Wednesday, December 29, 2021



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray and DVD from director Ryoo Seung-wan and Well Go USA Entertainment is the drama thriller based on true events with ESCAPE FROM MOGADISHU.

It is 1991 in Mogadishu as diplomats from both South and North Korea attempt to find their place and make deals with dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. Tensions are high and each move by all embassy's is carefully coordinated.

In the South Korean Embassy, Han Sin-seong (Kim Yoon-seok) is in charge of the embassy along with wife Kim (Kim So-jin) and their children. His staff with Intelligence Officer Kang (Jo In-sung), secretary Gong (Jung Man-sik), translator Park (Park Kyung-hye and Jo Soo-jin (Kim Jae-hwa) keep their government informed of what is happening.

At the North Korean Embassy, Ambassador Rim Yong-su (Heo Joon-ho) has his family along with Intelligence Officer (Tae (Koo Kyo-hwan). The two Ambassadors are trying to keep their connections for doing business in Somalia and are competing with one another. That is until there is an uprising in the streets, and it becomes larger and larger with gunfighting in the street.

Ambassador Han and Kang immediately realize they must get the families and staff out of Mogadishu and learn that the flights have been cancelled. Returning to the embassy, communications and the electricity go out and the only thing they can do is stay indoors with some help from a few soldiers from Barre's military.

At the North Korean embassy, Ambassador Rim is also attempting to take care of the families and staff. As the streets become overrun with fighters and military, there are those who are looking to ransack the embassies. When Rim's office is attacked, they are warned to get out and they gather up to go through the streets.

Being chased and trying to stay alive, the North Koreans find themselves in front of the South Korean embassy. As the gunfighting is less than five feet away, the soldiers manage to push it at bay as Ambassador Han agrees to let them in. Immediately there are tensions and misunderstandings, but one thing is clear, they need to find a way to survive.

There is no time to be enemies when there are new enemies at the gate!

Yoon-seok as Ambassador Han just wants to do his job and do it well. Looking to make a working arrangement with Barre's government, he feels defeated by the North Koreans at every turn. Once events turn badly, Yoon-seok gives his character suspicion that leads to an understanding he never thought was possible, well done.

Joon-ho as Ambassador Rim is a very straight forward man who knows that he is up against Ambassador Han and will also do anything to get a step ahead. When the fighting in the street starts, he has to make difficult decisions but as with Ambassador Han, it is the mistrust that hinders until the truth becomes clear.

In-sung as Kang lets Han know that helping the North Koreans is the right thing to do and even tries, however misguided, to help. This character has heart and will do anything to get everyone and I mean everyone out alive. Kyo-hwan as Tae is a little different, more angry and more determined to believe that the South Koreans are up to something that will harm them.

Well Go USA Entertainment is a theatrical and home entertainment company specializing in bringing the best Action, Genre and Independent films from around the world to North American markets. As a leader in independent film distribution, Well Go USA Entertainment’s titles can be seen across a variety of platforms including theatrical, digital, subscription and cable VOD, packaged media and broadcast television. Well Go USA Entertainment currently releases three to five films per month. To see more please visit

Bonus Features include Production Documentaries, Making of ESCAPE FROM MOGADISHU and Trailers.

Doris Pfardrescher of Well Go USA Entertainment says of ESCAPE FROM MOGADISHU that it "is both a gripping and important watch, made even more so by the production team's careful study of surviving embassy records and historical accounts in order to create the most realistic possible depiction of the circumstances. The film portrays this almost unfathomable event that throws the horrors of war into sharp relief."

ESCAPE FROM MOGADISHU won Best Film, Best Supporting Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography Award, Best Music Award and Star of the Year Award at the 20th Buil Film Awards.

The film begins at a pace that lets us get to know each of the characters and then rips into high gear once the coup begins between the rioters and the government. That is when the true heart of these characters begins to show themselves. Knowing from the onset that there was a divide between these two countries (as well as knowing it still exists), there are moments where the story causes intensity that they might be their own worst enemy.

Instead, the film gives us the opportunity to see that through talking (as much as they can while trying to get from A to B without death), these two groups of people are just that - people. One of the two countries forces decisions on the group and the other country puts pressure on being successful. When they are left on their own, they become - just people.

People who get to know one another on a level that most of us will never know in our lifetime. Sharing more than food with one another, they share bits of their own story that make the other even more aware that when you strip down all the garbage, they each love their family's and just want to go home.

Coming in at 121 minutes, prepare for intensity, action, and ingenuity that makes the film time go so quickly to and ending that will break hearts as well as bring on conversation.

In the end - they must run to live!

Monday, December 27, 2021

THE ACCIDENTAL WOLF Brings Mystery to Season 2


Jeri Jacquin

Currently streaming on Tropic with Season 1 in time to catch up before Season 2 from writer/director Arian Moayed is the mysterious tale of one phone call and the trail into a different world with THE ACCIDENTAL WOLF.

Katie Bonner (Kelli O’Hara) is married to successful husband Bradley (Mike Doyle) with his influential father. She is used to that considering she has issues with her own mother (Judith Ivey). Raising a beautiful baby girl, Katie keeps her days as busy as she can. That is until one night she receives a telephone call that is about to change her life.

Almost immediately Katie can hear the sound of people running, bombs exploding and people screaming. The name she hears over and over is Tala, as the man on the phone does not understand that he has reached the wrong person. Katie tries to make them understand but learns that Tala is pregnant.

Thinking she had lost them on the cell phone, Katie all of a sudden hears a distinctive American voice ask a question. She hangs up quickly only to have the call returned. Telling her husband not to answer the phone is not enough. Soon after there is banging on the door and now, she is in front of someone from the government asking her questions about what she could possibly know.

Katie contends over and over that she does not know anything and that the call was not for her. When those questioning her feel she is not a threat, Katie can not get the call out of her head. Making notes from what she remembers, her family is not happy that she will not let the issue go.

So unhappy about it all that both sides of the family begin to try and quell Katie into submission. Now she must be mover clever than those around her – play the game to keep her child and play the game to get answers as to ‘who is Tala?’ and ‘where is she?’. Katie finds Ram (Laurie Metcalf) who leads her to Buja (Sahr Ngaujah) but with every step there are drones following her.

Constantly being confronted by her family, Katie is finding something within her that she did not know was there – a desire to break away from the constraints put on by Bradley and his father. Also, the determination to find the woman who has haunted her since that very first phone call!

O’Hara as Katie opens the season with an all-to-familiar look at motherhood. Trying to be everything for everyone, she is beginning to show the signs of strain. That phone call changed everything she thought about herself and those around her. She is living dangerously and at the same time driven to find someone she knows nothing about. O’Hara gives us a round of emotions in season one that are intense and frustrating, get ready for season two because Katie got her groove back.

Ngaujah as Buja is making sure that Katie knows that one more step further into finding Tala means she is stepping into a world that could get her killed. Katie continues to call and follow Buja until he tells her things that are even scarier. Ngaujah is strong but man there are moments where crazy eye comes into play. Giving his character what is necessary to protect his people, I can not wait to see where Ngaujah takes this role.

Metcalf as Ram is just out and out frightening, and I loved every moment of it. She is gritty, harsh, and gives this character a cloak and dagger feel. I have to say that Ram is a character that will not hesitate to bring death close if you pushed her.

Doyle as husband Bradley is pretty much what you would expect for a successful, rich narcissistic child of a successful, rich narcissistic father. He wants things done his way and expects Katie to do it without question. Doyle makes sure we do not like him from the moment he is on screen giving character Bradly the look and feel of someone Katie needs to get far away from – but there is a price.

Ivey as Katie’s mother is opinionated and sometimes takes it all too far. She makes Katie’s life a tad miserable with the way she thinks things ought to be done. Siding with Bradley and not understanding Katie’s need to find Tala causes friction between mother and daughter.

The cast includes Mike Doyle, Ben McKenzie, Amy Landecker, Raul Castillo, Erin Wilhelmi, Sahr Ngaujah, Denis O’Hare, Judith Ivey and Laurie Metcalf.

Season One includes the episodes Who Is This?, You Deserve It, What Is It That You Want?, and 50/50. Season Two begins with The Temptress and Father Figure.

Topic is the boundary-pushing streaming service for thrillers, mysteries, dramas and documentaries from around the world, serving viewers who crave entertainment beyond the mainstream. Whether it’s a Nordic-noir crime thriller (The Killing), a back-stabbing, an Italian political drama (The Miracle), or a mind-blowing supernatural mystery from Russia (Dead Mountain), Topic expands your view of the world. For more of what Topic has to offer please visit

THE ACCIDENTAL WOLF is an intense drama filled with intrigue, questions and more intrigue. Coming in at 25 minutes per episode, it is frustrating in a good way and makes binging totally amazing. O’Hara gives us a character we want to shout at, then we want her to keep going only to shout at the television again!

The story is not clogged up with special effects or drawn out with distractions. Instead, the story keeps us moving forward and trying to put a puzzle together given only a tiny piece at a time. Of course those of us who have seen season one are speculating constantly about how everything could possibly be connect – and it is fun!

Season Two of THE ACCIDENTAL WOLF will be on Topic December 30th, giving everyone time to catch up with the rest of us as Season One is available also.

In the end – who is Tala?

Friday, December 24, 2021

He Wonders About the LAST WORDS


Jeri Jacquin

Currently showing from writer/director Jonathan Nossiter and Bleecker Street is the story of the future and what it means to have the LAST WORDS.

It is 2085 and the world has been destroyed! Kal (Kalipha Touray) is struggling to find food and water for his sister. Every move they make can bring them closer to either dying from malnutrition or at the hands of other people who are also trying to survive. After an attack from survivors, Kal is on the road to find something better.

Trying to find a place to rest, Kal comes across mysterious and frightening noises that send him running. Deciding he wants to confront his fears, he discovers a man named Shakespeare (Nick Nolte) who wants nothing to do with the interloper – at least at that moment. Yet there is something intriguing about Kal and Shakespeare decides to show him what caused the fright.

In the deepest part of the building, Shakespeare shows him the films he has managed to same from the destructive world around them. Kal can not believe what his eyes are seeing and hearing. He wants more and more and soon becomes a quiet roommate who only talks with Shakespeare when the elder gentleman wants to.

But Shakespeare decides it is time for Kal to go but when Kal pushes back, the two end up on the road to Athens to see if there are any others in the world. Once they get there, they are shocked to discover Zyberski (Stellan Skarsgard), Batlk (Charlotte Rampling), Dima (Alba Rohrwacher) and so many more. They have food, water and a view of the ocean that, in post-apocalyptic time might have been awesome.

Bringing the films and parts to build a camera, Kal begins to document living with this group of people with their smiles, stories, and good times in the midst of craziness. That is all about to change and Kal knows that he is the one responsible for documenting everything to, as Shakespeare said, leave behind something wonderful.

Touray as Kal is stunning, beautiful, with soulful eyes that tell the story from the characters heart and point of view. Trying to survive has one meaning in the beginning but by finding others, surviving becomes something more amazing. His world becomes so much bigger and more colorful with emotions that he takes into the core of his being. That’s what Touray does for this character, and it is mesmerizing.

Nolte as Shakespeare comes from the world prior to it collapsing into dust. He has the memories of a childhood filled with the things we take for granted and the wonderment of singing, dancing and the storytelling that lives in the film cannisters. Nolte has moments of sheer delight sharing time with Kal, and there are moments where the world he created for himself does not have room for anyone else. I just loved watching his character evolve.

Skarsgard as Zyberski is the doctor for all the people that have come together to live in Athens. He takes in Kal and Shakespeare without any question or any conditions. He makes it clear that they all share together, all live together, and he feels a sense of responsibility for all those in his care. Skarsgard is always the stable center of stories he is involved in and in LAST WORDS he does the same, but his character is also unexpected.

Rampling as Batlk is a woman who has made her peace with how they are surviving with a little surprise of her own. I am always thrilled to see Rampling on the screen. Rohrwacher as Dima begins to share feelings with Touray and it is so sweet to watch their characters share in the simple things like the stars. Both of these women bring a sweetness to the rough edges of a futuristic scary world.

Other cast includes Silvia Calderoni, Nicolas Sacrez, Giulio Esposito, Ivan Marzano, Roberta Mattei, Cosimo Desii, Andreina Liotti, Jun Ichikawa, Fiorenzo Madonna, Vincenzo Del Prete, Giovanni Trono, Maryam d’Abo and Osemwenoghogho Wilfred.    

Bleecker Street is a New York City film company that has brought outstanding films to the public. Their library includes TRUMBO, DENIAL, THE LOST CITY OF Z, BEIRUT, HOTEL MUMBAI, ORDINARY LOVE and THE ROADS NOT TAKEN. For more information on the titles from Bleeker Street please visit

LAST WORDS is a beautiful look at relationships when they are stripped of everything but humanity. There are those in the world who have turned to very frightening ways to survive, but when Kal and Shakespeare find one another, it becomes clear that being alone is not always the answer.

I loved every scene that Nolte and Touray have together as they get to know one another and Shakespeare lights up when given the opportunity to teach Kal everything he knows about film. Kal also is a teacher in helping to release Shakespeare’s need to feel that being alone is the only way avoid pain.

Mix in Skarsgard and Rampling and you have such a wonderful cast telling a story that has lived life their way and on their terms.

In the end – he is about to experience life in the midst of destruction!

Thursday, December 23, 2021



Jeri Jacquin

Currently on HBO Max and in theatres from director Lana Wachowski and Warner Bros. Pictures is the revival and reveals with THE MATRIX RESSURECTIONS.

Thomas Anderson (Keanu Reeves) is living in San Francisco working on making video games with partner Smith (Jonathan Groff). Feeling like there is something out of sync with him, Anderson sees an Analyst (Neil Patrick Harris) to keep things on an even keel while taking medication.

What he does not know is that Bugs (Jessica Henwick) is the captain of the Mnemosyne and feels it is on her to find The One – find Neo. Unexpectedly, she finds a changed Morpheus (Yahya Abdul-Mateen) and is surprised to learn what he has been doing. Along with her crew Shepherd (Max Riemelt), Berg (Brian J. Smith), Lexy (Erendira Ibarra), and Freya (Telma Hopkins), the find Neo.

Anderson has a difficult time accepting everything, especially when Bugs and Morpheus show up with a red pill and blue pill. Anderson remembers Neo but especially remembers his love Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss). Seeing her in a coffee shop, he is upset to learn that the woman’s name is Tiffany, and she is married with children.

Neo decides it is time to follow what has been plaguing him and discovers the deception that has been happening in his life for over sixty years. Seeing Niobe (Jada Pinkett Smith), it all begins to come together as it is time to discover the changes in the Matrix. A woman named Sati (Priyanka Chopra Jonas) has a plan and what it means for Neo, Trinity and all those living in reality.

Reeves as Anderson/Neo is just so damn cool its ridiculous. Returning to his life as Thomas Anderson, he becomes wealthy by creating a video game based on the Matrix. People eat it up but now, Warner Bros. wants more! Not sure he wants to have anything to do with more, Anderson becomes unsure of what is happening to him. Reeves gives us that uncertainty and feeling that there is something else out there. He is and will also be associated with Neo and I am pretty darn okay with that.

Moss as Tiffany/Trinity has the same itch that Anderson/Neo does about something just not being right with their world. The conversation between the two in the coffee shop is just so amazing as it feels like no time has passed between these two characters and their acting to one another. Trinity was already a bad-ass, but now she gets to step up her game.

Henwick as Bugs starts looking for Neo even though she has no permission to do so. Of course, Neo is a legend but that is not why she is trying to find him. Something is wrong and she wants to make sure they find him before he becomes just a memory. Henwick gives her character a strength and tenacity to bring Neo back to ‘us’.

Abdul-Mateen as Morpheus has some of the original Fishburne characteristics but as a changed and younger version, he handles this role with care. It has to be difficult to follow in someone elses’ role but Abdul-Matten slides right in and still gives us Morpheus but with an upgrade as it were. Jonas as Sati gives us another look down matrix-memory lane and has a reason for wanting to help Neo find answers and well as Trinity. She handles this role with grace.

Smith as Niobe brought her game and I still do not like this character and for all the same reasons. That’s not a bad that, it just shows that Smith could slide back into a role and not skip a beat. Older and still a non-believer, everyone just goes around her orders to do what needs doing until she realizes it better to go along to get along. Groff as Smith is a happy ex-agent who is living in the matrix and enjoying getting to do whatever he wants for who ever he wants. I sort of enjoy that!

Harris as The Analyst wants Anderson to focus on trying to forget about the memories he has and what brought him to therapy in the first place. The problem is that the medications are not working and there is a reason for that. You have to discover that for yourself. I truly enjoyed Harris’ performance and he made it look like so much fun.

Other cast include Christina Ricci as Gwyn de Vere, Toby Onwumere as Sequoia, Michael X. Sommers as Skroce, L. Trey Wilson as Hanno, Chad Stahelski as Chad and Lambert Wilson as The Merovingian and appearances by Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus, Hugo Weaving as Smith, and Tanveer K. Atwal as Sati.

Warner Brothers is home to one of the most successful collections of brands in the world and stands at the forefront of every aspect of the entertainment industry from feature film, television and home entertainments with worldwide distribution to DVD and Bluray, animation, comic books, videogames and broadcasting. For more please visit

THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONS gives us a bit of the past with Neo and the present with a possibility of the future of franchise. Just seeing the journey Anderson must go through to believe he is Neo (not so much The One as just Neo) is also a chance for Reeves to expand on his character. When we are introduced to his character in 1999 but it slams into the Matrix pretty quick without us knowing a lot about Thomas Anderson. It is interesting to see him in the un-real world.

It is also cool that they chose to expand Trinity’s storyline as it becomes a huge reason for Anderson to reconnect with Neo. The always were better together than they were apart, so it makes sense. That being said, the twists and turns and unexpected character returns had me pointing and kind of smiling because getting rid of everyone would have really irked me.

In the end – it has been another life beyond The One!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

RESIDENT EVIL: Infinite Darkness


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray from director Eiichiro Hasumi and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment comes the four episodes with RESIDENT EVIL: Infinite Darkness.

It is the year 2000 and one of the helicopters from the United States is taken down in Penamstan. The crew is in danger, but the Mad Dogs are sent in to safe them. Years later, it is discovered that those rescued were exposed to a bioweapon and with that the White House is hacked, and employees have become exposed.

Believing that the attack has come from China, a group are sent on a covert mission. Leon (Nick Apostolides), Shen May (Jona Xiao), and Jason (Ray Chase) are sent to set things right but not before Leon learns it was Claire (Stephanie Panisello) who learned of the bioweapon.

As the group heads to China, Claire decides to research what happened to the original Mad Dogs. But everything turns dangerous for all of them when the submarine is attacked, and the group discovers interference in the midst. Claire digs and finds more of a history than she ever imagined. Now Leon learns that Jason and Shen May have their own agenda.

Claire is looking for the Mad Dogs and learns about Penamstan. Leon discovers where Shen May has gone and there is a history with her family that he did not know about. Trying to expose Wilson (Doug Stone) and the part he played in the bioweapon and Mad Dogs will prove deadly. Leon also does not know that Claire has been kidnapped because of what she is doing.

President Graham (Joe J. Thomas) is working on peace talks with Penamstan but does not know that Wilson is building a super army. Leon and Shen May take on Wilson and Jason has his own way of dealing with what is happening.

Other vocal cast include Billy Kametz as Patrick and Brad Venable as Ryan.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

Bonus Materials include The 30-Minute Special Feature: The Making of RESIDENT EVIL: Infinite Darkness.

RESIDENT EVIL: Infinite Darkness is an amazing look into this world created by Shogo Mutoh and Elichiro Hasumi. What I truly enjoyed was the way the story unfolded and forgetting that this is a CGI series which is when it is the most fun.

The first series in Resident Evil history has finally come to Bluray in time for us all to enjoy the amazing creativity and storytelling. Although I may be a fan of Christmas films from time to time, what I really enjoy is binging on something so out of ‘tradition’ that it will secretly become a new holiday un-tradition.

There are secrets, lies, mystery and a band trying to stop the earth from falling into the wrong hands. Looking for answers, not knowing who to trust and betrayal all comes calling in this film so be careful who you trust!

The vocal talent lends itself to the action and adventure that only Resident Evil can give. It is time to remember why we all love the series to much so prepare for it all with RESIDENT EVIL: Infinite Darkness.

In the end – there is a threat to the nation that must be stopped!


Monday, December 20, 2021

Family Fun is Here with SING 2


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres for the holiday week from writer/director Garth Jennings, Illumination and Universal Pictures is the joy of song with SING 2.

Buster Moon (Matthew McConaughey) is making a hit out of the rebuilt theatre and has invited talent scout Suki (Chelsea Peretti) to come and see what his troupe could do. After being told that they could not make it in the entertainment capital of Redshore City, it is Nana Noodleman (Jennifer Saunders) who tells him to go for it or go home.

Moon decides that he needs to gather the team to see mogul Jimmy Crystal (Bobby Cannavale). Rosita (Reese Witherspoon), Johnny (Taron Egerton), Ash (Scarlett Johansson), Gunter (Nick Kroll), Meena (Tori Kelly) jump on a bus and follow their musical leader all the way to Redshore City. Sneaking in to see Crystal, they wow him, and the group has three weeks to get the show going.

There is one hitch, the star of the show, Rosita, is replaces by Crystal’s daughter Porsha (Halsey). Moon also promises them that the legendary and reclusive Clay Calloway (Bono) will take to the stage. Now, with the help of Gunter, everyone has to work on the space adventure on stage. Johnny is dancing but gets serious lessons from street wise Nooshy (Letitia Wright), Meena is being romantic for the first time in her life, Rosita is a little different and Ash is determined to get Calloway!

It is Crystal who misunderstands an incident with Porsha that sets in motion chaos but that will not stop the gang from banding together and show off what they are truly made of – together.

McConaughey is back as the theatre owner who dreams larger than life. Wanting more for himself and the group, he reaches for the stars and although he hits bumps along the way, with the back of friends – they will all find their way into space! Cannavale as Crystal is a wolf of a man who finds humor in scaring everyone. Giving Moon a chance to create a show that will make him more money than he needs, it also comes with scary strings attached.

Witherspoon as Rosita is back to find herself challenged but still surrounded by loving friends and an always expanding family who love her so much. Kelly as Meena is back on the stage but this time has to come face to face with a romantic role that gives her pause and a bit of fear. Kroll as Gunter has his chance to shine in this film coming up with a stage theme that shoots off like a rocket.

Egerton as Johnny gets the chance to do something he really has not done before – dance with his musical number. Wright as Nooshy gets the chance to show Johnny that it is the music that will make his feet move in amazing ways. Peretti as Suki does not think Moon and the gang can make the impossible possible, that is her first mistake.

Johansson as Ash never forgets who she is and what she is capable of. Once she decides to make sure Calloway shows up, she is in it until the end. Bono as Calloway is, dare I say, awesome getting his paws wet in the animation world. Halsey as Porsha is a spoiled little girl who has a fit that had the potential to ruin everything, until she gets a wake-up call.

Shout out to Saunders as Nana Noodleman – she is the heart and soul of the group whether they know it or not. Tough but supportive and elegant as all get out. I just love this character.

Other cast include Adam Buxton as Klaus Kickenklober, Nick Offerman as Norman, Eric Andre as Darius, Julia Davis as Linda Le Bon, Spike Jonze as Jerry, Peter Serafinowicz as Big Daddy, Pharrell Williams as Alfonso and Garth Jennings as Mrs. Crawley.

SING 2 is exactly what you would expect from Illumination; colorful, musical, lively, adventuresome, friendship, loyalty, creative and most of all absolute fun to watch. The characters have a chance to work through things in a productive way that is a lesson to the younger (and young at heart) kids watching.

We all embraced the gang in the first film SING released in 2016 and watched their antics and loved the music. Here it is five years later, and nothing has changed (in a good way) and it feels wonderful to catch up with old friends.

The holiday season is a time to get together and celebrate everything that is good so gather up the family, extended family and friends to have a wonderful time. Prepare to find yourself singing, toe tapping and enjoying every moment of SING 2.

In the end – where will your dreams take you?


Saturday, December 18, 2021

RON’S GONE WRONG is a Delight


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD, Bluray, DVD and Digital from directors Sarah Smith, Jean-Philippe Vine and Octavio E. Rodriguez along with 20th Century Home Entertainment comes the technological friendship even when RON’S GONE WRONG.

Barney (Jack Dylan Grazer) is a young man who is finding middle school a big challenging. All the friends he had in elementary school seem to have gone on with their lives because of technology. Each of them has technology friends called B-Bots who get to know everything about their young users and allow them a wider scope of social media. Created by CEO Marc Weidell (Justice Smith), there is an algorithm in every B-Bot to make them buddies with humans.

Everyone has one, except for Barney who hopes he will get one for his birthday. Dad Graham (Ed Helms) who sells novelties online and Grandma Donka (Olivia Colman) try to give Barney a party hoping he will invite his school friends. When they realize that is not going to happen and what Barney really wanted for his day – Dad and grandma kick into gear – well, sort of.

Speeding across town to the Bubble store where the B-Bots are sold, it is a little side deal that has Barney waking up to a new friend. Thinking this is the best thing ever, it takes only a bit of time before its clear that something is wrong with this particular B-Bot. Taking him back and knowing what will happen, Barney decides he will teach everything his B-Bot, now named Ron (Zak Galifianakis) will need to know.

An amazing friendship begins between Barney and Ron, but it does not stop childhood friend Rich (Ricardo Hurtado) gets into it with Ron. Now a social media fire storm. CEO Marc wonders what is happening and while he is not looking, maniacal Andrew (Rob Delaney) tries to take his company and goes looking for Ron and Barney. Trying to get away, Barney runs into Savannah (Kylie Cantrall) making her promise not to tell that he is running with his B-Bot friend.

The chase is on, and old friends decide its time to reacquaint themselves with Barney and the very interesting and very loveable Ron. Coming together, Barney, Ron, Savannah, Marc, Rich, Dad, Grandma and Ava (Ava Morse) take on the Bubble to find Ron. There comes a moment when Barney must make a decision about what friendship really means to him.

Grazer who voices Barney is delightful and gives so much understanding to situations that he knows can not be easily fixed. He misses his friends, mother and a father who is trying to do what is best for his family. Once he meets Ron, he has someone to teach and care for – even if Ron is very different from the other B-Bots. Grazer lends his voice to a friendship that is endearing and that means everything.

Galifianakis voicing Ron is so sweet, naïve, full of wonder, hilarious and it is worth every smile watching him learn all that is learnable in Barney’s world. Giving everyone who watches a journey through Ron’s world, and it is Galifianakis who shows us what friendship means to this little B-Bot.

Helms as Graham is a Dad who is trying to provide for his family and forgets that sometime providing means missing things. Ron does not make his feelings clear and when Dad figures it out, he starts to question how to make it better for his boy. Colman as Donka is a grandma who loves her family, loves the history of her family and taking care of both Graham and Barney. She is also amazing at fixing the weirdest things in such a way that it always works out, but that’s what grandma’s do right?

Smith as Weidell just wanted to create a friend for kids but when he sees that someone is taking advantage of it, he sides with Barney and Ron. It is amazing that Weidell does not see dollar signs but instead sees the power of friendship. Delaney as Andrew wants everything Weidell has, including the CEO position and the potential to make billions.

Cantrall as Savannah was once best friends with Barney but with the introduction of B-Bots, she has become a social media butterfly. She sees what Barney goes through but it to busy with her own life to care about a friendship, until she experiences the other side with Barney. Hurtado as Rich is also a social media kid influencer who records everything, that is everything but the bullying he does to Graham. The saddest part is he was also once Barney’s best friend.

Other cast include Marcus Scribner as Alex, Cullen McCarthy as Noah, Thomas Barbusca as Jayden, Liam Payne as Bob, Ruby Wax as Ms. Hartley and Flula Borg as Sarah.

Twentieth Century Home Entertainment brings award-winning global product and new entertainment to DVD, Bluray, and Digital HD. There amazing collection offers fans an opportunity to expand their own home libraries with the best films. To discover what other titles they have please visit

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment continues to bring quality programming to kids and kids at heart. Home of the most beloved animated features including SNOW WHITE, PINOCCHIO and SLEEPING BEAUTY to name a few is what keeps families coming back for more. To see what is currently available to add to your own family library please visit. for their At Home titles!

Bonus Features include A Boy and His B*Bot: When Jack Met Zach – Zach Galifianakis and Jack Dylan Grazer, the voices behind Ron and Barney, sit down to chat about a fun assortment of topics. From social media to skateboarding, the two actors from two very different generations tell us all about when Jack met Zach. Making Ron Right – Join cast and crew behind the scenes as they reveal the skill, dedication and friendship it took to bring this film to life. From writing the script to the voice-over booth, Locksmith’s artisans’ detail how they made Ron right. “Sunshine” Music Video – Song from the motion picture Ron’s Gone Wrong, performed by Liam Payne.

RON’S GONE WRONG is a delightful film that comes out at a time where that is so wonderful. The film introduces us to friendship based on technology and to remind us of how cool it is to put it aside occasionally and get out into the real world. Barney wants a B-Bot so badly but quickly learns the responsibility.

It is not just the responsibility of a B-Bot but in teaching Ron what friendship means, how it is interpreted by an innocent and what the word ‘literally’ means. Because, literally, Ron takes Barney at his word and there are consequences to the 6 ft. of friendship rule. That being said, there are so many lessons here for kids and my granddaughter’s eye lit up every time the characters talked about things she was learning herself.

Now THAT, is something simply wonderful for us all.

In the end – it is time to get your bot on!

Monday, December 13, 2021



Jeri Jacquin

Currently available in theatres from director Chris Woods and Abramorama is the story of lost and found with TO WHAT REMAINS.

Project Recover is a small group of scientists, oceanographers, archaeologists, historians, researchers, and military veterans who are looking through our vast oceans to recover the remains of more than 80,000 military pilots missing since World War II.

Using underwater drones and scuba dives, this team travels to beautiful waters to find the sadness of war. Keeping their job in mind, they want to give closure to families and find answers to questions about their missions. The project took many years and TO WHAT REMAINS is a look at the new mission, their findings and bringing the boys home to waiting families.

Beginning with Dr. Pat Scannon, Founder, BentProp Project and Co-Founder of Project Recover describing a plane found in the ocean and how it looked and what they found. Lt. Col. Casey Doyle of the United States Marine Corps. talks about his grandfather being shot down in September of 1944. Then, in 2004, Dr. Scannon and the Prop crew found his grandfather’s, Ssgt. Jimmie Doyle, plane and his remains were finally home.

Flip Colmer, Project Recover talks about how Dr. Scannon is determined. US Navy SEAL, Ret. Marcus Luttrell speaks of Dr. Scannon’s intensity going about the work he now finds so important. Knowing that failure is something that may happen, Dr. Scannon says you learn to live with it, move on and keep searching.

Lt. Doyle tells how his family never talked about his grandfather and how his father grew up with the questions of ‘where is Ssgt. Jimmie Doyle?’. Now, Lt. Doyle knew what he had to do to thank these men – be a part of what they are doing.

Dr. Scannon became obsessed when finding a wing of a plane knowing that if he could find this, he could find so much more. The technology was not what we have today, and it was using eyes and machetes to find these planes in remote locations. MIA (Missing in Action) pilot Lt. Richard Houle is the projects next search and recover. Maps, details, data help these men put their gear on and dive looking for the last known area. Lt. Houle served on the same ship as former President George H.W. Bush.

After doing his research, Dr. Scannon looked to the reunion of the combat pilots and discovers they have very sharp memories. Lt. Cantrell of the Corsairs Squad is a man who shared that sharp memory. Twenty-year-old young men in the most advanced planes on a landing field 100 yards from the Japanese shooting at them. Taking Cantrell back to Palau, the former pilot admits that he really only saw it all from the air.

That is when they put together the pieces of what happened from not only the pilots but also of the people living in Palau. There were many witnesses still alive to remember what they saw all those years ago. On the dive they did not find a plane, but they did find a ship. It is all a matter of checking off where to go next.

Marcus Luttrell knows what it is like to have men left behind and wanting to go back and get them. He also had the opportunity to talk a man named R.V. Burgin and with those who have served and got to know and become friends with prior Marines. Telling their story about the battle on the Island of Peleliu losing 6,000 men. After the battle, only 85 men survived a thirty-day battle. Yet, these two men talk only of simple things and joys of life.

On another dive for Dr. Scannon, they again did not find Lt. Houle’s plane, but they did find the plane of Lt. William Q. Punnell. Nephew Dennis Kelvie could not believe it when he received a call about his uncle’s remains. That is when the team experiences how MIA families finally have the opportunity to grieve and celebrate the life of someone who had always been a family’s mystery.

Dr. Scannon is looking for three UDT Navy Seals that have been unaccounted for, and this search is on land. Luttrell is with them in Palau in an area they believe through information given to them by village elders who called the missing Seals ‘frogmen’. The painstaking work begins of going through every inch of soil to find any remains.

The search for Lt. Houle is still on and the divers continue to go down into the mirky waters. Instead, Walter Mintus, gone for seven decades comes home and a community embraces their own.

Abramorama is the preeminent global theatrical distributions and rights partner for many documentary and music films and is recognized for the consistent high quality of its work on award winning features. Over the course of 20 years, Abramorama has successfully distributed and marketed hundreds of films including Ron Howard’s Grammy Award Winning THE BEATLES: EIGHT DAYS A WEEK, Stanley Nelson’s MILES DAVIS: BIRTH OF THE COOL, as well as Academy Award Nominee and IDA Best Documentary Winner THE LOOK OF SILENCE. For more of what they have to offer please visit

TO WHAT REMAINS is not only the story of Dr. Scannon’s obsession with finding those who were lost in the war. It is also a documentary of the families, friends and loved ones that were left behind. When a person is laid to rest, there is a finality that becomes a part of life but when it is an MIA, there is a constant nagging that accepting a loss is almost impossible.

The men and women who work with Dr. Scannon also know how these families feel as a few of the volunteers have had their family members found by Dr. Scannon. Taking many of the military men back to Palau and Orange Beach, they re-live moments of their youth but also, like those servicemen are found, they can close a chapter long lived in their lives.

That is amazing, heartbreaking, heartwarming and a look at the life these men lived, the things they have seen, and the friendships made from soldiers then and now.

In the end – their work is not done!

Sunday, December 12, 2021

There Are Memories with THE CARD COUNTER


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray, Digital and Movies Anywhere from writer/director Paul Schrader and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is the deeper story of THE CARD COUNTER.

William (Oscar Isaac) spent a period of time in the military and there he learned an unusual skill – counting cards. He decides to make his living playing cards jumping from casino to casino and plays below the radar to just sustain himself. William also never stays at the casino hotels but instead prefers to stay at motels farther out of the city.

During one casino run he meets La Linda (Tiffany Haddish) who recognizes William and introduces herself. He knows exactly who she is. She explains that a group of investors are backing players and they would want to back him. Of course, some of the money goes back to them and to La Linda and Williams says a polite ‘no thanks’ but he is attracted to her.

During one of his casino trips, he sees a seminar for about security with a speaker named Major John Gordo (Willem Dafoe). Drawn to see for himself, William meets Cirk Baufort (Tye Sheridan) who slips him a number. Later that night, he has bad dreams about his time in the military and that pushes William to call Cirk.

Cirk tells William that his father is Roger Baufort and served with him in the military and at the Abu Ghraib prison. The young man’s father came home violent and addicted leaving behind a wife and son. Now Cirk wants to hold the man responsible for what happened to the men in the prison and the soldiers there – Major John Gordo – and Cirk wants revenge.

William again says ‘no thanks’ but asks Cirk if he wants to come along and see how gambling works to keep the kid safe. He also tells La Linda he is good with becoming part of her stable of players and wants to go to the World Series of Poker and then retire. Now the money starts rolling in but Cirk is not changing his mind so William shows him what will happen if he does not stop.

But everyone has their own path to follow.

Isaac as William is living with a past that is filled with violence and misery. Prison time was equally traumatic causing him to almost punish himself for the things he saw and did. Learning card counting became a way to earn a living without having much contact with people. Isaac has the unique ability to give his character the dark brooding appearance or a tortured soul, yet in his eyes the mind is like a steel trap.

Sheridan as Cirk is a young man who clearly has his own tortures to deal with. Angry at a father who checked out on him, his anger has a duality of the actions when he was alive and seeing his mother’s pain after. Meeting William gives him a chance to find someone to help him, but frustration sets in when Cirk realizes he is not reaching his new friend. Sheridan is taking the gambling life in but it is only a momentary deterrent.   

Haddish as La Linda spends her time collecting players for her stable and making a nice living for herself. Meeting William, she finds herself moving toward a relationship with someone who has more of a past than she could ever imagine. DaFoe as Major Gordo is a character that trained men to do horrible things and when they were held accountable, Gordo slipped away. That is until he met Cirk and William.

Other cast include Alexander Babara as Mr. U.S.A. and Bobby C. King as Slippery Joe.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

Focus Features’ mission is to make a lasting impact on global audiences by creating the home for artists to share diverse, distinctive stories that inspire human connection. Focus Features is part of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies that brings entertainment and news to a global audience. For more of what they have to offer please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Exclusive Bluray, DVD and Digital Bonus Content includes A High-Stakes World – Paul Schrader discusses developing his signature characters and how the world of poker provided the perfect metaphor for William Tell’s predicament. Feature additional interviews with film’s stars Oscar Isaac and Tiffany Haddish as well as poker consultant, Joe Stapleton.

THE CARD COUNTER is a mixture of a persons past and trying to live in the present with it all. Even though William is the central character of the film, it is also a story of how pain and tragedy affects each character in different ways. The only one who does not seem to see the problem is the Major, he instead believes in what he did.

This is a dark film that goes deep into the memories of William and gives a look into the decisions that he makes. Trying to help Cirk the only way he knows how, it is not enough to want to buy his emotional freedom. The young man tries to tell William how much pain he is in but its hard to hear when you have closed out all emotion.

In the end – reap what you sow!

Friday, December 10, 2021

VENOM: Let There Be Carnage Bites Onto Bluray


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray, DVD and Digital from director Andy Serkis, in association with Marvel and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is the next adventure of VENOM: Let There Be Carnage.

At the St. Estes Home for Unwanted Children, it is 1966 and two young people have fallen in love. Cletus Kasady and Frances Barrison are teens subjected to a miserable existence in the institution. One day Frances tells Cletus that she is being taken away to someplace with people like herself and that sets in motion rage of emotions.

Frances does have an unusual power in that she can manipulate sound and on her way to Ravencroft Institute, she shows what she is capable of! A struggle ensues with Officer Patrick Mulligan and Frances is injured but Mulligan believes she died.

That all happened in the past and now Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is called to speak with Cletus (Woody Harrelson) who is on death row. Symbiote Venom is thrilled to have the opportunity to get out of the house and believes eating prisoners is an okay thing. Mulligan (Stephen Graham) goes along to see if Cletus has any information about the people he is accused of hurting but gets nothing from Eddie.

During the visit, Eddie notices something in Cletus’ cell only to discover what managed to evade police. All while learning that the love of his life, Anne Weying (Michelle Williams) is engaged to Dr. Dan Lewis (Reid Scott) which Venom is totally upset about. Going back to visit Cletus, Venom gets upset with things that he says and jumps towards the death row inmate. Cletus responds by biting Eddie and instantly feels differently.

On the way home, Venom becomes upset with Eddie and the insults start to fly, so much so that Venom literally leaves Eddie. While Cletus is being executed, something happens, and a creature destroys everything in its path. Feeling powerful, the first thing Cletus does is name his ‘other’ Carnage and rescues his love Frances (Naomie Harris).

But they both have a vendetta and revenge is going to sweep through town and Venom has to be found to make it all stop!

Hardy as Eddie is ever present and bounces off Venom like insane ping pong ball. It can be difficult to get the upper hand when playing alongside a symbiote, but Hardy is back and manages to get in his one liners and parental tips. It is clear that this time the show is all about Venom and Carnage so Hardy lets them take the lead and he follows along.

Harrelson as Cletus a bone to pick with Eddie but gets something better in return. Getting a chance to release Carnage is a dream come true for this character who does not quite have all his beans in one basket. Harrelson does give us Cletus’ total devotion and love for Frances, just in what the medical community might call ‘unhealthy’ ways.

Harris as Frances is equally devoted to Cletus and when she sees him again, he has a little something else to bring into the relationship. Graham as Mulligan has his own demons to deal with and it all has to do with Frances. The twist is another added bonus to the story.

Williams is back as Anne with a surprise for Eddie but the surprise may be on her when Venom asks a favor! Scott rides in as Dr. Dan and gets an opportunity to experience a bit of Eddie and Anne’s world before he came along.

Other cast includes Sian Webber as Camille Pazzo, Scroobius Pip as Siegfried and Peggy Lu as Mrs. Chen.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

4K Ultra HD, Blura and Digital Bonus Features include Outtakes & Bloopers, 6 Deleted Scenes, Eddie & Venom: The Odd Couple, Sick and Twisted Cletus Kasady, Concept to Carnage, Let There Be…Action and more!

VENOM: Let There Be Carnage is exactly that – a wild ride between two people who have symbiotes piggybacking onto their lives. Both are hostile and both want one thing, to create as much havoc as humanly possible. Vemon may have thought he was the toughest alien in town, but Carnage gives him a run for his chocolate.

We have to talk about Venom for a moment, he is so insanely crazy that it is almost like listening to a parent and a pre-teen going at it constantly. Vemon throws fits and thinks he knows everything while Eddie tries to steer him away from trouble, and it does not always work. I have to say that between Vemon and Deadpool – that would be a match I would pay serious money to see.

Vemon’s thought process is hilarious and it does make the film so much more enjoyable so here’s to you, you crazy fit throwing alien infection – well done!

In the end – let there be carnage!


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

This is the Story of BEING THE RICARDOS


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres and then to Prime Video from writer/director Aaron Sorkin and Amazon Studios tells the story of BEING THE RICARDOS.

In 1952, Lucille Ball (Nicole Kidman) and Desi Arnaz (Javier Bardem) are televisions power couple of television and are very married. Going into a critical week, Lucy is dealing with stories of Desi’s infidelity, script problems and being called a communist all while preparing for the Friday night performance of I Love Lucy. Desi makes it clear to everyone that he is going to take care of it all.

On the set, the writers Madelyn Pugh (Alia Shawkat) and Bob Carroll Jr. (Jake Lacy) are arguing changes with Jess Oppenheimer (Tony Hale) tries to keep the peace at a table read. Not helping is the William Frawley (J.K. Simmons) who plays Fred and Vivian Vance (Nina Arianda) who plays Ethel being just as sarcastic with each other off stage as well as on.

Tensions rise when Lucy tries to make changes and hits a wall with Oppenheimer. Believing she is right; it is Frawley who tries to guide her into getting the changes she wants. Desi is still jumping through hoops proving that he has more control of the show than the network would like.

As the "Ricardos" and the staff try and handle each disaster, they also tell the story of a young Lucille Ball who sees the young Cuban singer Desi Arnaz and how their affair began. As both of them try to find their way into Hollywood, their life really takes off when I Love Lucy hits television.

All of this leads to Lucy trying to keep her family together, Desi dealing with the CBS network and Phillip Morris agency. The television family comes together to fight it all, but some things can not be re-written into the script.  

Kidman as Lucille Ball is changed a bit with the help of prosthetics and makeup and gives us the best Ball we could have imagined. The actress invites us into Ball’s world behind the camera of a tough woman who knew what needed to be done but had to fight for every inch to move forward. Knowing that there were murmurs of Kidman playing the iconic Lucille Ball, those who spoke out (and you know who you are) can now just pipe down. Kidman gave it everything and everything pays off.

Bardem as Desi Arnaz gave us the Cuban bandleaders life prior to Hollywood and although they do not go into detail, what is shared is sad but at the same time gave Arnaz motivation to succeed. Bardem wraps himself in the role with singing and drum playing and makes it look effortless. He gives Desi’s view of the relationship with Lucille Ball as quick, passionate, loaded with transgressions, successful and protective – but sometimes it is not enough. Well done Bardem!

Simmons as Frawley is so cool, I cannot even stand it. He gives Frawley the quick wit, grumpy sarcasm yet keenly aware of what is going on and supports in surprising ways. I have always been a firm believer that the person who seems less interested in the room is taking in everything in the room. Simmons does all of this while wearing old man chest high well-creased pants. I so enjoyed his performance.

Arianda as Vance is like Lucille Ball, does not take any garbage and does not hold back her emotions. There comes a moment in the script where her looks are called into question and Arianda rolls up her sleeves and gives Vance a voice. I appreciated that so much knowing that even back in the 50’s, women like Vance who were struggling with who she wanted to be against who the public saw her as.

Shawkat as Pugh is a woman script writer in a man’s world with the same sharp wit at the women around her, sometimes too sharp. Lacy as Bob is Pugh’s verbal sparring partner and script writer who stands back at times and lets the chips fall where they may. Hale as Oppenheimer is someone who not only created a show but stays with it through everything, even when those he protects the most sometimes tests his patience.

Other cast includes John Ruben as elder Oppenheimer, Linda Lavin as elder Madelyn Pugh, Ronny Cox as elder Bob Carroll, Dana Lyn Baron as Miss Rosen, Daniel Sachoff as David Levy, Nelson Franklin as Joe Strickland, Jeff Holman as Roger Otter, Baise Buzan as Mary Pat, Christopher Denham as Donald Glass, Max Silvestri as David Hart, and Clark Gregg as Howards Wenke.

Amazon Prime offers television shows and original content included in its Amazon Prime subscription. Original programs such as CARNIVAL ROW, THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE, and THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL are hit shows. Coming soon is the next series with GOLIATH starring Billy Bob Thornton and it promises to another successful and intense series.

BEING THE RICARDOS is funny, sad, interesting, intriguing, surprising and gave me several ‘wow’ moments. This is the 1950’s and the world may have seemed like a different time but interestingly enough, not so different at the same time in the ways of values and barriers. That was the very first thing I noticed but then, the story took me over (not to negate the above).

Kidman and Bardem are absolutely fantastic together and Lucy and Desi. I was not looking to see if Kidman could be Lucille Ball because all I saw was Lucille Ball and the same applies to Bardem. I watched these two characters weave in and out of a week of mayhem and chaos. Of course, although the events may be real, the only thing that did not happen was it all happened in a week. That’s Sorkin doing what Sorkin’s writing does.

From pregnancy to infidelity to communism to friendship, BEING THE RICARDOS tackles each of these because they had an impact on the Arnaz family and marriage. The reverberations were felt throughout their friendships, the studio and the production of a series that changed American television.

The cinematography and costumes put a seal on the entire project giving is a look of authenticity and kept me totally involved. From Lucy’s big eyes and red lipstick to Desi’s perfect hair and stunning suits, the film is so darn inviting and I fell hook, line and red headed sinker.

In the end – television would never be the same!


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

It is Bond and NO TIME TO DIE


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD, Bluray, DVD and Digital Code in a 3-Disc Collector’s Edition from director Cary Joki Fukunaga and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is a tale about when it is NO TIME TO DIE.

James Bond (Daniel Craig) has given up being 007 and taken up a life in Norway with the lovely Madeleine (Lea Seydoux). While visiting the tomb of Vesper Lynd, an explosion leads him to believe that the woman he loves has betrayed him in the worst way. Letting her go, Bond goes about his life in Jamiaca without her and back in this stern stance.

Years later, scientist Valdo Obruchev (David Dencik) who was working in the MI6 lab on the Heracles bioweapon project has been kidnapped. Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) with the CIA finds bond and asks Bond as a friend to help them find Obruchev. Believing that Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) is responsible, Bond agrees. Attending a black-tie affair, he sees Obruchev only to be met by a strange mist that takes out all the Spectres that are at the same affair.

Getting Obruchev is the easy part, discovering that Leiter’s partner Ash (Billy Magnussen) is a double agent for Safin (Rami Malek) puts Bond in high gear. The only way to find out what is happening is by Q (Ben Whishaw) and Moneypenny (Naomie Harris) arranging a meeting with Blofeld. On the way to the meeting, Bond sees Madeline and tries to keep it together. Speaking with Blofeld, Bond learns that what he had thought all these years was wrong.

Finding Madeleine, Bond tries to understand what is happening around him when he learns the story of, she and Safin and the death of his parents. Almost immediately they are on the run again with Safin close behind as M (Ralph Fiennes) stays in contact. Bond and 00 agent Nomi (Lashana Lynch) discover he has been hiding on an abandoned missile base and is mass-producing a weapon that will kill millions of people.

Bond knows that his final decision will save those he loves.

Craig as Bond is leaving the role and in doing so, he has taken the last of James Bond with him. Of course, playing Bond through five films Craig has given us everything that those of us who grew up with Bond expect. This film tries to humanize an agent who has spent his life fighting for kin and country. Do I buy it? I am not so sure of that. I liked my Bond elusive so I will have to chew on that more.

Seydoux as Madeleine is the woman who has stolen Bond’s heart and more than that. Becoming Dr. Swan, I am not sure that even did much for her character except give her access to Blofeld. Her connection to Safin is a bit wonky as well but I suppose needed to play out the story. Malek as Safin gives an unemotional performance of a psycho who just wants to see the world nano itself to death. Trying to use logic to get what he wants; everyone knows you cannot reason with crazy.

Whishaw as Q gets a chance to bring his knowledge of technology to bare but, as with all geniuses, the nano world is something he cannot fix. Fiennes as M has it out with Bond but the scene where that happens feels awkward and uncomfortable, perhaps it was meant that way. Waltz, Wright, Magnussen, Harris, and Lynch all feel like cameos as their roles are short spurts in the mix of the story.

Dencik as Obruchev is the comic relief of mad scientists. Never sure which side he is on, I assumed he was on the side with the biggest weaponry. Fidgety and annoying, he knows what everybody wants and is not above being thrilled by what he is able to do.

Other cast include Ana de Armas as Paloma, Rory Kinnear as Bill Tanner, Dali Benssalah as Primo, Brigitte Miller as Dr. Vogel and Lisa-Dorah Sonnet as Mathilde.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

The Bonus Features include Anatomy of a Scene: Matera, Keeping it Real: The Actions of NO TIME TO DIE, A Global Journey and Designing Bond.

I am going to be blunt honest here and say that NO TIME TO DIE is not my favorite Bond film. The film feels like it is jumbled with appearances of former bad guys mixed in with trying to turn Bond into a touchy-feely agent without actually calling him 007. The story is all over the place and introducing nano-bots feels like a throwback to when the idea of nano-bots was cool. Even Safin’s exotic island felt like a re-visit to THE INCREDIBLES mystery island.

Realizing Craig was attempting to make a grand statement by his final Bond film, I do not think this was the way to do it. Producer Broccoli said the film would “come to a satisfying ending” which makes me wonder if we were both watching the same film. Then again, having grown up on Bond since seeing my first in 1967 with YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE, I like my Bond’s mysterious, action directed and non-attached.

I think Bond provides action and the story has gotten lost. Movie-goers do not share the same history with Bond as many of us “older” film buffs and it is a loss for us in a lot of ways. So, if this is how it has to be then farewell to the Bond of my youth and wish the next generation good luck with it.

In the end – Bond is back!