Wednesday, April 22, 2020

WENDY is a Stunning Story of Childhood

Jeri Jacquin

Currently on Digital from writer/director Benh Zeitlin, Eliza Zeitlin and 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is a tale of childhood and belief from a girl named WENDY.

Wendy (Devin France) is a young girl who has grown up literally next to the tracks. Her mother Angela (Shay Walker) runs a small diner next to the trains that come and go. Watching things pass by, she passes time working at the diner and creating beautiful stories. When there is time she deals with twin brothers Douglas (Gage Naquin) and James (Gavin Naquin) who are constantly filled with energy.

One evening as a train passes by, Wendy sees a shape that sends her running to the window. On top of a slowly passing train in a boy! Wendy wakes Douglas and James climbing out their second story bedroom window and, without hesitation, jumps onto the moving train. They finally catch up with the boy and learns his name is Peter (Yashua Mack).

As the sun comes up, the kids see a part of the world they never dared dream existed outside their little world. Peter has a surprise for them when greeted by a boat that takes them to a very unusual island. They meet Sweet Heavy (Ahmad Cage), Cudjoe (Romyri Ross) and a boy they thought they knew, Thomas (Krzysztof Meyn).

On this island the children run, play, explore and have no concept of time. Peter likes Wendy and shows her some of his secret places. Wendy is thrilled with everything they experience. Douglas and James are beside themselves with sharing this adventure. While exploring a fishing boat off the rocks, their lives take a drastic turn.

The reality of being away from home sets in and Wendy discovers a very big secret of the island from Buzzo (Lowell Landes) and she isn’t so sure this is the place they should be.

Frances as Wendy is absolutely and totally stunning. A few years ago, I thought another young actor named Tom Holland had “it” when I saw his young self in a film called THE IMPOSSIBLE. Well, I was right so I am going to go out on another limb and say that Frances has that “it” and I can not wait to see what she does next. In her role as Wendy there is every emotion in her eyes, and they are as piercing as her physical performance. I am mesmerized by what she brought to the film and adored every moment she is on the screen. Well done young Devin, very well done. This may be your first role, but it will not be your last.

Mack as Peter is a young man with big beliefs in an exceedingly small body. As Peter, he is brave, reckless, and yet believes in the power of something greater than what adults can provide. There are scenes where he is strong and full of assurance, and then there are moments where the world falls out of his eyes and both are moving.

Let’s talk about the Naquin twins Gage and Gavin! In the beginning these two actors are full of mischief and are pretty much up for anything, including following Wendy! What happens from the moment they jump onto the train until the very end practically broke my heart. That is what these two young men brought to the film. Being twins there is already a connection and it showed throughout the film in their characters reactions to the situations. They are stunning to watch together and yet they served themselves well apart.

Walker as Angela is a mother doing what she can for her children. Having dream of her own when she was young, there is a sad acceptance for her lot in life. There is also the acceptance for her children that the diner is also their future. Shout out to Landes as Buzzo, what an amazing character to play and so unexpected in this story. He has his story and Wendy learns it all from him.

Other cast include Matt Owens as Tee Goose, Tommie Milazzo as baby Wendy, Stephanie Wilson as adult Wendy, and Kevin Pugh as James.

Twentieth Century Home Entertainment brings award-winning global product and new entertainment to DVD, Bluray, and Digital HD. There amazing collection offers fans an opportunity to expand their own home libraries with the best films. To discover what other titles they have please visit

WENDY Digital Special Features include Deleted Scenes Reel, Making WENDY, Audition Reel and VFX Breakdown.

WENDY is extraordinary in so many ways and it is the cast that makes it so. The children are exceptional, beautiful, charming, funny, sad and adventurous and all of these characteristics rolled together makes the film stunning. I went along for the ride just as easily as Wendy jumped onto the train with her brothers. I went willingly and I loves every moment of it.

The cinematography is breathtaking, and the special effects are flawless which adds to the believability of the ride that director Zeitlin takes us on. There is a magic to this film, and it is a simple magic that needs to be seen and experienced. If the directors name seems familiar to you, then perhaps you experienced the 2012 film BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD which was nominated for 4 Oscars. It was the AFI winner for Movie of the Year among so many other awards.  

When looking for something amazing to watch during this time at home, go on an adventure with WENDY.

In the end – it is time for an adventure!

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