Thursday, April 20, 2017

UNFORGETTABLE Brings Love and Terror to the Screen

Jeri Jacquin

This Friday in theatres from first time director Denise Di Novi and Warner Bros. Pictures comes the twisted meshing of families that will be absolutely UNFORGETTABLE.

Julia Banks (Rosario Dawson) is packing her home in San Francisco to move to Southern California to be with boyfriend David Connover (Geoff Stults). Happy about her decision, Julia knows that there will be an adjustment with young daughter Lily (Isabella Kai Rice) and ex-wife Tessa (Katherine Heigl).

Eager to start their life together, Julia notices almost right away the tension with Tessa. Trying to make things easier for David, she does her best to show Lily that everything is just fine. What Tessa doesn’t know is that Julia and David are planning to be married.

Getting his brewery business off the ground, David thinks its better to wait until everyone has settled to break the news. Tessa decides to take matters into her own hands and look at Julia’s past to discover that she has something that she hasn’t disclosed to David.

Putting discomfort between Julia and David, Tessa is clearly aware of every move she makes. Julia can’t seem to convince David of what is happening to their family until someone shows up at their door igniting a chain of events and there’s no turning back!

Dawson as Julia clearly wants to begin a new life with David. Trying her best to have a integrated family with Lily, Tessa is making sure that they don’t get to close. Dawson’s character eventually holds her own with Heigl’s character and it is a stand off that shocks.

Heigl as Tessa is walking perfection! From her stunning hair, impeccable clothing and steely eyed stare, I can’t recall the last time I saw a character like this and thought, ;I definitely don’t want to meet her anywhere day or night!’ This is a scary lady for the ages for sure but the apple doesn’t fall far from the three.

Stults as David is a man trying to have a new relationship while having an understanding with ex-wife Tessa. Clearly a doting Dad of daughter Lily, starting a new business means he doesn’t have time for two women who need to work it out. Trying to be understanding of Tessa’s feelings, he is caught between three females!

Rice as Lily is adorable and put in the middle of the adults nonsense. There is one scene with Heigl that totally broke my heart for her and that means she handled her character beautifully. Well done young lady!

Other cast include Simon Kassianides as Michael Vargas, Jayson Blair as Jason Michaels, Alex Quijano as Miguel and Cheryl Ladd as Tessa’s mother.

UNFORGETTABLE is a film that is up front about every aspect of what is going on. So why does this work so well? Because it’s like being a fly on the wall watching everything unfold or like a train wreck that you can’t help but watch. I’m keeping the details to myself because this film needs to be seen first hand and remember to keep your jaw off the floor.

The audience absolutely loved the film and there are several times where people were yelling at the screen or hiding their eyes. That’s always a good sign when the audience doesn’t realize its participating!

At this years CinemaCon in Las Vegas, Heigl says of the film, “They say the things that you are most afraid of might actually happen. But what happens when one person can’t deal with it and jealousy turns to madness”.

Dawson continues by saying, “UNFORGETTABLE is a suspense thriller that harkens back to some of my favorite films but with a modern and contemporary edge. We think this film will give audiences what they want, an experience where they are on the edge of their seat!”

In the end – love makes some do dangerous things!

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