Wednesday, July 31, 2019

AVENGERS: Endgame Comes to Bluray and 4K

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray and currently on Digital is the highly anticipated finale with an iconic team from directors Anthony and Joe Russo, Marvel and Walt Disney Studios with AVENGERS: Endgame.

That's about the most I want to tell you about AVENGERS: Endgame and why is that?

AVENGERS: Endgame is the end of eleven years of storytelling and eleven years of a journey that has brought comic book fans to the theatres and at the same time created new comic book readers. After seeing it for myself, I agree that talking about it still spoils it for everyone so instead, lets talk about the journey that got us all here.

In 2008, we were all introduced to IRON MAN, Tony Stark and the only man who will ever be this character to my way of thinking - Robert Downey, Jr. I didn't know much about this character and turned to my two sons to talk about it. I knew Iron Man's place in the world of comics and knew what he looked like but that's about it. Robert Downey, Jr. gave me a quick lesson which was not a surprise to me.

Seeing this first offering was fantastic and I remember thinking at the time that I wouldn't mind seeing more of Tony Stark. I had no idea that somewhere in the world someone else was thinking the very same thing as the universe (to be tagged the ‘Marvel Universe’) was about to get oh so much bigger.

Then came more Marvel characters with THE INCREDIBLE HULK, more IRON MAN, CAPTAIN AMERICA, and THOR in 2012. Then the crew of GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, the second AVENGERS in 2015, ANT-MAN, the return of SPIDER MAN, the introduction of DOCTOR STRANGE, and Wakanda brought us BLACK PANTHER. All of these set the stage for the 2018 AVENGERS: Infinity Wars.

Adding the final piece of the puzzle, we meet the new CAPTAIN MARVEL. All of this guiding us to this Friday's inevitable finale of AVENGERS: Endgame.

As each film came to the big screen, the crowds of people became bigger and bigger and all for different reasons. The most interesting thing about these Marvel films is that everyone's reason for becoming part of the theatre experience is different but the kid-like excitement is the same and generationally shared.

That is what Marvel has brought to everyone who has experienced the comic-book-to-screen phenomena. Each character has something that we all can relate to in some way or another. Their stories of struggle and reconciling love and loss is relatable and heartfelt. We want them to be our heroes and cheer for them to save our planet time and time again.

So, for AVENGERS: Endgame what can I tell you? The film picks up with what has happened after Thanos snapped his Infinity Stone-laden chunky fingers and what the left-over Avengers are doing in this new reality. Each is now dealing with their losses and the wish that the world were right again. That is where a plan to make that right happen is formed.

Sounds easy right? Hardly, because everything done by the Avengers isn't a straight line from chaos to success. Obstacles get in their way, twists and turns are put into play and stories have an opportunity to be told. There is also so much raw emotion in the entire three hours of the film, there are giggles, jaw drops and I do so highly suggest keeping tissue handy.

At the premier for the film, Chris Evans aka Captain America says about AVENGERS: Endgame, "It’s a double edged sword in that you have this wonderful fan base but also the pressure to satisfy the people who's taste is from the source material. You can't deviate too much and they deserve this."

The ever so charming and never-aging Paul Rudd says, "I can't believe we are finally going to see the movie. I'm excited for audiences to experience the culmination of these films and see where this thing has landed and have a satisfying emotional roller coaster ride experience."

I'm giving Robert Downey, Jr. the final say about how he feels with, "I'm excited, nervous and have such pride. We are fans and that is the reason this has been such a great adventure."

Marvel Studios has released sixteen films since 2008 in what is known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel is built on a library of over eight thousand characters featured in a variety of media content for over seventy years. For more of what they have to offer please visit 

The Bluray includes the Bonus Extras of Remembering Stan Lee, Setting the Tone: Casting Robert Downey Jr., A Man Out of Time: Creating Captain America, Black Widow: Whatever It Takes, Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, The Russo Brothers: Journey to Endgame and so much more!

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

I have always found it difficult to watch a film where there is a huge cast because I always want to see more of one character over another, not the case with the AVENGERS films. Don't get me wrong, I do have my personal favorites in Tony Stark and Loki (I love a smart smart-ass and a smooth talking Asgardian what can I say!), but the AVENGERS cast mesh in the sense that each has a job to do and they don't screen-hog to do it.

The MCU is one of action, adventure, storytelling, lessons to be learned, friendship, loyalty, chaos, a lot of destruction, those who want to see the world burn and superheroes that make it their life mission to stop it and all of this brought to a hungry audience who want more. That's what Marvel does and will continue to do. Although AVENGERS: Endgame is a finale in this particular chapter of that MCU, there are so many more stories waiting in the wings to be shown to us on the big screen.

Kevin Feige attended San Diego Comic Con International the past weeks and showed fans what was to become of the Marvel Universe now that the Avengers fight was over. The joy of what is to come is a nice ointment to put on the wounds left open by the departure of some of our heroes.

I suspect the Bluray will fly off the shelves of our particular universe and the planet will be bursting at the seams as we once again spend three hours with our own closest super hero friends. AVENGERS: Endgame is a film to be experienced with your family, friends and I don't think anyone who has invested so much time and emotion into these films will be disappointed.

They started this together and each scene attempts to bring closure for fans so embrace every moment of the film. Clearly AVENGERS: Endgame was made with love, fun and a sense that the creators wanted to give fans everything – the good, the bad, the cheering and the sad. AVENGERS: Endgame is going to give everyone exactly that. 

Of course this calls for a movie marathon of everything leading up to AVENGERS: Endgame and that isn’t such a bad way to spend evenings with the family!

In the end - each of these Avengers has something to lose, something to gain and a world that needs to be set right.

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