Monday, December 10, 2018

RIVER RUNS RED Seeks Revenge on Bluray

Jeri Jacquin

On 4K UHD, Bluray and DVD from Cinedigm Entertainment Group and writer/director Wes Miller comes a story of justice and revenge with RIVER RUNS RED.

Charles Coleman (Taye Diggs) is a man who has worked hard for a career in law and becoming a judge. Married to medic Eve (Jennifer Tao) and raising son CJ (Joseph Belk), he is seeing all of his life dreams come true.

When Coleman and CJ have a friendly bet, it is CJ who drives away in his fathers expensive car! On his way to school, he is pulled over by Officer Rory (Gianni Capaldi) and Officer Von (Luke Hemsworth) and while reaching for his wallet the officers open fire.

Coleman and Eve are devastated and can not understand how such a thing can happen. They are angry and even more so when they are told that CJ had a gun leading to the officers shooting him. They know this isn’t true but the pain of their loss has them trying to cope the best they know how. Coleman enlists the help of Detective Horace (John Cusack) to find out more about the officers who shot his son.

Javier (George Lopez) is a mechanic who with his wife Marilyn (Briana Evigan) have spent the last two years avoiding the thoughts of their sons death. Coleman goes to see him when he realizes that there is a connection between them. Javier wants nothing to do with speaking about the death of his son; that is until Coleman shows him something that changes his mind.

Motivated by anger, rage and sadness, the two fathers make a plan to take matters into their own hands.

Diggs as Coleman is a husband and father who has worked hard to become a judge and to provide for his family. Enjoying his life it all changes in the flash of gunfire. Diggs portrays a father mired down in the hurt and rage at the unfairness by the same system that he has spent years being a part of. Turning to all those that should be helping him, he finds that they don’t seem to take the situation seriously. This is a tough role but Diggs gives it all the twists and turns up to the shocking ending.

Lopez as Javier is another father who can’t seem to get past the death of his son. Pushing down his feelings he thinks he finally has his life bearable. That is until he gets a visit from Coleman with his suspicions about the officers who killed CJ and shows father Javier a reason to join him in a plan to get justice for both of their sons. Lopez gets a chance to show serious acting chops.

Hemsworth as Von knows almost immediately that what has happened with the judges’ son isn’t something that is going to go away. Trying to move forward, he immerses into his own home life and that of his young son. Capaldi as Rory is a hot headed cop who seemed to be looking for any reason that day to shoot someone. Keeping an eye on his partner Von and believing they are in the clear is his first mistake. Both of these actors played off of each other’s character in a chilling way.

Tao as Eve lashes out at her husband when ever she thinks about the death of their son. She also wants justice and feels that Coleman isn’t doing enough to make that happen. Evigan as Marilyn watches her husband become withdrawn but when Coleman shows up she fears what he will do.

Cusack as Horace is a detective that realizes what Coleman is up against. Wanting to help his friend discover what the two officers are hiding, he begins to see a change in the judge and fears for him.

Other cast include: RJ Mitte as Officer Thomas, Steve Berrebi as Brass One, Jaqueline Fleming as Professor Lawless, Tshombi Basemore as Diego, Michael Clofine as Officer Mike, John D. Hickman as Officer Tom and Spencer Kingsley as Carter.

Cinedigm is a leading distributor of amazing content in storefronts, digital platforms, Internet and Demand platforms for cable television. With an extensive library of over 52,000 films and television shows, Docudrama films, next-gen Indies and Independent films. At its inception, Cinedigm has played a pioneering role in transitioning movie theatres from traditional film prints to digital distribution to advance worldwide cinema modernization. For more on what Cinedigm has to offer please visit

RIVER RUNS RED is a film that speaks about the times we live in and the way the justice system handles cases of officer involved shootings. Even when the young man killed has a father who is a judge, there seems to be a thin veil that no one wants to push through.

Writer/director Wes Miller jumps in without any hesitation in pointing out the inequalities both Coleman and Javier face. There isn’t any mincing of words or emotions bringing it all straight out into the open. The ending is staggering, shocking and emotional showing that everything doesn’t wrap up as neatly.

The cast led by Diggs and Lopez brings a strong intensity to the story and once the film begins, there aren’t to many moments to catch your breath.

In the end – vengeance is the only justice!

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