes to be viewed with the Movies Anywhere app for download and streaming.

The film is based on the by Angie Thomas The Hate U Give which was turned into a screenplay by Audrey Wells. THE HATE U GIVE premiered in 2018 at the Toronto Film Festival and had wide release only a month later.

The film has received awards from the African-American Film Critics Association, the American Film Festival, the Hampton International Film Festival, Hollywood Film Awards, Indiana Film Journalists Association, Los Angeles Online Film Critics Society, Mill Valley Film Festival and Philadelphia Film Critics Circle Awards.

THE HATE U GIVE takes on the tough issues and the response from both sides whether good or bad. This film is a conversation starter and I wouldn’t hesitate to show it in classrooms everywhere as a teachable moment. Just as Maverick teaches his children early, we all must teach our children early but for reasons not based in fear but mutual respect.

In the end – two worlds and one voice!

PEPPA PIG: When I Grow Up Delights on DVD

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to DVD from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is the delightful young piglet along with family and friends with PEPPA PIG: When I Grow Up.

In class, Peppa Pig is hearing all about the choices her classmates are making as to what they want to be when they grow up. From being a policeman to a teacher, each also likes the choice of telling people what to do. Peppa is upset because she doesn’t know what she wants to be even if little brother George wants to be dinosaur.

Peppa and her family join the local flying vet to visit sick animals and doing it in an airplane! They soon get a call from their own home as baby ducks are stuck on their roof. The vet teaches Peppa to quack at the little babies to get them home to their parents on the pond.

Ms. Gazelle teaches her students to appreciate music by using their imaginations to describe what they hear. Peppa decides that the music reminds her of jumping up and down in a puddle and her friends don’t hesitate to join her while they create their own song.

Danny the dog is having a pirate themed birthday party and Peppa is thrilled. Taking the ship up stream they are all looking for the golden treasure. Grandpa Pig helps with the game and catches Grand-dad Dog taking the treasure!

Mommy Pig is going to the local firehouse to meet with other Mommy’s and Daddy Pig is off with his friends for a bit of football. Peppa and George go with Mommy Pig and get to see the new fire engine! Peppa is surprised when they get a real life fire call and it is at their home.

Tittles the Turtle is found up a tree while Pedro and Peppa rescue him but not before he gets a bumped nose. The doctor quickly shows up to fix his nose but can’t fix Pedro’s glasses. After fixing glasses, there is trouble with the dentists’ car that Doctor Dog can fix. It seems there is someone in the town for every situation.

The class is preparing for showing talent and Peppa is having difficulty picking just one to share with her friends. Pedro shows his magic, Emily Elephant plays the flute and Rebecca Bunny shares her silly noises and all of this worries Peppa.

Peppa, George and Mommy Pig prepare to take their first helicopter ride with Ms. Rabbit and they are having a blast, well maybe not so much for Mommy Pig. Daddy pig is having a fun time at the local carnival and when its time to get home, his car gets stuck in the mud and he has to call for help.

The police come to the school and teaches the students the do’s and don’ts of bicycle riding. Even teacher Ms. Gazelle learns a few lessons about properly being safe on a bicycle.

Daddy Pig got his days all mixed up thinking it is Saturday and Mommy has to work on her computer sending Peppa off to play group. At group, they decide to open a play store and help customers with what they need or think they need. When the family comes home they discover that when work is over there is plenty of time for play.

Peppa and the class learn what an ambulance does from Dr. Brown Bear and how it helps people in their community. But what happens when the doctor needs an ambulance himself? Ms. Gazelle and the entire class step in to make sure Dr. Brown Bear gets the help he needs.

The class is making their own music with rattles, all kinds of drums, maracas, cymbals, castanets, triangles and tambourines. Ms. Gazelle must teach them the difference between a bunch of wild noise and working together to make fantastic music. The best part is playing for their parents and surprised when the parents join in.

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment brings award-winning global product and new entertainment to DVD, Bluray, and Digital HD. There amazing collection offers fans an opportunity to expand their own home libraries with the best films. To discover what other titles they have please visit

The DVD includes the Peppasodes of When I Grow Up, The Flying Vet, Move to Music, Danny’s Pirate Party, The Fire Engine, Doctors, Talent Day, Miss Rabbit’s Helicopter, The Police, Work and Play, The Ambulance and Shake Rattle and Bang.

Peppa Pig and her family have made their way into my family and spend every day with us. My granddaughter loves the series and even has the toys to play knowing each characters name. That is how you know that a family program has made an impact, when a child embraces each character like family.

The series teaches such valuable lessons about life, friendship, family, loyalty, learning, respect and loads of fun! That is what drew me to the series from the beginning. The fact that Peppa and her brother George have the love of an extended family is very important for kids to see – and it doesn’t matter if they learn it from a cute little pig.

PEPPA PIG: When I Grow Up give children a chance to think about that very question without it becoming too serious. Instead they learn about the choices and ask the questions that could possibly plant the seed for their dreams to one day come true.

In the end – if there is a job puddle jumping then Peppa is your pig!

On 4K Ultra HD and Bluray is AIRCRAFT CARRIER: Guardian of the Seas

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD, Bluray and Digital from Shout Factory and Stephen Low is AIRCRAFT CARRIER: Guardian of the Seas.

Historically ships came to the forefront in the Mediterranean with the ram and sink technique of battle. The soldiers fought with swords and bows but that is what they had for the times. How times have changed!

Now, twenty six nations come together to show what their military has in their arsenal as 22,000 soldiers also come together to train in Operation RIMPAC. Leading the way in the Rim of the Pacific is the super carrier U.S.S. Ronald Reagan.

Captain Craig Clapperton commands this super carrier and every detail is considered to make this training a success. The ship is run on two radio active engines that spin turbines that can provide electricity to over 100,000 people. Four gigantic propeller shafts push the ship forward as speeds that are still classified.

Five thousand, two hundred and twelve military personnel make their mission a success because they work together. Leading it all is Admiral Lisa Franchetti who oversees the task of the training.

The carrier leads Japan, Canada, Norway, Singapore, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, and more are the International Fleet that will participate in the training. The aircrafts begin with their take off and landings which is astounding in itself. What joins them in this training are the submarines with the newest Virginia class and this particular vessel can stay under water indefinitely!

The aircraft have also gone through changes and they must with all that is asked from their in the way of take offs and landings. These aircraft as equip now with stunning technology to not only help with the defense of countries but also to make better military choices.

SHOUT! Factory has grown into a tremendous multi-platform media company. Releasing new animated features such as the exquisite Long Way North, and the epic fantasy Beauty And The Beast. Also their own original horror film, Fender Bender gives fans a good scare. For more of what SHOUT Factor has to offer please visit

Produced by K2 Communications and Giant Screen Films, written and directed by Stephen Low, IMAX Aircraft Carrier: Guardians of the Seas includes the film in stunning 4K HDR10.

The Bonus Features include Audience Testimonials, F-35 vs. Bugatti vs. Human Cannonball, Usain Bolt vs. Giraffe vs. Nuclear Carrier, F-35 Navy Selects Reel, Aircraft Carrier Trailer & TV Spots.

As a history buff I truly appreciate these stories of how battleships came to be, how aircraft have become very important for our military and the history of submarines and how they constantly are changing with advances that can tell friend from foe.

What is also amazing is that it is not just about training and battle but also humanitarian aid to those people around the world who desperately need it. With every natural disaster, the military waste no time in reaching the affected area and offering all they can and I find that absolutely stellar.

Once military personnel finish with their training there is one job they have left to do, to return to their loved ones. We all know how important our military is and no one will deny that, but it is so sweet when they come home and are reunited with family who are proud of all they do.

In the end – thank you for your service!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

GLASS is About to Shatter

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres this Friday from writer/director M. Knight Shyamalan and Universal Pictures comes the gripping gathering of fear with GLASS.

Here we are and it has been 19 years since David Dunn (Bruce Willis) discovered he had an unusual ability and has attempted to live a low profile life. Not laying so low after two years is Hedwig (James McAvoy) and the Horde who have struck again and again. Dunn wants to find him before he can destroy more lives.

Discovering where his newest victims are held, Dunn finds them and has a showdown with The Beast. That isn’t the highlight of their meeting, the sudden surrounding of police catches them both off guard. Taken down they are both escorted to the same facility as another famous patient.

Dr. Ellie Staple (Sarah Paulson) is a psychiatrist who deals with patients suffering from delusions of grandeur and that includes Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson). She isn’t pleased that he has been kept sedated like a zombie since his capture. Having all three, Dr. Staple has only a few days to treat, or convince, all three that they are not super heroes of any kind.

Dunn keeps his cool and doesn’t say much because it seems that the Horde is upset and confused about the confrontation and Mr. Glass is unresponsive. The goal of all three is to get out before Dr. Staple makes sure they are committed for good.

But there are secrets to be revealed coming from unexpected places and those who will do whatever it takes to make sure it is all exposed!

That’s all you are getting from me.

Willis as Dunn slides right back into a role he took on nineteen years ago and it feels like no time has passed. That’s what I have always loved about Willis, the roles he has chosen over his career and, although a few bumps here and there, it never has changed my enjoyment of his performances. Dunn was a broken man who found a connection in his life he didn’t know existed and that is how Willis embraced the character. Nineteen years later, his personality has barely changed but his abilities have sharpened.

Jackson as Mr. Glass (yes, I said Mr.) spends a lot of time comatose but that doesn’t stop his mind from churning. Still believing in who they all are, his twitchy eye isn’t happy with the insights spouted by Dr. Staple. Speaking of her, Paulson is the monologuer of the film and she does her best to convince the gang (because the Horde does constitute a gang) that it’s all in their minds.

Stealing the entire film is McAvoy as Kevin Wendell Crumb/ The Beast, Patricia, Dennis, Hedwig, Barry, Jade, Orwell, Heinrich, Norma and a host of others. There are moments where the camera doesn’t leave his face and characters flash seamlessly like the strobe lights in his room. Since the 2016 film SPLIT of which I’ve watched more times that I can even count, McAvoy slides right into the role of sheer madness and I’m in complete awe of his performance. Playing one or two roles is hard enough but man, oh man, does McAvoy ever show that being about twenty people including rock-hard cut Beast had me totally invested in the film.

Other cast include Luke Kirby as Pierce, Marisa Brown as Carol, Charlayne Woodard as Elijah’s Mother and Adam Thompson as Daryl. Look for Spencer Treat Clark as Joseph and Anya Taylor-Joy as Casey.

There is so much here that I’m not talking about because on the screen before the film started was a message from Director Shyamalan asking, “If you guys could please keep the secrets of the film so all audiences on opening day can have the experience you are going to have, it would mean the world to me and the cast and crew”. Well, he did ask nicely so I’m going to do exactly that.

I ain’t tellin’ you sh*t in the way of details and I’m okay with doing that actually. Living in this social media world I will let someone else spoil it for you but it certainly won’t be me. The story M. Knight Shyamalan started telling nineteen years ago works for me completely in 2019.

There were a few moments where my jaw dropped as I looked around the crowd to see if anyone else had the same reaction and was thrilled. It seemed the audience was right with me when the secrets started twisting, turning and spilling in all aspects of these three characters.

Well done Mr. Shyamalan! You chose the right actors to bring your story out nineteen years ago and two years ago only to reunite us with them – all of them and what a thrill ride it is!

In the end – the world of Superheroes will be shattered!


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray, DVD and Digital from directors Lasse Hallstrom, Joe Johnston and Walt Disney Home Entertainment comes the delight of THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS.

It is Christmas Eve in Victorian London but not cheerful for the Stahlbaum family. Mr. Stahlbaum (Matthew Macfadyen) tries to make the holidays memorable but the sadness at the death of his wife Marie still holds on. Daughter Clara (Mackenzie Foy) is not giving an inch of happiness where the holidays are concerned.

Receiving a beautiful egg-shaped box from her Mother, Clara is intrigued until she discovers that no one has the key to open it. There is a note attached telling the young girl that inside is everything she would ever need. Putting it away until later, the family leaves for the Christmas Eve ball where she is thrilled to spend time with Drosselmeyer (Morgan Freeman).

Clara shows him the egg which he instantly recognizes telling her that she will find a way to open it. Returning to the ball, the young girl’s father is upset that she isn’t keeping with their traditions, such as the father-daughter dance. Clara speaks horribly to him and knows she caused pain.

That is when Drosselmeyer tells the children to find the string with their name on it and at the end will be their presents! Clara finds her and at the end she is shocked to find herself in another place all together. Going through the strange snow forest she sees a key dangling from a tree but a small mouse sees it sooner, grabs it and runs!

Trying to follow Clara comes across Captain Hoffman the Nutcracker (Jayden Knight). Discovering who she is, he follows her into the dark Land of Amusements now called the Fourth Realm only to come close to the outcast Mother Ginger (Helen Mirren). Instead, the Captain takes Clara to the palace learning that her mother was a Queen. She is introduced to the Sugar Plum Fairy (Kiera Knightley), Shivers (Richard E. Grant) and Hawthorne (Eugenio Derbez).

They are thrilled to meet Clara and are equally sad to learn that their Queen has passed away. Embracing Clara they want her help in protecting the kingdom from Mother Ginger. They show her the story of the land through ballet explaining that Clara’s mother created this kingdom when she was a girl. The Sugar Plum Fairy also shows Clara the inventions that would help them but they need a key, the same key she has been looking for.

Helping the Sugar Plum Fairy, Clara learns that she is not as sweet as she would seem and that Mother Ginger isn’t the bad character after all. Now they must all come together to help the kingdom from the creations being made with Clara’s mother’s invention.

It is time to save her mother’s kingdom!

Foy as Clara has definitely made her way clear from being a very young half human-half vampire into an amazingly beautiful and talented young lady. As a young girl who can not seem to grasp losing her mother, her pain lashes out against those who truly love her. Discovering that her mother was a queen of a realm of her own creation, Foy takes Clara on a journey surrounded by beauty, danger and creativity. She is completely lovely in this role.

Knightley as the Sugar Plum Fairy proves the old adage that looks can be deceiving. Tricking an impressionable young girl is one thing, going on an anger tangent of power is totally another. Not sure I can ever look at this character again during the holidays and not be suspicious. It is definitely a different role for Knightley and well done.

Knight as Captain Hoffman the Nutcracker is a soldier dedicated to his post (even if it is in the middle of nowhere in snow). Once he meets Clara and realizes who she is, it takes no time at all before he is joining in on the adventure to save the kingdom. Knight is gentle and soulful in this role.

Mirren as Mother Ginger is not about to let anyone show her up – not even Clara. At least that is the way she seems at their first meeting. Mirren is everything I love her to be but then again she is one of my favorite actresses so it is a joy to watch her in this film. I have to say that I love the wild red hair!

Macfadyen as Stahlbaum is a grieving husband who is trying to be a good father to his children. Wanting to create a beautiful and memorable Christmas, he is met with the hurt of a young daughter. Macfadyen is perfect in this role as he continues his recent streak of role that stand out. Freeman as Dosselmeyer is in on the secret of the realm and misses Clara’s mother almost as much as she does. He has but one job and he does it exceptionally well.

Other cast include Misty Copeland as the Ballerina Princess, Anna Madeley as Marie Stahlbaum, Sergei Polunin as The Sweets Cavalier, Ellie Bamber as Louise Stahlbaum, Tom Sweet as Fritz Stahlbaum, Jack Whitehall as Harlequin and Charles Riley as The Mouse King.

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment began distributing under its own label in 1980 and continues to bring quality programming to kids and kids at heart. Home of the most beloved animated features including SNOW WHITE, PINOCCHIO and SLEEPING BEAUTY to name a few is what keeps families coming back for more. To see what is currently available to add to your own family library please visit. for their At Home titles!

The Bluray Bonus Extras Include On Pointe: Misty Copeland, Unwrapped THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS, Music Videos ‘Fall On Me’ by Andrea Bocelli featuring Matteo Bocelli and ‘The Nutcracker Suite’ by Lang Lang as well as Deleted Scenes.

The Digital Code is also included using Movies Anywhere – watch Anywhere with the Movies Anywhere App for Download and Streaming.

THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS is visually stunning in the story that it is telling. That is important because although many have seen the ballet version in some form, this is an amazing opportunity to see the combination of ballet and live action. Exploring the characters even further with vivid characters and graceful movement is a true treat.

This film in stunning Bluray is everything my family wants to add to our growing family traditions. There is everything from wonderful music, dancing, wild characters, fun, laughter, a little sadness, adventure and an ending that we can all embrace.

It is a story of love, hope, loyalty, goodness and working together to save something bigger than themselves – and isn’t that what we want not only from the holidays but all year long? I think so.

In the end – let the mystery unfold!

Monday, January 14, 2019

FIRST MAN Lands on Digital - Coming to 4K and Bluray

Jeri Jacquin

Currently on Digital and coming to 4K UHD, Bluray and DVD from director Damien Chazelle and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is outer spaces’ FIRST MAN.

It is 1961 and Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) is about to bounce off the atmosphere testing the X-15 rocket for NASA in the Mojave Desert. He is not as phased by that as he is the illness of his very young daughter Karen. Devastated, Armstrong turns to the Project Gemini and is accepted in the astronaut group.

Deke Slayton (Kyle Chandler) tells Armstrong and his fellow trainees Elliot See (Patrick Fugit) and Ed White (Jason Clarke) that the United States is behind in the space race. Their goal is to pull in front of the Soviet Union and Armstrong is all in. Wife Janet (Claire Foy) supports and prepares for the move to Houston.

Another tragedy hit Armstrong hard with the death of two friends while at the same time he is slated to command Gemini 8. After an aborted mission for Gemini and determined not at fault, Armstrong is selected along with Gus Grissom (Shea Whigham) and Roger Chaffee (Cory Michael Smith) for the Apollo 1 mission.

Once again tragedy strikes again and again as Armstrong is pushed back down the line. Finally, he is told that Apollo 11 will likely be the first lunar landing and Neil begins to withdraw form his family more and more. Janet has had her fill and tells him that it is his responsibility now to explain to their children what he is doing and why.

The mission isn’t without its rough patches but Neil Armstrong steps on the moon, has a moment of reflect and returns home to his family. Their, President Kennedy reminds us all that ‘we choose to go to the moon’!

Gosling as Armstrong gives a stoic performance of a man who spends years mired in tragedy. It seems he doesn’t see his own close calls with the same amount of deepness than he does with the loss of family and friends. There is so much hiding in this character that it was like waiting for Gosling to just burst out of his skin at any moment. Yet, he doesn’t but instead occasionally lets the steam out of the kettle and keeps everyone at bay.

Foy as Janet is a woman who clearly supports her husband but, at times, can not seem to get past the wall that Armstrong continues to build with every event in their lives. A strong performance that speaks out when she needs to and waits patiently when she must.

Chandler as Slayton sees what has happened to Armstrong yet embraces what he can do for NASA strongly. Chandler is an actor that can take any role and make it his own and in this film he once again proves his steadiness.

Other cast includes: Corey Stoll as Buzz Aldrin, Pablo Schreiber as Jim Lovell, Christopher Abbott as David Scott, Lukas Haas as Michael Collins, Brian d’Arcy as James Walker, Steve Coulter as Gunter Wendt, Ben Owen as John Hodge, Ethan Embry as Pete Conrad, John David Whalen as John Glenn and Ciaran Hinds as Robert Gilruth.

Universal Studios Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us all to experience and re-experience in our own home theatres. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

The Bluray includes Deleted Scenes, Shooting for the Moon – Take an intimate look at the production of FIRST MAN and the collaborative relationship between Director Damien Chazelle and Ryan Gosling, Preparing to Launch – It’s difficult to believe that FIRST MAN is the first major feature film to tell the story of this Apollo 11, and Giant Leap in One Small Step – A heroic character study, FIRST MAN sheds light on all the hard working individuals that got us to the moon and back.

Also, Mission Gone Wrong – Watch as Ryan Gosling reenacts a test piloting sequence gone horribly wrong and see how he trained to nail the landing, Putting You In the Seat – Filmed in IMAX to show the vastness of the moon, find out all that it took to recreate the most famous moment in NASA history, Shooting at NASA – Hear from Ryan Gosling and Director Chazelle on how shooting at NASA brought unparalleled authenticity to FIRST MAN, Astronaut Training – Go behind the scenes of the three day boot camp each of the actors underwent prior to filming FIRST MAN and finally Feature Commentary with Director Damien Chazelle, Screenwriter Josh Singer and Editor Tom Cross.

 MOVIES ANYWHERE is the digital app that simplifies and enhances the digital movie collection and viewing experience by allowing consumers to access their favorite digital movies in one place when purchased or redeemed through participating digital retailers. For more information please visit

FIRST MAN is filled with a cast that may seem like small roles but in this film, no role is small in telling such a big story. Although the film deals mainly with Neil Armstrong, it doesn’t forget those who also made the journey through the space program and their contributions to the space race.

The film also acknowledges how difficult the struggle was and the personal sacrifices that were made that allowed Armstrong to put his foot on the moon. That is important when telling the story of our space history and I appreciated it.

In the end – it was a pivotal moment in the history of mankind!


Jeri Jacquin

Our favorite spy, well my favorite spy, is returning to Bluray and DVD from director David Kerr and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment with JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN.

British Intelligence is in the middle of a hack and all of their agents have been exposed through a cyber attack. The Prime Minister (Emma Thompson) has no choice but to call in retired MI7 agents and among them is the one and only Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson).

English has been keeping himself busy as a geography teacher but actually teaching his students a little bit about being an agent. Happy to be back, he requests his old partner Angus Bough (Ben Miller) and a car that is a little less 007 and a lot more Agent English.

They take off to France to find out how the cyber attack started. While staking out the yacht ‘Dot Calm’, English comes into contact with the lovely Ophelia (Olga Kurylenko) as they both see suspicious server activity but have to escape being caught.

Back at MI7, the Prime Minister decides it’s time to get a hold of Jason Volta (Jake Lacy) for help. Jason is a Silicon Valley billionaire who has his hands in all kind of tech world wide. As more cyber attacks happen, the PM needs to make an agreement at the G12 meeting.

Back with English, he is totally taken with Ophelia and doesn’t know she’s been sent by Russia to take out English but instead, she starts to like him. Working together they discover what Volta is really up to and try to reach the PM to tell her all about it. Not getting any help from MI7, English and Bough have a little help from wife Captain Lydia (Vicki Pepperdine) who gets the boys to the meeting.

But it isn’t that simple because nothing with English ever is. One phone call to close to the sub wreaks havoc but only this agent knows how to throw a tablet and change the course of destruction.

Seriously, the kids need him back at school!

Atkinson as Johnny English is quirky suave, dedicated to his belief in something even though it’s wrong and the luckiest retired agent to ever turn something wrong into something right. I have been a huge fan of this actor/comedian since I can remember. I suppose we could go way back to Lord Blackadder and Mr. Bean days. As a matter of fact, my son (now well into his 30’s) and I use to absolutely lose it watching Mr. Bean together. We are twisted like that. Here we all these years later and still get together to get our fix of Atkinson and his brand of comedy.

Kurylenko as Ophelia is certainly getting her share of spy’s as this isn’t the first time she’s been sexy chasing a guy in a tux with a gun and spiffy car. Here she takes a hand a comedy and is pulled in to Johnny English just like the rest of us. Thompson as the Prime Minister is hilarious because I actually think her portrayal would make that position in Parliament more believable.

Miller as Bough is the perfect sidekick to Atkinson’s English because he’s a little more concerned with safety than looking good in a tux. Oh lets just say it, he’s too sweet to be put in such crazy situations yet, he manages well. This time he has a little help from Pepperdine as wife Lydia who thinks he’s just as adorable as I do.

Lacy as Volta attempts to portray himself as the good guy but English, Bough and Ophelia know differently. Never let your billions get in the way of psycho I always say and Lacy gives us plenty of well groomed world domination psycho-ness.

Other cast include Adam James as Pegasus, Pippa Bennett-Warner as Lesley, Miranda Hennessy as Tara, Irena Tyshyna as Viola, David Mumeni as Fabian, Samantha Russell of Prime Minister of Sweden, Pauline McLynn as Mrs. Trattner, and Matthew Beard as P.

Universal Studios Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us all to experience and re-experience in our own home theatres. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

The Bonus Features Exclusive to Bluray, DVD and Digital include: The Comedy Genius of Rowan Atkinson – A look at Rowan’s comedic talents – the meticulous attention to detail that is the hallmark of his work. Johnny English combines the best of Rowan – a skillful use of dialogue and slapstick, and The Johnny English Legacy - What has changed in the series this time around, for Johnny, and for the world? In this piece, we learn form the cast and filmmakers how the character has evolved and what’s changed without changing the core of the incompetent agent we have come to know and love.

Also, Virtual Reality JOHNNY ENGLISH STYLE – Virtual reality might be everywhere, but no one does it quite like our intrepid agent English, The Gadgets – Rowan leads us through his notable collection of gadgets as the team provides insights into their creation, The Cars – Rowan is a well-known auto enthusiast, and had a big say in the choice of cars used in the film, Locations and Design, a Cast of Characters – With a lead like Rowan Atkinson, the supporting cast has to be just as strong and finally, Feature Commentary with Director David Kerr.

JOHNNY ENGLISH STRIKES AGAIN gives us everything we love about spy comedies but Atkinson style! He is Johnny English through and through and with a pretty cool cast to support the madness there is no way laughing isn’t part of the plan. This is fun and funny and I personally wouldn’t have it any other way.

In the end – only the best will do ---- and no one else is available!