Wednesday, April 11, 2018

School is in Session with HBO’s VICE PRINCIPLES: The Complete Series

Jeri Jacquin

HBO brings class into session this week with the DVD and Digital Download pack of comedy that will test your take on laughter with VICE PRINCIPLES: The Complete Series.

When the Principal (Bill Murray) resigns from North Jackson High School, the position of principal is being carefully watched by two very different teachers. Neil Gamby (Danny McBride) is a no-nonsense teacher and counselor who isn’t about to change his tight ship ways and Lee Russell (Walton Coggins) who has a frightening side all wrapped up in a well dressed charming teacher. The outgoing principle knows neither of these men is fit to lead any high school.

That’s when the Superintendent of schools decides to go outside and finds Dr. Belinda Brown (Kimberly Herbert Gregory). Both Gamby and Russell are beside themselves and normally against the other knowing that the only way to win is to work, reluctantly together. Dr. Brown hasn’t even unpacked yet when she begins making changes at the school including having both teachers evaluated. Gamby makes it outwardly clear that his grumpiness isn’t going to change any time soon but Russell takes another tactic of being the coffee-getting brown nose to win Dr. Brown’s heart.

Gamby has a minor distraction having a huge crush on fellow teacher Amanda Snodgrass (Georgia King) who doesn’t really feel the same. In fact, Amanda shares the feelings of most of the North Jackson High School staff which is that Gamby is wound too tight and has no social skills to speak of. Trying to change that image, he volunteers to go on a class field trip and proves them right. That is until he is needed to straighten out students who are out for trouble and that’s when Amanda and the other teachers need his toughness.

While Gamby is distracted, Russell is making plans to sabotage another one of Dr. Brown’s ideas when it comes to the hometown football game. Sharing his idea with his partner-in-crime, Russell sense that Gamby’s heart may not be all in. That isn’t going to matter as the plan takes a very mind blowing turn. Soon after, the two have a blow up and walk away. That is actually a good idea as Dr. Brown has decided that Gamby needs to reevaluate his discipline tactics exchanging harsh words for bean bag chairs. He talks with Amanda about it all to discover that she might be able to help re-direct more of his anger so that the relationship with daughter Janelle (Maya G. Love) can be better.

Imagine how that works for Gamby! Their buddy-breakup is a good thing for Russell too with the wife Christine (Susan Park) and mother-in-law Mi-Cha (June Kyoto Lu) driving him crazy and now a new neighbor who is pushing him to limits that could be deadly, or at least really, really stupid. When Dr. Brown suspects him of being absolutely nothing like she initially believed, it is time to bring him down a peg ordering him to keep an eye on her two mischievous sons.

At this point Dr. Brown offers Gamby more responsibility with a title. Just when he thought life was going so well, a jealous Ms. Abbott (Edi Patterson) shares a little secret about Amanda. The stress on Gamby and Russell begins to show as they come together one final time to put a plan into motion that should seal Dr. Brown’s fate.

But not before Gamby ends up in a dark place and only Russell, now a Principle, knows how to bring him back to North Jackson High School. The dynamic and terrifying duo brings in Vice Principal Nash (Dale Dickey) who rams into lockers with the best of them. Gamby walks around the school to reacquaint himself with the insane changes Russell has been up to.

Gamby wants more than a look around the school as his goal is to find Dr. Brown. There are answers to be had and he isn’t going to like what he hears. Russell is having a crisis of his own when he discovers, and not by accident, that the teachers aren’t thrilled with him on many levels. Trying to be cool, he gets a wake up call in the most vicious way possible.

To feel better about themselves, Gamby and Russell get back to what they know best – breaking absolutely ever rule possible. Amanda is now in his sites and the man she seems to be spending time with as the green eyed monster sets in. Russell can’t seem to get a break as the teachers continue to find a way to work under his skin. Of course it leads to insanity!

Adding fuel to the crazy train, Russell’s father passes and now he has to deal with two vengeful sisters who have no problem ruining his life. Gamby has taken the load of temporary Principle and it isn’t getting off to a great start either when Superintendent Hoss wants to why the Sweat Dogs are torturing teachers with exercise.

At Russell’s party he is given the biggest shock when college friend Kevin shows up and Amanda’s man-friend Brian (Fisher Stevens) works on Gamby’s last nerve.  Wife Christine (Susan Park) goes on a rampage with effects that are witnessed by all! That leads to some changes in both men and Gamby starts with a new wardrobe with the help of Jen Abbott.

After a night out, Russell ends the night with a shock at home but is glad he has the teachers’ friendship once again. The students take their state exams but the teachers have done something to make sure the school principal pays dearly. That is until Amanda and Gamby decide that hurting the students isn’t worth it.

Spring Break is here and don’t think for one minute that the Principle and staff aren’t going to do it there way. Gamby and Russell end up at the beach and Amanda learns that her so-called boyfriend Brian is an attention hog. It is during spring break that things become a little clearer and the gauntlet is thrown down between Russell and Gamby.

The first shot (pun intended) is fired and Jen is the catalyst for a showdown that’s coming. After a knock down drag out between teachers, Gamby realizes he can’t change things alone and reaches out to the most unexpected people.

Finally, a friendship goes through its worse, the pieces of a weird puzzle start to fit, love conquerors all – well sort of, and it’s a grand end to a strange year at North Jackson High School.

It isn’t easy going from Vice to Principle!

Lets jump right in, Danny McBride as Neil Gamby is perfection! He puts up a rough exterior that makes you think he enjoys being an ass but it’s plain to see he is protecting himself from just about everybody. His ex definitely did a number on him, the new husband is so nice it drives him nuts, he hates that his daughter might like him more, can’t figure out a way to not be weird around Amanda, would rather see Russell roasting on a spit and hates the idea of his dream job going to Dr. Brown. Is there anything else?

Oh yes, the only person who speaks to him regularly is Dayshawn (Sheaun McKinney) who works in the cafeteria. Although the last part isn’t so bad, I mean you want to be friends with the guy making your food right? Finally, he isn’t about to let the person responsible for a life changing event and everyone is suspect. McBride cracks me up, scares me and then makes me want to give him a huge and then back again to scaring and cracking me up. This character might have just made me question my own sanity.

Now, Coggins, my dear, lovely Walton Coggins – this actor has come so far so fast I don’t know where to begin. Yes, I loved him in the series The Shield, hated/loved him in the FX series Justified along with films MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA, DJANGO UNCHAINED and THE HATEFUL EIGHT. But, it has to be said, his role as Venus Van Damme in the FX series Sons of Anarchy will always hold a special place in my heart because that character brought a richness to the already successful series. It became clear almost immediately that SOA fans fell hard for the lovely Venus!

Now, in VICE PRINCIPLES Coggins brings a little of Venus back to me at least but with a whole new psychotic attitude and penchant for destruction the likes of which will have me fearing well-dressed-bow-tie-wearing-charming teachers for the rest of my life. I love everything about this character and he takes Season Two into an even darker place.

King as Amanda is a welcome surprise to the series for me. I saw her in COCKNEYS VS. ZOMBIES and, as anyone who knows me can testify to, anything zombie will get high praise from me. As Amanda she is just as unsure and she shares many of same insecurities as Gamby. That is what makes watching their interactions fascinating. There is an early scene between King and McBride that sets the stage for the confusion between the two of them, or maybe they just confused me. Oh amore!

Gregory as Dr. Brown comes in with the sweetest of intentions but when it’s time to get serious let the attitude commence. Knowing away from a bad marriage, she is dealing with two sons that aren’t happy to be in the new town and have no problems expressing it. Hanging around Gamby and Russell wasn’t a good idea from the very beginning because she isn’t dealing with two faces – but four and none of them have good intentions. Gregory takes her character dark and deep once she realizes that something fishy is going on in her life and not just as principal. There are a few jaw dropping moments, okay more than a few for her character so be prepared!

Love as Janelle is Gamby’s daughter who loves her father but can’t stomach his controlling ways. Wanting to please him she also wants to find a relationship with her motor-crossing step-father. That’s when the tugging between the two Dad’s begins putting this young girl between a horse and a motorbike. Patterson as Ms. Abbott is pure hilarity but in an eye-widening-oh-no-she-didn’t way. There are adult crushes and then there are reasons to check the door locks – Ms. Abbott falls into the latter category.

Dickey as Nash totally gets into Gamby’s psychosis and I love that she’s in it to win it. Just goes to prove that crazy is as crazy does and two is even a biggest disaster. It seems the kids have the upper hand even though she thinks she’s as tough as nails.

Other cast includes: Ashley Spillers as Janice Swift, Busy Philipps as Gale Liptrapp, Jennifer Gatti as Mrs. Deets, Shea Whigham as Ray Liptrapp, Dale Dickey as Nash, Christopher Thornton as Mr. Milner, Brian Howe as Superintendent Haas, Marcius Harris as Officer Willows and Mike O’Gorman as Bill Hayden.

HBO Home Entertainment has an extensive array of critically-acclaimed and groundbreaking programs found on Bluray, DVD and Digital HD. They have provided viewers with some of the most amazing programs with huge fan bases that include the shows True Blood, Sex and the City, The Sopranos, True Detectives, The Wire, Entourage and Game of Thrones. Launched in 1984, HBO is world wide in viewed entertainment in more than 70 territories around the world! For more of what they have to offer please visit

Season One includes the episodes The Principal, A Trusty Steed, The Field Trip, Run for the Money, Circles, The Foundation of Learning, The Good Book, Gin and End of the Line. Season Two episodes are Tiger Town, Slaughter, The King, Think Change, A Compassionate Man, The Most Popular Boy, Spring Break, Venetian Nights and The Union of the Wizard & The Warrior. The Bonus Features include Deleted Scenes (a must watch!), Blooper Reel (an even more must-watch!) and Audio Commentaries with Cast and Crew.

 VICE PRINCIPLES: The Complete Series is a must-see for everyone with a twisted sense of humor. McBride and Coggins together are a duo that not only bring the best of dark comedy but man they can be disturbing in an awesome way. I love the show and nothing is going to change my mind. It is testing, irreverent, kind of gross, hilarious, jaw-dropping, insane and pretty much a good time.

I want conflict resolution, okay no I don’t, I want to see Gamby and Russell take another shot at their dream job and here it is done in a complete series to watch again and again. It is a twisted friendship that has seen the best and worst of each other and I don’t think Gamby or Russell would have had it any other way – well maybe not the tiger!

In the end – we all need someone to look up to!

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