Thursday, February 23, 2023



Jeri Jacquin

Celebrating its 30th Anniversary on 4K Ultra HD and Digital from director James Ivory and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is the story of two people in an extraordinary time with THE REMAINS OF THE DAY. 

English butler Stevens (Anthony Hopkins) is in charge of Darlington Hall in the 1930s belonging to Lord Darlington (James Fox). Dedicated to the house in every way, he keeps the house running smart and the staff focused. Interviewing Miss Kenton (Emma Thompson) as she is hired at the new estate’s housekeeper as well as Steven’s father (Peter Vaughn).

Almost immediately Stevens and Miss Kenton find themselves at odds. Having totally different demeanors, he keeps his feeling and opinions close to his well-groomed vest and she is spirited and believes that right is right no matter what a person’s status.

When Lord Darling brings together a conference of British and European aristocrats and, among them, is American Congressman Lewis (Christopher Reeve).  Lewis is cannot believe what he is hearing these men talk about but makes it clear to Darlington that he has come to admire and appreciate England and all it has to offer.

Stevens is disappointed in his employer when he dismisses two German-Jewish maids and Kenton makes it plain she will resign. Something else is happening between Stevens and Miss Kenton and they both don’t know how to deal with it. It confuses her even more, especially when one of the maids has decided to resign to marry another of the house staff.

It all comes to a shock when godson Reginald Cardinal (Hugh Grant) arrives for a secret meeting at Darlington Hall between Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and German ambassador Joachim von Ribbentrop. The bigger shock is for Stevens when Miss Kenton decides to accept a proposal from Tom Benn (Tim Pigott-Smith) when she realizes the butler will never speak his emotional truth.

It is now 1958 and Darlington Hall is much different but Stevens is on his way to meet Miss Kenton after years of being away, it is a chance to make amends for the past.

Hopkins as Stevens is absolutely stunning in this role. He has the ability to play the straight forward butler keeping his emotions in check at every turn. His eyes may start to show feeling but he quickly reels that in as well. Every step he takes in this film is deliberate, calculated and breath taking, but then I have come to expect nothing more from Hopkins.

Thompson as Miss Kenton is a woman who clearly knows how to run a household and also does not stop at having an opinion. Ruffling Stevens feathers almost immediately, she finds herself not only getting the house in order but learning what Stevens is truly made of. She pushes his boundaries when able, challenges him when necessary and cares for him whether he sees it or not. Thompson is an actress that I have also come to admire as much as Hopkins.

Reeves as Lewis comes to Darlington Hall in the 30’s and sees the beauty of his surroundings. When the house comes up for sale, he makes it his focus to obtain it and bring his family. Reeves also trusts Stevens and again allows him to take control of the house. It is so good to see him in the film. Fox as Darlington is a man who is trying to do the right thing by his country. Trusting Stevens to run the house, he focuses on reaching out to his countrymen but in the process, becomes a man who is good in heart and not good at realizing who is using him.

Grant as Cardinal is godson to Lord Darlington and starts to become frustrated with his godfather. It is interesting to see his character go from a kid who needs to learn about the birds n’ bees to a ranting journalist who wants Stevens to understand what is happening around him.

Other cast include Ben Chaplin as Charlie, Rupert Vansittart as Sir Wren, Patrick Godfrey as Spencer, Michael Lonsdale as Dupon d’Ivry, Peter Eyre as Viscount Halifax, Peter Halliday as Canon Tufnell, Jeffry Wickham as Viscount Bigge, Lena Headey as Lizzie, Peter Cellier as Sir Bax, and Frank Shelley as Prime Minister Chamberlain.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Special Features include Audio Commentary with Director James Ivory, Producer Ismail Merchant and Actress Emma Thompson, Love and Loyalty: The Making of REMAINS OF THE DAY Featurette, THE REMAINS OF THE DAY: The Filmmakers’ Journey Featurette, Blind Loyalty, Hollow Honor: England’s Fatal Flaw Featurette, Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary, Theatrical Trailer and International Trailer.

THE REMAINS OF THE DAY is not only an amazing story being told but told with perfection with Hopkins and Thompson leading the way. Every scene they are in together has me captivated and thrilled that the film is 134 minutes. Although I would have preferred a different ending, the other side of me understands the longing to try and repair the heart of the past mixed with the fact that it is, after all, the past.

The cinematography is filled with shadowing, brilliant artistry and everything one would expect to find in the era. Director Ivory has taken the 1989 Nobel Prize-winning British author Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel of the same name and wasted not one single moment.

In 1994, the film won Best Actor for Anthony Hopkins from BAFTA, and also DFWAFCA winner again for Hopkins. Plus, THE REMAINS OF THE DAY received 14 Oscar nominations including Best Actor for Anthony Hopkins, Best Actress for Emma Thompson, Best Director for James Ivory and Best Picture.

In the end – it is a story of devotion and love!

Monday, February 20, 2023



Jeri Jacquin

On bluray and DVD from writer/director Allen Wolf from the novel of the same name and Morning Star Pictures is a story of love with THE SOUND OF VIOLET.

Shawn (Cason Thomas) is a young man who works hard at his computer job and just happens to also have autism. His grandmother Ruth (Jan D’Arcy) is constantly pushing him to find a girlfriend and brother Colin (Kaelon Christopher) wants to also help. The thing is, Shawn has an idea of what he is looking for and his family just is not listening.

At a company party, Sean meets Violet (Cora Cleary) and he wants to spend time with her. What he doesn’t realize is that Violet is, for lack of a better word, a ‘working’ girl. Planning a date, he is happy to tell his mother that he has found someone he likes spending time with. Both mother and brother are surprised and interested in the girl.

Violet begins to realize that Shawn is not like any other man but she also sees that he has a lifestyle she would like to become accustomed to. What is stopping her? A man named Anton (Michael E. Bell) who controls everything Violet does – where she goes, who she sees and takes all the money she makes.

Spending time with Shawn, Violet begins to feel like there is a way out and a life that is filled with love. Shawn tells her that he has the ability to hear colors and that just melts her heart. Learning what his life is like, Violet takes in what she can be to Shawn. In the meantime, Mom and brother Colin are just about over Violet knowing that Shawn just does not understand who she truly is.

When the truth comes out, everyone discovers who they are inside. It isn’t just Shawn that needs to rethink beliefs but Shawn himself realizes he must make decision based on his happiness!

Thomas as Shawn is such a delight to watch. It is deep to watch how he relates to people, his boundaries and how they have kept him away from people, the way he perceives the world through words but in all, a huge heart. Thomas slowly comes out of a shell that has been put around him by a protective grandmother and brother and the world becomes a much more complicated place. Thomas navigates us through it and the journey is a lesson for us all.

Cleary as Violet is a young woman that has trauma of her own that she believes no one will understand. She is proven right once Grandma and brother Jake learn who she is and don’t waste any time making sure she isn’t worthy of Shawn. They are judgmental and put Shawn in a tailspin that is sad and unnecessary. Cleary gives us a look into her journey and it is equally complicated and heartbreaking. Clearly gives her character a compassion that is quirky and lovely at the same time.

D'Arcy as Grandma Ruth certainly doesn’t practice what she preaches. Like most church going women of a certain, she has her hard and fast rules on being judgmental and doesn’t waste a moment of time making that clear. It is time to show that an old dog can learn new tricks! Christopher as brother Colin is cut from the same grandma cloth! He thinks he knows what is best for his brother when in fact if he just took a moment to hear Shawn, he would have an idea of what could make his little brother happy.

Bell as Anton is a man who swooped in and brought Violet into a violent and abusive world. Control in everything and everywhere she was, Anton is a vile person who also has no trouble going after Shawn. Bell gives a powerful performance in this role.

Other cast include Nishant Ghan as Flynn, Kaelon Christopher as Colin, Malcolm J. West as Douglas, Esha More as Nadia and Tyler Roy Roberts as Jake.

Morning Star Pictures is an award-winning feature film production company that also produces the popular Navigating Hollywood podcast. The company’s first movie, IN MY SLEEP, launched theatrically as the #1 new independent movie its opening weekend in the US, sold to over 70 countries and garnered multiple awards.

The company’s second movie THE SOUND OF VIOLET was also the #1 new independent movie in theaters on opening weekend and is now available on video on demand, Bluray and DVD. Morning Star Pictures has multiple projects in various stages of development and is dedicated to the production of high-quality, thought-provoking and entertaining movies. For more please visit

The Bluray and DVD Bonus Features include Filmmaker and Cast Discuss the Making of the Film, Composer Shares How He Created the Music, Director’s Commentary with Lead Cast, Theatrical Trailer and Music Video “Anywhere But Here” by 5-Time Grammy Nominee Brandon Heath.

THE SOUND OF VIOLET is the novel set in New York City that has won numerous awards including Best Romantic Comedy Novel of the Year and the Gold Medal from Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards, and Novel of the Year by the Independent Author’s Network.

The film has received accolades by the Austin Film Festival, Cinequest Film Festival, Las Vegas Film Festival, Kairos Screenplay Competition, Colorado Film Festival, Bluecat Screenplay Competition, Script Shark Script Analysis, Final Draft Screenplay Competition, Table Read Screenplay Competition and Scriptapalooza Screenplay Competition.

THE SOUND OF VIOLET is a charming film filled with lessons no matter who we are. It is about love, acceptance, change, believing that we all have worth and knowing there is a future that can be different. Yes, Shawn is autistic but he seems to have a better grasp on life and what happiness can be more so than his own family and Violet herself.

Watching these characters unfold, is a joy as director Wolf wrote the words and then brought his vision to the screen.

In the end – she is his sound of violet!



Jeri Jacquin

On DVD from director William Cameron Menzies and Ignite Films is the 1953 classic INVADERS FROM MARS.

Young David (Jimmy Hunt) is soundly sleeping until a very loud crack of what he believes to be thunder wakes him up. Running to his window to see, he quickly realizes that it is not thunder but a large flying saucer that disappears behind his house.

Excitedly waking up his parents, David’s father is scientist George (Leif Erickson) and mother Mary (Hillary Brooke). George goes to check it out and in the morning David notices something different about his father, including a mark on his neck. Things are about to get worse when he sees schoolfriend Kathy completely disappear in front of his eyes.

Going to the police himself, David meets Dr. Pat Blake (Helena Carter) who begins to believe what the boy is saying. He also meets Dr. Stuart Kelston (Arthur Franz) who is an astronomer who also believes David and now needs to convince the government and Col. Fielding (Morris Ankrum) that there is an invasion from Mars. As the military moves in, David and Dr. Blake find themselves sucked underground and captured by aliens.

Now, the race is on to stop the aliens before they turn everyone into their mind-controlled slaves!

Hunt plays the young David who must convince the adults that he is not seeing things. Of course, he deals with ‘oh you must have been dreaming’ etc., which adults are known to do when they can not bring themselves to just listen. If anything, Hunt gives us a look early into a kid and aliens genre that continues in 2023.

Franz as Dr. Kelston is on it to realize that David is absolutely telling the truth. As an astronomer, he is use to people not believing what he has to say about what is beyond. Once it is established that there is something in what David says, he is the first to jump in when the boy and Dr. Blake disappear.

Carter as Dr. Blake does not skip a beat in believing David. She asks all the usual questions in the beginning but sees the young boy is strong and straight forward. When things start going a little sideways, she immediately stays with David until they are taken, then it is David who makes it clear that he will do everything possible save the good Dr. Blake.

Ankrum as Col. Fielding realizes that the aliens are responsible for the madness and are on the case to find David and Dr. Blake and stop the intruders. He is a strong presence knowing that he will do whatever is necessary to stop what the aliens are doing.

Other cast include Walter Sande as Police Mack Finlay, Max Wagner as Sgt. Rinaldi, Milburn Stone as Capt. Roth, Charles Cane as Officer Blain, Bert Freed as Police Chief Barrows, Fay Baker as Mrs. Wilson, Janine Perreau as Kathy Wilson, John Eldredge as Mr. Turner, Charles Gibb as Lt. Blair, Gil Herman as Maj. Clary and Luce Potter as the Globe Martian.

Ignite Films Began acquiring classic film properties in the 1990s and this has built a collection of more than 80 features. Using original film elements, Ignite continues to restore and upgrade its collection for posterity and appreciation by generations of cinephiles and movie lovers, old and new. Films such as LETTERS FROM AN UNKNOWN WOMAN, FORCE OF EVIL with John Garfield and THE BIG COMBO, we well as Otto Premingers’ SAINT JOAN. For more information, please visit

Bonus Features include Brand New 4K Restoration of the Film, Restored from the Original Camera Negative and Master Positives, Restored 4K Original 1953 Trailer and a Newly Commissioned Trailer 2022, Interviews with Star Jimmy Hunt, William Cameron Menzies Biographer James Curtis and Recollections of Menzies’ Eldest Granddaughter Pamela Lauesen, Featurette with Acclaimed Film Directors John Landis, Joe Dante, Editor Mark Goldblatt, Special Visual Enthusiast and Film Preservationist Scott MacQueen.

Also, John Sayles; Introduction at Turner Classic Movie Festival in Hollywood, Before/After clips of Restoration, Original Negative and Archival Film Elements with Film Restoration Supervisor Scott MacQueen, Restored Segments in 2K of the Alternate International Version Alternative Ending and Extended Planetarium Scene, Gallery with Original Press Book Pages Behind the Scenes Photo from the Restoration Process, 20-Page Collector’s Booklet Featuring an Extensive Essay on the Restoration Process and Mars: A Nightmare of Restoration by Scott MacQueen.

It must be said, there is something totally amazing by the release of one of the first films I ever saw with aliens in it. Of course, it was a Saturday matinee on television but that was everything as a kid. I loved every bit of it, the story based on a kid, adults scrambling and the kid being front and center dealing with aliens.

It is films such as INVADERS FROM MARS that brought ideas for the aliens films we see today. Of course, the aliens of the past 30 years on film are seriously amazing but all of it had to begin with films such as this.

Bringing back memories for me, I showed the film to my granddaughter who is seven, she absolutely loved every minute of it. She cheered on David and yelled at the aliens (something she learned from me) and hated when it was over. What that tells me is that even seventy years later, even the youngest film lover can appreciate how awesome INVADERS FROM MARS truly is.

In the end – it could happen tomorrow!



Jeri Jacquin

On bluray from writer/director Christopher Rucinski and Bayview entertainment is the story of a veteran and the past with NORTHERN SHADE.

Justin McLaughlin (Jesse Gavin) is an Army veteran living on his father’s boat and steering clear from family and basically everyone for years. He works and returns to the boat day after day. A knock from police to tell him his truck has been found; Justin is confused since he gave it to younger brother Charlie (Joseph Poliquin).

Now everyone thinks Charlie has gone missing and Justin knows he must break his isolation to go out and find him. When the police aren’t interested, he meets Frankie (Titania Galliher), also a vet who tried being a cop but found private investigations more her style. Justin gets information that his brother might be with a man named Billy (Romano Orzari) who is an extreme paramilitary leader.

Going to their base, Justin discovers that instead of getting his brother, Billy wants Justin to join up and help train the men at the camp. Justin is immediately turned off having lived his own personal nightmare of war. Billy lets him go but not without a parting shock!

Surprised by his brothers decision to stay at the camp, Justin decides that he is going to get his brother no matter what he has to say about it. Frankie joins him as back up and what they discover about Billy’s plans are frightening and Charlie is caught in the middle of it. There is no time and split decisions are made in order to stop it all – but do they make it in time?

Gavin as Justin is a man haunted by his own experience growing up, a dysfunctional family and the trauma of war. What he didn’t realize is that his own self-isolation has caused pain for those who love him. Realizing he must save his brother; Gavin gives us the experience of the war memories and what happens after. He might not say a lot but his actions are clear and without question.

Orzari as Billy is just out of his mind plain and simple. He gets into the minds of those in his camp and distorts truth in order to get them to carry out his heinous plan. Orzari delivers his lines with distain and hostility to make you believe this character walks the earth today as so many of them do.

Galliher as Frankie has her own experiences with war and the trauma that it caused her during time as a cop. She lets Justin know that she understands and that getting his brother may be filled with danger but it is worth every step to save him.

Poliquin as Charlie is a young man just trying to deal with trauma of his own. His confusion comes from a brother that didn’t save the boy when he needed it the most. That confusion has turned to anger and to fill it, Billy convinces him that the camp and its people are his family and support him in everything. Poliquin gives his character the bottom line of that he just wants his pain to be heard.

Other cast include Nick Santoro as Matthew, Sheila Ball as Rachel, Alejandro Bravo as Noel Acosta, Terrance Carty as Freeman, Alex Haase as Vin, Marian Edminston as Nancy McLaughlin, Sheena Henderson as Giles, Kit Kindell as Mary, Brian McDonald as Captain Tim Smith and Rose Marie Guess as Michelle.

Bayview Entertainment has been a full-service media company committed to acquiring, developing, producing, marketing and distributing audio-visual content. With a catalog of over 3,500 titles across a wide range of genres, BayView has been home to some of the biggest names in the industry, including titles that have been nominated for or won Independent Spirit Awards, Golden Glove Awards and NAACP Image Awards, as well as premiered at festivals such as TIFF, Sundance, Slamdance, SXSW, Tribeca and Fantasia. For more of what they have to offer please visit

The film has also voted Best Narrative Feature by the Fargo Film Festival, Best Drama Feature, Best Actor for Jesse Gavin by the Legacy Theatre Film Festival, Best Feature 2nd Runner Up by the Woods Hole Film Festival, Best Screenplay by the Phoenix Film Festival, Best Feature by the Poppy Jasper Film Festival and Best Actor by the DTLA Film Festival.

NORTHERN SHADE covers so much with its story set during Covid. There are so many themes it actually covers. First and foremost is the dysfunction of Justin’s family prior to the military. A father who wasn’t a father and a mother who had issues of her own. He reacted terribly to both these things and took his anger out on a youngster.

Joining the military might have seemed like a good idea at the time but, as with most soldiers, there is intense trauma that has effected Justin’s ability to live day to day. Self-isolating once he returns home is one of the symptoms of PTSD and avoiding family is certainly another that has become sadly commonplace.

Trying to do the right thing by his brother, he comes into contact with the outside world again only to discover that it is just as ugly as he remembered. Justin pushes on and even if he falls occasionally, he does push on to one goal – to get his brother home once again.

In the end - bring him home!



Jeri Jacquin

On 4K Ultra HD and Bluray from director Jim Wynorski and Lightyear Entertainment is THE RETURN OF SWAMP THING.

Abigail Arcane (Heather Locklear) has always has questions regarding the death of her mother. Heading down to step-father Dr. Anton Arcane’s (Louis Jourdan) home, she knows he has the answers she really needs.

What she does not know is that Dr. Arcane, along with Dr. Lana Zurrell (Sarah Douglas), have never stopped working on a way to stop the aging process. The way they have been doing it is messing with the genes from swamp animals and human beings! In their laboratory there are failed experiments called the Un-Men.

Almost immediately, Abigail is in danger and becomes aware of Dr. Holland (Dick Durock) also known as Swamp Thing. He makes it clear that Dr. Arcane is responsible for some of the horrific things going on in his house.

Abigail and Swamp Thing are going to do whatever it takes to stop Dr. Arcane’s horrific experiments and hold them accountable for it all.

Locklear as Abigail is a young woman looking for answers to help explain why she cannot seem to get her life together and it all has to do with her mother. It has been years since seeing her step-father and although she isn’t thrilled to return to him, Abigail has no choice. Locklear gives the performance akin to a new actress trying out her chops. That being said, she gives it her all.

Durock as The Swamp Thing is always trying to help people when trouble is around. He doesn’t manage to save everyone because Dr. Arcane has his hoodlums everywhere but he tries. Once he sees Abigail, he knows he will do whatever it takes to help her find answers and stop the experiments. Durock is a charming Swamp Thing and a very handsome pre-swamp thing and his charm comes through the plant.

Jourdan as Dr. Arcane is just as evil as he wants to be which meant that his charms didn’t work on me for one second. His experience prove he has no conscience at all and if Abigail thinks that gives her some family-like currency, it doesn’t. Jourdan is straight faced and gives his best evil.

Douglas as Zurrell doesn’t like Abigail being there and doesn’t hide it. Abigail knows she is up to something with Dr. Arcane and makes sure that when Zurrell uses her shade, she doesn’t take it from the beginning. Douglas is gets a chance to play the love-struck and just as evil Dr. Zurrell.

Other cast include Monique Gabrielle as Miss Poinsettia, Daniel Emery Taylor as Darryl, Joey Sagal as Gunn, RonReaco Lee as Omar, Frank Welker as Gigi the Parrot and Ace Mask as Dr. Rochelle.

Lightyear Entertainment is a distribution company enjoying its 35th Anniversary. In 2016, Lightyear theatrically released TANNA, which was Academy Award nominated for Best Foreign Film. Since then, Lightyear theatrically released THE ETRUSCAN SMILE, which starred Brian Cox of HBO’s series Succession, MAZE, GOLDSTONE, A-HA: The Movie, and VOODOO MACBETH among others. For more visit

Bonus Features include Audio Commentary from Director Jim Wynorski, Composer Chuck Cirino and Editor Leslie Rosenthal (2018), Audio Commentary from Director Jim Wynorski (2003), Interviews with Director Jim Wynorski, Editor Leslie Rosenthal, Composer Chuck Cirino and Lightyear Entertainment Executive Arnie Holland, Original Theatrical Trailer, Six Promotional TV Clips, 2 TV Spots, 2 Greenpeace Public Service Announcements, 1989 Promo Reel and Photo Gallery (Accompanied by Chuck Cirino’s Film Score).

THE RETURN OF SWAMP THING picks up as Abigail is now a young woman that still has questions about her mother’s death. Meeting Swamp Thing is the opportunity to not only discover what happened to her mother but how Dr. Arcane’s home is a place that is causing pain and destruction.

The film also has humor which made me giggle quite a bit. This film is actually a trip down memory lane because I remember when it first came out and it was a Friday night double feature at the drive in. Yes, the kids today will never know the fun of the drive-in on monster double feature night and that is such a shame.

Until the world spins right, get the family together, pop some corn and enjoy THE RETURN OF SWAMP THING!

In the end – he’s not just a plant!



Friday, February 17, 2023



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from director Matthew J. Saville and Greenwich Entertainment comes the story of connection with JUNIPER.

Trouble teenager Sam (George Ferrier) is coming home from boarding school to his home in New Zealand. Dad Robert (Marton Csokas) lets him know that grandmother Ruth (Charlotte Rampling) is staying with them. Sam is not happy when he realizes that she is staying in the room where his mother passed away.

Robert also tells Sam that he must return to England to handle some issues for his mother. That means Sam will have to be available to help if Ruth needs it and help Sarah (Edith Poor), Ruth’s nurse. Now the young man is fuming and makes it clear that he will help her but wants nothing else to do with her.

Ruth tests Sam’s patience over and over again with her relentless requests. As each day passes, he realizes he does not know much about his grandmother and Sarah can help with that. Ruth gets to learn a little about her grandson as well and manages to get his friends to help with the garden.

Spending time together, Ruth, Sam and Sarah form a connection that gives him a look into her amazing life. Sam starts to see past Ruth’s rough exterior and into the heart of someone unique and worthy of his love.

Rampling as Ruth is absolute perfection in this role. She portrays a woman who has had a life that she makes no excuses for. Distant from her son, reaching out to her grandson in the most abrasive way, she once again makes no excuses for who she is or her life now. I loved her interactions with Sam because they were honest to the point of making me laugh. The delivery tone is a ‘take me or leave me’ with the undertone of ‘you know you like me’. Rampling delivers brilliance and I am there for it.

Ferrier as Sam is the typical teenager that thinks he knows everything and has a mouth that needs a bar of soap. Making it clear to his father that being home ‘sucks’ and that he has no desire to be of any help to a grandmother he doesn’t know, Sam thinks he controls everything. Well, after meeting Ruth it is clear that Sam has met his match. Ferrier gives every ounce of a rebellious teen yet his character portrayal begins to melt whether he wanted to or not. Watching the two come together truly made me smile.

Poor as Sarah is the go between having known Ruth more intimately than her own son. She tolerates a lot from Ruth and believes that saving her soul would be of immense help to the life she has lived. That being said, she also guides Sam into truly learning to know his grandmother using patience with them both. Poor is lovely and needed in the story giving such a gracious performance.

Csokas as Robert is a man totally detached from his mother Ruth constantly telling people that she wouldn’t even share important family information. Happy to have to go to England, he leaves his teen son and a caretaker with Ruth. When Sam reaches out to him, it becomes clear what is really important to Robert. Csokas role is not a big one but his place in the story is never far from what is on screen.

Other cast include Cameron Carter-Chan as Shaggas, Tane Rolfe as James, Alexander Sharman as Timothy, and Carlos Muller as Va Donk.

Greenwich Entertainment, founded in 2017, is an independent film distribution company specializing in distinctive, theatrical-quality narrative and documentary features. To see what more is available, please visit

JUNIPER is such a lovely tale of a woman who clearly has slim regrets about her life and a grandson who clearly has slim regrets about the stunts he pulls. These two were meant to meet and even with Ruth being ill, Sam finds out more and more about her that pulls him towards spending time with a woman he thought held no meaning in his life.

The connection and communication between grandmother and grandson made me chuckle a lot because, oddly enough, I understand it. The generations are so very far apart but, in reality, outward times might change but there is still so much that hasn’t. It is up to Ruth and Sam to discover which is which and that makes their journey intense but amazing.

Rampling is so very lovely and Ferrier is fierce when his loyalty has something worth protecting. That makes this a story of true love.

In the end – life, don’t ever water it down!



Jeri Jacquin

Coming on 4K Ultra HD and Bluray (and limited SteelBook Editions) from Shout! Factory are two of the most beloved films from Laika Studios with KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS and THE BOXTROLLS. 

In 2014, directors Graham Annable and Anthony Stacchi brought the stop-motion animated story of the small Victorian town of Cheesebridge, Norvenia. As with all towns, there are rumors and in this particular town, underneath are trolls who kidnap babies! Leader Lord Portley-Rind (Jared Harris) and his White Hats have better things to do with his cheese eating time and hires Archibald Snatcher (Ben Kingsley) to find and get rid of the named Boxtrolls.

What they don’t understand is that Boxtrolls are actually very peaceful creatures who wear boxes and like to invent things. Someone who understands this is Eggs (Isaac Hempstead Wright), a human boy who lives with the Boxtrolls and raised by Fish (Dee Bradley Baker). Trying to keep Eggs safe and away from harm, there comes the day when Eggs realizes that his family is being taken one by one!

When Fish is taken, Eggs goes above ground and is seen by Winnie (Elle Fanning) during a fair that is held to remember the disappearance of a certain Trubshaw Baby. The town believes the Boxtrolls are responsible. Winnie decides to help Eggs and in trying to rescue Fish, they discover something truly horrible about the leaders of their town and uncover those responsible!

Other cast include Steve Blum as Shoe and Sparky, Toni Collette as Lady Cynthia Portley-Rind, Nick Frost as Mr. Trout, Richard Ayoade as Mr. Pickles, Tracy Morgan as Mr. Gristle, Toni Collette as Lady Cynthia Portley-Rind and Simon Pegg as Herbert Trubshaw.

Special Features: Inside LAIKA - Discovering the Characters of The Boxtrolls with Never-Before-Seen Test Footage. Inside LAIKA - Revisiting the Puppets with LAIKA’s Animation Team. Feature-Length Storyboards, Foreword by Ramin Zahed, the Editor in Chief of Animation Magazine, Audio Commentary with Directors Graham Annable and Anthony Stacchi, The Making of The Boxtrolls and Original Featurettes.

The year 2016 brought one of the most beautiful Laika stories ever and our family’s personal favorite. Director Travis Knight brought the most amazing KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS to fans who instantly fell in love.

Kubo (Art Parkinson) is a young boy growing up in feudal Japan with his ill mother. They live in a cave near the local village and Kubo earns money by performing with origami while he plays his shamisen for the villagers. His most daring story is that of his samurai warrior father Hanzo. He always leaves the audience in suspense because, in reality, he does not know how the story ends.

Being told by his mother to never stay out after dark, Kubo knows the story of how he lost his eye to his mother’s sisters and grandfather, the Moon King (Ralph Fiennes). They are looking for Kubo and will take him away if they get the chance. During the Bon festival, Kubo attends to speak to those who have passed but realizes quickly that it is sunset. Almost immediately he is attacked by The Sister (Rooney Mara) but his mother tells the boy to go find his father’s armor and then uses magic sending Kubo away.

When Kubo comes too, he is looking into the eyes of his wooden snow monkey charm in real life! Monkey (Charlize Theron) tells him the sad news of home but Kubo makes a oragami Little Hanzo to lead them to the mysterious armor. Along the way they meet Beetle (Matthew McConaughey), a bumbling protector who doesn’t remember much about who he is or how he came to be. The one thing he does believe is that he had to be Hanzo’s apprentice!

On their adventure to retrieve the amor and the Sword Unbreakable, Kubo knows he must return home and set things right for his mother, the village and the father he never knew. That means taking on the last siter and his grandfather, the Moon King.

Other cast include Brenda Vaccaro as Kameyo, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Hashi and George Takei as Hosato.

Special Features: Feature-Length Storyboards, Inside LAIKA -Revisiting the Puppets with LAIKA’s Animation Team, Inside LAIKA—Confronting the Epic Challenges of Kubo and the Two Strings, Audio Commentary with Director/Producer Travis Knight, “Kubo’s Journey” and

Original Featurettes.

KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS was one of the first films my granddaughter watched and I knew immediately that she would love them all, and she does. Kubo is the story of a young man who could have easily just given way to all the sadness in his life but chose another path instead. What an amazing story to tell and it was very successful.

Parkinson as Kubo is the voice that is so memorable because it is filled with emotion, love, insecurity and a fierceness that comes in handy at the end of his journey. Theron as Monkey is wise and patient, well, most of the time but is absolutely wonderful. McConaughey is so delightful as Beetle and very funny. Fiennes as The Moon King is ferocious and focused but he’s never met anyone like Kubo!

SHOUT! Factory has grown into a tremendous multi-platform media company. Releasing new animated features such as the exquisite Long Way North, and the epic fantasy Beauty and The Beast. Also, their own original horror film, Fender Bender gives fans a good scare. For more of what SHOUT Factor has to offer please visit

The scrupulous remastering process for both titles was overseen by the team at LAIKA, led by LAIKA CEO (and Kubo and the Two Strings Director) Travis Knight, and Visual Effects Supervisor Steve Emerson, who pored over each film shot-by-shot, paying close attention to every last detail and color to present these groundbreaking films in the most dynamic format.

The use of Dolby Vision has made these films look more spectacular than ever before, with vivid colors and exacting picture quality, and with highlights brighter and essential dark elements darker, unleashing the full potential of HDR technology. The films were also mixed in Dolby Atmos spatial audio, bringing out more details and clarity in the sound, resulting in an even more immersive experience for fans.

KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS and THE BOXTROLLS are an absolute must have (or don’t talk to me every again) in your own home entertainment library. The stories are so rich and wonderful with message of hope, family, love, courage and triumph. Laika has cornered something wonderful here and I can not wait to see what they do next!

The stop-motion is flawless, smooth and glides along with the story and becomes a subtle character in the film as well. That is how it’s done kids – with excellence and a lot of thought into the process of not just the stop-motion but the story as well making a combination that is unmatched.

Gather the family because I do believe it is time for a Laika marathon because, like a good bucket of popcorn, you can not have just one! Now excuse me, we are preparing for our own marathon! Enjoy the shows!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Coming to Bluray are THE FABELMANS


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray, DVD and Digital from writer/director Steven Spielberg, Amblin Entertainment and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment comes the tender story of THE FABELMANS.

Burt Fabelman (Paul Dano) and his wife Mitizi (Michelle Williams) are about to introduce their son Sam (Mateo Francis-DeFord) to his first movie, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. Watching in a crowded theatre, his attention is captivated during the circus train crash. Now, the young boy is wanting only one thing – a train set.

Wishing for a train set for Hannukah, Sam takes it one step further when mom Mitzi puts an 8 mm camera into his hands. What comes from all of this is a young boy’s dream coming true. He can not stop himself from creating more and more stories on film with his sisters Reggie (Birdie Borria), Natalie (Alina Brace) and Lisa (Sophia Kopera) as his actors.

The family gets together with family friend Bennie Loewy (Seth Rogen) and it is movie night. That is until the family moves to Phoenix, Arizona as dad Burt moves up in the technology world. Growing up, Sam (Gabriel LaBelle) never stops making films and while in Boy Scouts uses the opportunity to make his own film to get a badge.

When a family tragedy happens, Burt asks his son to put together something lovely for mom to bring her some joy. Uncle Boris (Judd Hirsch) comes to visit and tells Sam that he comes from a family of artists and what that can do to a person but it also those words leave a lasting impression. So much so, that Sam discovers something about his mom that he cannot deal with in the right way.

Once again, the family moves to norther California and Sam has lost the urge to create and puts his camera down. Focusing on school, a new challenge happens as antisemitism reaches into his life. Through harassment and bullying, Sam learns that he must take a stand in some way and with the help of girlfriend Monica (Chloe East) and a 16mm camera, he takes on a high school event to present at prom.

Now ready for college, the family dynamic has changed and Sam must face his father with what he wants for life. After years of dad calling his filmmaking a ‘hobby’, the young man finally says the words to make his father understand that everything has led up to that moment.

These are the Fabelmans!

Williams as Mitzi is a complex, complicated and very supportive wife which keep the family moving forward. That comes with the flaws of being a woman in 1952 and the stereotypes of keeping a perfect house with perfect kids and a perfect marriage. All of that comes with a price and William’s portrayal for Mitzi shows us that the cost is so personally destructive. Once again, this actress gives a performance that will make the list of awards but more importantly, leaves an impression for the viewer that is shaken and stirred.

Dano as Burt is a father trying to get ahead in the business world creating, supporting a family and making everyone happy. He is also set in the 50s stereotype that he does not realize affects his son. Dad wants a studious kid who will one day follow in his footsteps and although supportive, in a way, of his son, he continues to consider it only a ‘hobby’. Dano gives Burt that struggle of a man who has one idea of family in his head while the reality of family is passing him by. Dano is stunning!

LaBelle as Sam is nothing short of fantastic. He also lives in this world created by the times he lives but does not quite fit into the mold everything thinks he should. While excited about the prospect of making film and supported by his mother, he runs into those who can not embrace the prospect of filmmaking as a career. There are such beautiful moments that LaBelle provides in his role of Sam that are touching and heartbreaking all at the same time. We follow his life of creativity and growing pains willingly because the viewer also wants him to succeed. That is acting at its finest and well-done LaBelle!

Rogen as Bennie is Burt’s best friend and basically an uncle to the kids. They share everything together and it is all beautiful, until it isn’t. Rogen is equally into his work as Burt and also shares his total support of Sam and his filmmaking showing up for every showing. Rogen keeps his character a bit on the back burner of the Fabelman family. The scene between Bennie and Sam at the camera store is so heartbreaking to watch, trust me on this.

Shout out to Mateo Francis-DeFord as the young Sam because here is a young actor who just melted my heart. I know that feeling of being in a theatre for the first time and worrying about everything being so big when you are so little. My first film was BAMBI, and my ‘train scene’ was the death of Bambi’s mother and while everyone else around me was crushed and crying, I was riveted. Francis-DeFord took me there once again and that, for me, is priceless so thank you young man and extremely well done.

Other cast include Robin Bartlett as Tina Schildkraut, Sam Rechner as Logan Hall, Oakes Fegley as Chad Thomas, Isabelle Kusman as Claudia Denning, Jan Hoag as Nona, Nicolas Cantu as Hark, Cooper Dodson as Turkey, Gabriel Bateman as Roger, Lane Factor as Dean, Chandler Lovelle as Renee, Keeley Karsten as the older Natalie Fabelman, Julia Butters as the older Reggie Fabelman, Jeannie Berlin as Hadassah Fabelman and David Lynch as John Ford.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Bonus Features on Bluray, DVD and Digital are THE FABELMANS: A Personal Journey, Family Dynamics, and Crafting the World of the Fabelmans.

THE FABELMANS is written by Steven Spielberg with co-writer Tony Kushner who has written with the Oscar winner on the 2005 film MUNICH, the 2012 film LINCOLN and the 2021 WEST SIDE STORY.

On the recreating of his early works, Spielberg says, “It was joyful being able to recreate those films. I shot a lot of films when I was a kid on 8mm. It was unique in those days. Not a lot of people were going out and shooting in 8mm. It was physical; it was a craft. You had to sit there with a splicer, and then you had to scrape the emulsion off the film in order to get a seal so when you put glue on it, you literally glued the film together. I must say, I miss it.”

Being semi-autobiographical, it really is not something I concentrated on watching the film. Instead, I let the story tell me what it wanted to tell me in any way it wanted to present itself. Fact or fiction did not mean anything because THE FABELMANS swept me up in a story of family, love, secrets, perceptions, realities, sadness, fun and possibilities. These are all things that are relatable no matter who you are.

The cast is one of the best I have seen in a long time and with even the short stint for Hirsch, he was just so lovely to watch as a man who knows the pain of creativity! He sees what Sam is reaching for and although supports it, slaps on a warning label as well. Each character is memorable and unique to the journey we are all invited on.

For some it will be a look into the past of how the world perceived the role over mother, father, husband, wife and expectations of kids. Spielberg is doing what he does the best taking us from point A to Z with a box of tissue in-between, the dude is beautifully exhausting.

In the end – capture every moment!



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from director Steven Soderberg and Warner Bros. is the finale to the trilogy with MAGIC MIKE’S LAST DANCE.

The economy and covid has hit Mike Lane’s (Channing Tatum) business and he is in deep debt. At a bartending gig, he meets Maxandra Mendoza (Salma Hayek Pinault) who is going through a divorce and some issues of her own. At the same party, Mike runs into a woman who remembers him from his dancing days and she immediately tells Maxandra.

After the party, she asks Mike about it and when tense comes to tease, Maxandra has an ‘a-ha’ moment for her life. She immediately asks Mike to come to her home in London because she has an amazing job opportunity for him. Staying in her home, Mike meets daughter Zadie (Jemelia George) and stern looking Victor (Ayub Khan Din).

The new job Maxandra is offering is to take over the theatre she wants in the divorce and create an amazing show with Mike as the director. She also makes it clear that it is now a strictly working relationship even though daughter Zadie wonders. Now, they search London to find dancers that are perfect for the show and rehearsals begin.

There are theatre hurdles to get through, emotional hurdles to be confronted and in between is a show no one expected.  

Tatum returns as Mike and immediately goes into slinky mode within ten minutes of the film starting. Trust me when I say I’m not complaining, it almost felt like ‘hey, lets get this out of the way so we can get to the story’ but much, much hotter. It is nice to see Tatum embrace Mike one more time but with a different feel and solid storyline. His dance moves are singularly memorable, but then again that is the case for MAGIC MIKE and MAGIC MIKE XXL.

Hayek-Pinault as Maxandra is a hot mess trying to keep her insanity to a minimum with a divorce, a daughter she doesn’t quite understand, and a night she can not forget. Taking Mike away from his life in Florida, she sees that he has so much more to offer and this is a chance for both of them to break away. Hayek-Pinault is funny, out of control, confused and shows her characters insecurities.

Din as Victor had me going from start to finish. If I ever had a butler (if that’s what he was) I would want him to be exactly like Din. Knows his job yet has an opinion and gawd help the person who says, ‘so what are you thinking?’ because the floodgates will open. George as Zadie is the voice of the story and she has a lot to say. Like her mother in being confused about things, the story writes itself and the outcome brings Zadie to the forefront of her own life.

Other cast include Caitlin Gerard as Kim, Nancy Carroll as Phoebe, Gavin Spokes as Matthew, Juliette Motamed as Hannah,

Warner Brothers is home to one of the most successful collections of brands in the world and stands at the forefront of every aspect of the entertainment industry from feature film, television and home entertainments with worldwide distribution to DVD and Bluray, animation, comic books, videogames and broadcasting. For more please visit

Let’s get it out of the way first, yes, there are hot abs, smooth moves, choreography that is off the charts and women loving every minute of it. The music has a few memorable moments that will bring a smile to faces and Mike hasn’t forgotten his friends (even if he owes them money) who surround him with positivity. In this film, Tatum’s Mike takes chances and begins to believe in himself again.

Now, let’s dive in deeper. The theme here is women being empowered and fighting against having to make choices placed on them by society. As a woman of a certain age myself, that is very poignant and not just for the youngin’s. An example is that I have very long hair but people say/ask, ‘when are you going to cut it?’ or ‘you’re getting older and it would be so much easier to take care of if it were short’.

My consistent answer in my head is, ‘wtf?’ and moments when I thought that I should because that’s what is expected. I’m older, maybe it would be easier, blah, blah, blah but, finally my heart won over my head and it’s still long. The same with sexuality, emotions, thoughts and love and that is what comes across in the film. Breaking the stereotypes, pressures and expectations that are no longer valid but instead allowing the heart to have a say.

If men and women just said what they wanted in all those categories, life could be different. We all want to be appreciate as a human being, we all want moments that take our breath away and we all want to be treated like we are ‘the only person’ (see the movie for more) in someone’s eyes. What MAGIC MIKE’S LAST DANCE tries to bring is one word ‘connection’ – but it is up to each individual to explore it and accept what works marvelously for each of us and damn it, just be happy!

Oh, and a sultry eyed ab factory breathing a little hot breath on the neck wouldn’t be too bad either – just sayin’.

In the end – it is the final tease!

EMPIRE OF LIGHT Coming to Bluray


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray and DVD from writer-director Sam Mendes and Searchlight Pictures is the story of loss and love with EMPIRE OF LIGHT.

Hilary (Olivia Coleman) is the duty manager of the Empire Cinema in 1980 in Kent, England. Living alone she struggles with mental illness and is taken advantage of by her boss Donald Ellis (Colin Firth). Coming into work she meets Stephen (Michael Ward), a new employee who is thrilled to be working at the theatre.

She gets to know Stephen and hears his story of struggles and about his mother Delia (Tanya Moodie) who is a nurse. Hilary is less forthcoming about her mental illness and her time away from the theatre but still a relationship begins to happen between the two. Sharing as much time together as they can knowing that there could be problems.

The theatre is all a buzz when learning that the films Chariots of Fire would be opening there but it all becomes too much for Hilary. When she struggles, a secret is revealed and Hilary is once again struggling with her mental illness. Taking time away, Hilary eventually returns to work only to see Stephen attacked.

Now Hilary must decide what to do about her relationship with Stephen and where her life is going to go next.

Coleman as Hilary plays an insecure woman who hides behind it all with a bit of standoffishness. Co-workers are clearly understanding but others may not be so with the stigma of mental illness. Coleman is, once again, as lovely in this character as any actress could be. I have always admired her work and this film lends her talent with ease.

Ward as Stephen is a lovely young man with dreams of his own being held back his own fears and wanting to take care of his mother. Sharing his thoughts with Hilary are just so heartbreaking because his feelings are as relevant today as I’m sure they were in the 1980’s. Ward is the bright spot in Hilary’s life and Hilary is the holder of Ward’s secret dreams and together they are stunning.

Firth as Ellis is pretty disgusting which is hard for me to say because I so love Firth’s characters. Can’t exactly say ‘I love him in this role’ because this character absolutely made my skin crawl. So let me say that Firth gave this role the crawling it deserved. Moodie as Delia is a mother who wants what his best for her son, even if she knows that it will hurt him. That is the difficulty of being a Mom.

Other cast include Tom Brooke as Neil Crystal Clarke as Ruby, Jamie Whitlaw as Sean, Ron Cook as Mr. Cooper, Hannah Onslow as Janine, Monica Dolan as Rosemary Bates, Sara Steward as Brenda Ellis and Toby Jones as Norman.

Searchlight Pictures is responsible for such films as SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, 12 YEARS A SLAVE, THE SHAPE OF WATER and THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING MISSOURI. They have an extensive film library as well as documentaries, scripted series, and limited series. For more information, please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Bonus Feature includes Creating EMPIRE OF LIGHT – Go behind the scenes of this personal film with writer-director Sam Mendes, and uncover the story’s origins and the director’s love of cinema. See how the perfect location was found to rebuild a classic movie theatre that had the cast in awe.

EMPIRE OF LIGHT is a slow-paced film that is not really trying to lead you anywhere. What it seems to ask is that we all pay attention to these two people and look beyond what everyone else sees but instead, watch their journey. It is not always a pleasant thing to see but then again, these two people aren’t exactly living a life running through daisy fields with joy.

Mendes brings in a pace that is believable because enough of us know that everyday is not a busting existence but instead putting one foot in front of the other hoping to get somewhere different, somewhere that allows us to be who we are on the inside.

In the end – experience life!





Sunday, February 5, 2023

BLACK PANTHER: Wakanda Forever Fights to 4K Ultra HD


Jeri Jacquin

Currently available on 4K Ultra HD, Bluray, and DVD from director Ryan Coogler and Marvel Studios is the return of BLACK PANTHER: Wakanda Forever.

King T’Challa has died from an unknown illness and Shuri (Letitia Wright) is in a spiral believing she could have helped him. Her anger comes from knowing that the stunning flower grown in Wakanda could have saved him, the same flowers destroyed by cousin Erik Killmonger.

A year has since passed and Queen Ramonda (Angela Bassett) is dealing with the pressures of other countries wanting vibranium. Appearing to answer questions at the U.N., she tells them that it is not about sharing what Wakanda has, it is about those who will take what does not belong to them. Proving her point, General Okoye (Danai Gurira) arrives with soldiers who had tried to steal vibranium.

Back at home, a new threat by the name of K’uk’ulkan or Namor (Tenoch Huerta Mejia) comes from the deepest part of the ocean in search of a school girl who he believes is threatening his people. Shuri and Okoye learn from Agent Everett Ross (Martin Freeman) that the girl is an MIT student Riri Williams (Dominique Thorne), but before they can get the story, the three women are attacked by Tamor’s warriors and taken.

Beyond upset, Queen Ramonda strips Okoye of her command with the Dora Milaje and looks for Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o). Below the surface, Namor is showing Shuri about his vibranium-rich kingdom and the story behind how all it came to be. Shuri knows that no matter what he tells her, he has other motives that are dangerous – like taking on the entire world beginning with Wakanda.

Nakia finds Shuri and Riri and takes them back to Wakanda which only sets off a battle between the two cultures. Shuri must decide if she is fighting for vengeance or finding a way to make it all work peacefully. Now is the time for Wakanda to cement their destiny – or are there more surprises?

Wright as Shuri is taking the reigns after the death of her brother but it is slow going. Dealing with what could have been puts her in a technological rut and avoiding everything. Wright plays it very straight forward without much in the way of emotion but more in the way of keeping her eye on the chessboard as all the pieces move about.

Mejia as Namor decides it is time to stop the land people from trying to not only take what belongs to his underwater kingdom but hurting his people. Mejia gives a strong performance of duality between hanging on to his ‘humanity’ as it were and being a vengeful leader of warrior people.

Bassett as Ramonda gets her chance to wear the crown of Wakanda and makes it clear to not be under estimated. Her role is piece-mealed out here but it finishes as I thought it would. Gurira as Okoye tries to keep the royal family safe but it is getting more and more difficult, especially when the threat is so strong and unpredictable. Gurira wields her weapon (what a shock right?) and deals with her own character demons.

Thorne as Riri is a smart young woman and Shuri can relate. Keeping her alive is the goal and no matter what Namor wants to do, it is not going to happen. Thorne is learning the Wakandan ropes and it is clear she has something to offer if there are more Black Panther stories to be told. Nyong’o as Nakia has run off to Haiti to deal with her own grief about T’Challa and help people as much as she can. Nyong’o also does not have much to say but she does the talking with a weapon in her hand.

Freeman as Ross is also flashing in and out of scenes but makes it clear he is there for his friends. Big shout out to Winston Duke as M’Baku – just love his character! He is bold, brazen and does not care what anyone thinks. In this film he is trying to guide Shuri away from her anger but it doesn’t mean he won’t get a chance to do a little fighting for himself!

Other cast include Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Mabel Cadena as Namora, Michaela Coel as Aneka, Florence Kasumba as Ayo and Michael B. Jordan’s cameo as Killmonger.

Marvel Studios has released sixteen films since 2008 in what is known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel is built on a library of over eight thousand characters featured in a variety of media content for over seventy years. For more of what they have to offer please visit  

Bonus Features include a Gag Reel – Take a look at some of the lighthearted moments on the set of BLACK PANTHER: Wakanda forever, Listen to Ryan Coogler, Joe Robert Cole and Autumn Durald Arkapaw discuss the film, Envisioning Two Worlds – Uncover the making of BLACK PANTHER: Wakanda Forever through the lens and leadership of co-writer/director Ryan Coogler, Hannah Beachler and Ruth Carter, and Passing the Mantle – Follow the evolution of the Black Panther through films.

Also Deleted Scenes Outside the Scope – Okoye has a shocking standoff with Ayo and the Dora Milaje and Aneka makes a challenging decision, The Upstairs Toilet – Ross infiltrated the NSA in disguise in an attempt to uncover information, Daughter of the Border – After a conversation with her uncle, Okoye is faced with a daunting choice and Anytime, Anywhere – In Haiti, Shuri and Okoye share a bittersweet moment.

BLACK PANTHER: Wakanda Forever does a heart felt job of saying goodbye to Chadwick Boseman in the beginning and at the end of the film. That is a nice way for fans to have their opportunity to also send him off Wakandan fan style.

The film is full of action as two cultures that should share peace, seem to be on opposite sides as they want to protect their own people.

In the end – it is forever!