Sunday, October 31, 2021



Jeri Jacquin

Now showing from director Michael Mailer and Vertical Entertainment is the story of working together as a team with the HEART OF CHAMPIONS.

Coach Jack Murphy (Michael Shannon) has come to Beeston University to be a part of the varsity rowing team. Captain Alex Singleton (Alexander Ludwig) rules with a sort of iron fist and sarcasm that does not really help the team. John (Alex MacNicoll) is the soft space between Alex and the rest of the team.

Murphy makes himself quite clear from the beginning, learn to row as a team or get off the team. He especially makes it clear to newcomer Chris (Charles Melton) arrives with an emotional chip on his shoulder.  He also needs to deal with Alex’s father (David Elliott) who has a history with the coach and is not afraid to throw it in his face.

Chris is in love with Sara (Lilly Krug) who introduces her friend Nisha (Ash Santos) to John. A rift, as if they need another one, already exists between Alex and John over Sara keeping tensions high.

But as the team learns from one another, they grow as a team and Coach Murphy believes that they have the potential to do what has been impossible for so long – beating the Harvard team. As they get close to that match, the team begins to break apart and a tragedy causes them all to believe that going on may be impossible.

The possible and impossible meet on the water.

Shannon as Coach Murphy comes into his position with unresolved issues that haunt him. Seeing the potential of the rowing team, he starts coaching as if they no nothing which they actually do not. There is so much disconnect with the varsity team that Shannon gives his coach thoughtfulness, and instead of just talking – he actually gives examples that they can embrace. Shannon has always been an acting I have watched closely because of the roles he chooses (i.e. Nine Perfect Strangers is an amazing example).

Ludwig as Alex is a young man who is being pushed toward the Olympics by a father who sees nothing but glory. Trying to please both his father and be loyal to a team that he has finally come to understand and want to be a part of is the battle he faces. Ludgwig shows the duality that will eventually be his downfall when choosing a path that is so destructive.

MacNicoll as John is a very empathetic young man who sees his team as a brotherhood and would do anything for them – even Alex. He works hard and loves girlfriend Sara being a focus of his life as well. Seeing the potential for the team is exciting and he even wants to help the coach with his goal of winning. MacNicoll is charming, funny and caring in this role and well done.

Melton as Chris has a history that he does not want to share with anyone and that gives the impression that he is uncaring and standoffish. The only person who manages to break through it is John and they become fast friends. Melton hides the pain of his character well and only let’s slip what he wants when he wants, and it is powerful and painful.

Krug as Sara is entertaining, charming and realizes that there is strain between Alex and John. Santos as Nisha is opinionated and makes an instant assessment of Chris without really knowing him. Once she does, the two work their way through an intense relationship.

Vertical Entertainment is a global independent distributor that offers a unique wealth of experience minus the studio costs. They have won a Film Independent Spirit Award for Best Actress for Molly Shannon’s role in OTHER PEOPLE and the film won a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Film Limited Release, Best International Film for Babak Anvari’s UNDER THE SHADOW, a BAFTA and three Independent British Independent Film Awards as well.

HEART OF CHAMPIONS is a story of the lives of the young men on the rowing team. Trying to find their way to being cohesive not only on the water but on land as well. Finding the right coach, it is only when Jack Murphy arrives does it mean that they might have finally found someone who can handle the group of young men.

Watching them grow on screen from sarcastic and broken apart to a team that comes alive on the water is what makes this film enjoyable to watch. There are issues that each of the characters face and some face them head on and other fight the demons that seem to take them down the wrong road.

Gather any team together and watch to see how a team become a family of brothers that learn to face it all together.

In the end – talent wins races and courage creates champions!


It is all About RESPECT


Jeri Jacquin

Coming from director Liesl Tommy and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is the biopic about one of the most legendary women in music who learns to demand RESPECT.

Aretha Franklin (Jennifer Hudson) grows up in Detroit with very controlling paster father C.L. (Forest Whitaker) in 1952. Parading her out to sing for those who visit his home, Aretha is missing her mother Barbara (Audra McDonald). When the news of her mother comes, Aretha becomes silent as her sisters Erma (Saycon Sengbloh) and Carolyn (Hailey Kilgore) can only watch is happening.

Year later, Aretha catches the eye of Ted White (Marlon Wayans) but her father immediately lets it be known that she is to stay away from him. To make that happen, Aretha discovers that she and her father will be travelling to New York to discuss a record deal with Columbia’s John Hammond (Tate Donovan).

Now she is on the road to becoming a known singer with albums of songs that are basically cover music. It is when Dinah Washington (Mary J. Blige) has it out with Aretha is she told that finding her own sound is what will get her the hits that she so desperately wants. Also, running into Ted once again does Aretha believe that she can finally have a life outside of the control of her father.

When things do not work out at Columbia, Jerry Wexler (Marc Maron) of Atlantic Records takes Aretha to Muscle Shoals and there she begins to discover the sound, words and music she had been looking for. As music becomes successful, her marriage begins to show the abuses that Aretha has been enduring.

There comes a pivotal point where Aretha must decide what is important in her life, who she can trust and who she truly loves. Once that happens, she returns to the church through her music and discovers a peace she had been longing for.

Hudson as Aretha brings the same powerful voice that Ms. Franklin brought to the music scene and the world. The quiet spoken woman who let everyone around push and pull her, turns into the quietly powerful woman who learns that she does not have to give up who she is for the sake of music or anything else for that matter. There is no doubt Hudson would bring song to the role and it is well done.

Whitaker as C.L. is so focused on being who he is and controlling who Aretha is, he is totally unaware of the reasons behind his daughter’s behavior when she was a child. Being a stage-dad puts intense pressure on Aretha until she rebels in ways that cause friction. Whitaker is stunning in this role.

Wayans as Ted is a man who clearly loves his wife though he has a funny way of showing it when he does not like something. Wayans gives a clear performance to the point where it is easy to see when the moods will change and the power in which Aretha eventually handles it.

Maron as Wexler believes in Aretha and also believes in her potential to discover her own music and her own way of recording it. The relationship between Maron and Hudson is so wonderfully done because it is a musical partnership that was always needed. Donovan as Hammond sees firsthand the pressure Aretha is under and the control her father has. Trying to help the young woman, Donovan is sympathetic and soft spoken when it comes to having a recording relationship.

Other cast includes Kelvin Hair as Sam Cooke, Heather Headley as Clara Ward, Lodric D. Collins as Smokey Robinson, Tituss Burgess as James Cleveland, Leroy McClain as Cecil Franklin, Albert Jones as Ken Cunningham.  and Gilbert Glenn Brown as Martin Luther King Jr.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

Bonus Features include The Making of RESPECT, Becoming Aretha, Capturing a Legacy, From Muscle Shoals and Exploring the Design of RESPECT.

RESPECT is filled with the music of legendary singer Aretha Franklin. The story tells us of a young girl’s life filled with trauma, the men who chose to control every move and decision of her life and, when the time came, she broke away to finally discover who and what her life was meant to be.

There is not a single person I know that does not know at least one or two of her songs. RESPECT is the opportunity for everyone to see the range of music she recorded and how it all came to be. Her life included the influence of the church, a movement and a time that she included in the sound of her music.

In the end – find out what respect truly means!



He is Trying to Put Out a RAGING FIRE


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray/DVD and Digital from director Benny Chan and Well Go USA is a police action with twists at every turn trying to put out a RAGING FIRE.

Cheung (Donnie Yen) is a police officer with the Regional Crime Unit who has spent his career cracking case after case. Waiting for the arrival of his first child, Cheung is trying to get the job done but with maybe a little less danger. It is clear throughout the force that he can not be bought to betray his job.

Because he will not, sometimes to the point where he is left out of important cases. When he and his crew are cut out of a bust, Cheung decides he will go anyway. When he gets there, to their shock and horror, they find twenty police officers either dead or seriously wounded.

Cheung is determined to discover who is responsible. What he doesn’t know is that Ngo (Nicolas Tse) and his gang are not afraid to break laws and cause mayhem in the city. It becomes a game of kill or be killed but why?

Only Cheung and Ngo have the answer to that!

Yen as Cheung is so amazing to watch, not just as a martial artist but as an actor. Playing a no-nonsense police officer, this character takes his job seriously and nothing made me applaud more than the tea-scene (you will see!). As a martial artist, Yen’s character took punches and got whupped a time or two, but his moves are so smooth and thrilling to watch.

Tse as Ngo was equally amazing to watch. Getting the opportunity to play a pure evil eyed looking bad ass who takes no prisoners is the opposite of Cheung. He sets his ground rules for the group and lets it be known that failure has repercussions. Tse gives as good as he gets and his martial arts moves are stunning to watch with Yen.

Other cast include Qin Lan as Anna Lam, Ray Lui as You, Jeanna Ho as Turbo, Angus Yeung as Cho, Bruce as Kwan, Yu Kang as Mok, Ben Yuen as Kit, Patrick Tam as Ka-po, Kenny Wong as Tai, and Deep Ng as Chow.

Well Go USA Entertainment is a theatrical and home entertainment company specializing in bringing the best Action, Genre and Independent films from around the world to North American markets. As a leader in independent film distribution, Well Go USA Entertainment’s titles can be seen across a variety of platforms including theatrical, digital, subscription and cable VOD, packaged media and broadcast television. Well Go USA Entertainment currently releases three to five films per month. To see more please visit

RAGING FIRE is a non-stop acting filled twisty fast story that it did not feel like a two-hour film. It deals with corruption, those who refuse to be corrupt because let us not forget that behind Cheung is a group of police officers that share his beliefs equally, and a back story that slowly makes its way forward.

Yen and Tse have a heavy load to carry as the two main characters of the film. Their presence on screen is palpable and tense to the point where you can see the bough about to break. When it does, the martial arts are superb to watch and shows what skill both of these actors have.

Grab a huge bucket of popcorn and get ready for the chase of a lifetime.

In the end – the fire rages for a reason!




Friday, October 29, 2021

Royalty Reigns with THE CROWN: The Complete Fourth Season on Bluray


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray from Netflix and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment comes the sensation and pageantry of THE CROWN: The Complete Fourth Season.

It is 1979 the Conservative Party in England has elected the first woman Prime Minister in Margaret Thatcher (Gillian Anderson). Queen Elizabeth (Olivia Colman) soon discovers that Thatcher is a bit on the sexist side leaving her majesty a bit taken aback. On the home front, Charles (Josh O’Connor) is being told by his uncle Mountbatten (Charles Dance) to stop the shenanigans with Camilla Parker Bowles (Emerald Fennell). Charles does take notice of a young Lady Diana Spencer (Emma Corrin).

The Queen invites the Prime Minister and husband to Balmoral and the new guests find themselves uncomfortable with their surroundings and the people. Charles is pushed to invite Diana there to visit with his family and they are delighted with the young woman and see a future.

The world is about to get a royal announcement from the Queen and Prince Philip (Tobias Menzies) regarding their son Prince Charles. He has proposed to Diana, and she has agreed although about to learn exactly what she has agreed too! The media immediately begins its assault on her, and the stress starts to show itself. There is also the relationship with Parker Bowles that Charles must take care of. Princess Margaret (Helena Bonham Carter) makes it clear she thinks the marriage is an absolute mistake, but the wedding goes on and televised internationally.

When Thatcher’s son goes missing during the Paris-Dakar Rally in Algeria, she turns to the Queen to tell her about it. If that is not enough, her majesty learns that there is favoritism among her children and wants to get to the bottom of it. Asking them individually, she learns things that surprise her and speaks to Phillip about it just in time to learn Diana is pregnant.

The Falklands is in the midst of problems, a man named Michael Fagan wants Thatcher to do something about the struggles the country is facing. Given a curt reply to his concerns, he takes them to the Queen in a way that is shocking for the Palace – more than once. Concerned with her people, trying to discuss them with the Prime Minister proves difficult.

Charles and Diana are preparing for a royal visit to Australia, the difficulties in the marriage are becoming more and more difficult to deal with. Arriving in Australia, the crowd loves seeing her, and the Queen takes notice. Even when they return to England and Diana tries to talk with the Queen about their problems in their marriage, it does not seem to change or help the situation.

Margaret discovers a long-time family secret regarding two cousins in the family. It makes matters worse that she is dealing with depression of her own and turns to the Queen Mother (Marion Bailey). Once she understands the reasons behind the family’s generational decisions, it does not make her any happier. Now, the Queen and Thatcher are having problems with their beliefs about apartheid in South Africa. Unhappy with what the Prime Minister is doing, there is a bigger fear that the women’s disagreements will become known by the press.

Charles resentments toward Diana grow when she gives a surprise performance at the Royal Opera House for his birthday. While the crowd is delighted, Charles is anything but. Then again, neither of them is being faithful no matter who in the royal household they talk to. Each are being destructive in their behavior and the Queen is well aware of it.

Finally, Thatcher is discovering that having a position of power might be fine, but it also means there are colleagues who have their own idea. She must decide if all of what is happening is worth continuing. Charles continues to be unhappy with Diana’s popularity and takes his frustrations out on his wife. Turning his hostility about not being able to be with Camilla out on her, it is the Queen who reminds him of his duty to family and country and it is Prince Philip that reminds Diana of her own obligations.

Colman as Queen Elizabeth is stunning, marvelous, wonderful and captures everything I would expect from taking on the roll of the Queen. It is a period of time filled with so much turmoil and revelations, but Colman takes the reigns and ride through it all with such grace. I absolutely love Colman with every role she takes and being able to experience the story through her is epic.

Anderson as Thatcher has a story to be told this season as well. Being the first woman Prime Minister in an age where it was unheard of it amazing, having Anderson play the role brings THE CROWN to new heights. What I can say about Anderson’s performance is that I forgot it was her because she had me totally enthralled in the story.

Menzies as Prince Philip is standoffish, does not seem to have a hand in the children he’s brought into the world and has strong opinions that are filled with bit. A fan of Menzies since his days on another successful series Outlander, I was thrilled to see him take on the role of the prince. There are moments Menzies gives us to think that perhaps he will change his thinking and then, he returns to a stoic royal.

O’Connor as Prince Charles is a man who does what everyone wants him to do. Following the advice of his Uncle Mountbatten, then the Queen, then his father and even his mistress, O’Connor gives Charles all of that – and even a side to him that is slightly cruel to my way of thinking. Continuing to blame Diana for his unhappiness, O’Connor makes sure we experience the reason for it all.

Corrin as Lady Diana is a woman who fell hard for the prince and could never have imagined what that world was really all about. Once married, Diana discovers what goes on behind closed doors including her own as Corrin’s performance brings us the excitement in the beginning and the sadness that follows the truths that come out about her life and marriage.

Shout out to Bailey as the Queen Mother and Bonham-Carter as Princess Margaret. It is interesting to see Carter grow in the stories that are shown about Princess Margaret and the life of the spare to the Queen. Also, Dance as Lord Mountbatten is wonderful, but I have for years enjoyed every performance and role he has chosen (even that of Sardo Numspa, yes, I have just aged myself).

Other cast includes Erin Doherty as Princess Anne, Stephen Boxer as Denis Thatcher, Tom Brooke as Michael Fagan and Charles Dance as Lord Mountbatten.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

Bluray Special Features of the 4-disc 459-minute set include Triumph & Tragedy: Diana and Charles, Three Groundbreaking Women, Research, Costumes & More: The Making of Season 4, and Photo Gallery.

Season Four episodes include: Gold Stick, The Balmoral Test, Fairytale, Favourites, Fagan, Terra Nullius, The Hereditary Principle, 48:1, Avalanche and War.

THE CROWN: The Complete Fourth Season is beautifully done, and the set designs and costuming are stunning in every aspect. The story is made even richer by those two things and Netflix did not spare any expense bringing it. I love when I can be transported into a film or series because designs and costumes make the journey so easy.

The cast is sheer perfection with Colman, Anderson, Menzies, O’Connor, and Corrin. Adding Dance and Bonham-Carter is topping on a very delicious sponge cake! Every actor and actress who has had a part in the telling of THE CROWN deserves recognition, I just do not have enough space for you all but THANK YOU!

THE CROWN has been nominated for twenty-four 2021 Emmy Awards and winner of four 2021 Golden Globes including Best Drama Series.

In the end – this is their life behind the palace gates!


The Destruction of 13-MINUTES


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from writer/director Lindsay Gossling and Quiver Distribution is a story of the sky turning deadly in 13-MINUTES.

In the small ranch community of Minninnewah, there is work to be done and plenty of people doing them. It is a hard-working community as rancher Rick (Trace Adkins) and wife Tammy (Anne Heche) who are trying to make ends meet while keeping the ranch running. Their son Luke (Will Peltz) is dealing with his own issues that threatening his happiness.

At the local motel, Ana (Paz Vega) and fiancé Carlos (Yancey Arias) are working on a home and a future, but they also have an issue that is making their dreams scary moment to moment. Trying to tell Daniel (Davi Santos) that it is his wish to live an open life has so far only proven to be words.

Jess (Thora Birch) works at the local mechanics shop and has raised daughter Maddy (Sofia Bassilieva) on her own. Now Maddy must make a life changing decision that she never thought she would have too.

Kim (Amy Smart) deals in severe weather which makes is perfect that she is married to Brad (Peter Facinelli) the local television weatherman. The couple is raising their young daughter Peyton (Shaylee Mansfield) who has challenges herself.

The day begins with sunshine and everyone doing their jobs but is suddenly made more serious by the threat of impending weather. Mother Nature is about to show this small town what she is made of and the people of Minninnewah will show her what they are made of in times of crisis.

Birch as Jess is a single mother who just wants the best for her daughter. Working at the auto shop, everyone in town knows and respects her. Birch gives tough exterior with squishy interior when it comes to daughter Maddy. Vassilieva as Maddy is a young woman in a small town with big dreams - and a glitch in all of that means a difficult decision.

Smart as Kim is determined to keep her family save while trying to save an entire town. Preparation is one thing, actually living through the madness is quite another. Facinelli as Brad is the local weatherman but also a father and husband who knows his family is in danger and is helpless to stop it.

Heche as Tammy is a mother who believes what she believes and nothing, not even her son, can change that. Adkins as Rick is a tough farmer who has a belief system that is a tad bit out of date and an attitude that needs adjusting - just the kind of thing Mother Nature likes. Peltz as son Luke has something he needs to share with his parents but knows that it will fracture the family.

Vega as Ana sees a future for her relationship and makes plans to have something that most people only dream of. Working hard is paying off and Arias as fiancé Carlos is taking any job he can to help keep them together - even working for rancher Rick! Santos as Daniel is a hard-working young man who is stands up for Carlos at every turn. He also is dealing with a relationship that is going nowhere because of fear.

Other cast include Tokala Black Elk as Steve, Laura Spencer as Vicky, and James Austin Kerr as Eric.

Quiver Distribution helps filmmakers distribute to worldwide audiences on platforms such as iTunes, Google Play and Netflix. Premier works with every major studio and 100’s of independent distributors providing solutions and servicing their content in 100’s of digital retailers and broadcasters across the globe. For more information on Quiver Distribution please visit

13 MINUTES is not just about the impending tornado and, it must be said, the special effects on that part of the film is stunning. The cast reacted exactly how I would expect them to if I was in their shoes. At one point I think I was more freaked out than they were.

That being said, 13 MINUTES is about this small town and the everyday lives of the people living in it. Everyone is hard working and trying to make ends meet and keep moving toward a dream, like Ana's. They each have their difficulties, and they are not simple difficulties either, that shape who they are and their reactions to things.

My only thought is that it does get a bit stereotypical in places, but I understand it is the writer/director's way to be relevant and current in thought. It is a bit much thrown out there and I was not surprised by the way each of the stories were told.

When the tornado hits, the sound and fury are there in every moment. The filmmakers do not mess around when it comes to the effects because man, oh man, they went big. So, grab the popcorn and prepare for the weather to come knocking.

In the end – every second counts!

Monday, October 25, 2021



Jeri Jacquin

The holidays are drawing near, and you know its true with Universal Pictures Home Entertainment make sure you have THE ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS SPECIAL COLLECTION in time!

In 1964, families gathered around their television sets during the beginning of the Christmas season to watch RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER. The stop motion television special, was immediately embraced by everyone watching. The song of the same name written by Johnny Marks was the inspiration for the special and narrated by Burl Ives.

It is the story of a reindeer named Rudolph (Billie Richards) who happened to be born with a nose that glowed and it does not go unnoticed by Santa (Stan Francis). Made to feel different by the other reindeer’s, Rudolph leaves his home and friends to find a life where he would not be made fun of. He meets Hermey (Paul Soles), a different kind of elf and Yukon Cornelius (Larry Mann), a prospector who does not prospect much.

His parents go looking for him and instead find the Abominable snowman and now Rudolph knows realizes he needs to be there for them and accept what makes him different. His difference is what will help Santa save Christmas!

FROSTY THE SNOWMAN aired in December 1989 and would join his reindeer friend in becoming a holiday favorite even today. The inspiration is based on a song also of the same name written by Walter E. Rollins and Steve Nelson and narrated by Jimmy Durante.

When a town full of children decide to build a snowman, what they do not know that when a magic hat comes into their possession from magician Professor Hinkle (Billy De Wolfe) it brings the snowman to life. Given the name of Frosty (Jackie Vernon), a young girl named Karen (June Foray/Suzanne Davidson) and her friends parade around town having a wonderful time. That is until the young girl realizes that the warm temperatures will melt their new and fun friend.

In the meantime, Hinkle wants his magic hat back! When Frosty and Karen board a train, Frosty sees his young friend is getting colder which is not good for her. Frosty needs rabbit Hocus to find Santa to make things right, but it might not be enough for either of them. This is their adventure as magical and gives the children a reason to believe in everything wonderful. That is why saving Frosty becomes the most important thing they will ever do!

The story of a cricket is told in the 1967 animated CRICKET ON THE HEARTH adapted from a Charles Dickens’ tale written and composed by Maury Laws and Jules Bass. Crocket is a cricket who wants to help a toymaker and daughter when a tragedy comes to their door. He makes it his mission to help them find happiness in the holiday season.

Roddy McDowall is the voice of Cricket Crocket along with Paul Frees as Messenger, Ed Ames as Edward, Hans Conried as Tackleton, Abbe Lane as Moll, Marlo Thomas as Bertha and her father Danny Thomas as Caleb.

THE LITTLE DRUMMER BOY is a stop motion story brought to television in 1969 narrated by Greer Garson with The Vienna Boys’ Choir singing. It is the tale of Aaron (Teddy Ecles) and his animal friends Samson, Baba and Joshua. Given a drum as a gift, he enjoys making the animals dance. When a tragedy happens in his home, Aaron becomes angry and with no place to go he joins Ben Haramed’s (Jose Ferrer) performing caravan.

Treated badly by the towns people of Jerusalem, the group is back on the road and meets the Magi and are told they are following a bright star. After seeing how Ben is treating him and the Magi, Aaron leaves only to be devastated when his friend Baba is injured. He asks the Magi for help and is told that perhaps the child may be able to help. As a gift, he plays the drum and Aaron finds the joy he lost and in the simplest of gifts.

You can not have a Christmas season without telling the story of SANTA CLAUS IS COMIN’ TO TOWN. Another stop motion special airing in 1970 based on the song by the same name, the special was written by J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie and narrated by Fred Astaire as S.D. Kluger.

Burgermeister Meisterburger (Paul Frees) is a horrible man who has control of the city of Sombertown. When a baby shoes up on his grouchy porch, he orders the child to be taken somewhere else to be raised. There is something in the wind that is not about to let that happen as the forest animals take the child to the Kringle family. Tanta Kringle (Joan Gardner) names him Kris (Mickey Rooney)!

The Kringles’ are a toy making family and when he is older, Kris begins to take the toys to the children of Sombertown. When Meisterburger falls and hurts himself, he bans toys of any kind in the city and threatens to jail anyone caught. Kris is not about to stop what he loves doing, and he also meets Miss Jessica (Robie Lester). He tries to soften the Meisterburger’s heart, but it does not work.

On the run, the Winter Warlock (Keenan Wynn) captures him, but Kris does what he does best, make people’s hearts fill with joy. Returning to Tanta, she tells him of his birth but it does not change his love for the family that raised him, or the love he feels for Jessica. That love and the inspiration of giving is what keeps Santa Claus in our hearts!

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

The Enchanting Bonus Features include The Animagic World of Rankin/Bass: A Documentary celebrating the legacy of the holiday specials created by Rankin/Bass including interviews with filmmakers and historians, Restoring the Puppets of Rudolph: Discover how the puppets from the beloved special were restored, Reimaging Rudolph in 4D: A Behind-The-Scenes look at the making of the new RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER attraction film.

Also, T.E.A.M. RUDOLPH AND THE REINDEER GAMES: A video storybook including the untold story of the Reindeer Games, FROSTY THE SNOWMAN: Original Pencil Test and Commentaries on FROSTY THE SNOWMAN and SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN.

Rankin/Bass Animated Entertainment came to be known for stop motion animated shows using a technique called “Animagic”, and when I was a kid, I would have then as I do now agree with that term. Founded by Arthur Rankin, Jr. and Jules Bass, the 1960’s became their era of creating amazing stories that have become icons as well as classics.

Although known for their holiday specials, they also created such works as WILLY MCBEAN AND HIS MAGIC MACHINE and THE BALLAD OF SMOKEY THE BEAR. For television they brought Mad Mad Mad Monsters, That Girl in Wonderland and J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. Rankin/Bass would end their run in 1987 but the works they created are still as wonderful today as they day they were released. It has been and continues to be pure magic for the family!

This collection of five timeless holiday specials is exactly what everyone needs in their own home entertainment library. These are stories of fun, love, family, friendship, belief in oneself and the magic that seems to be sprinkled all over the upcoming time of year.

THE ORIGINAL CHRISTMAS SPECIALS COLLECTION comes in the amazing steel book edition that I just love. In the colors of Christmas and although it would be nice in anyone’s stocking – might I suggest that this be the one present that the family opens early to enjoy with pajamas, blankets, comfy couches and popcorn.

Each of these films reminds us of how wonderful the world is through the eyes of animation and these films also bring back the childhood for us older folks who remember them as clearly now as the day they were brought to our very small television sets of the 1960’s.

Happy holidays and enjoy.

In the end – it’s a holly jolly good time!

A Decision is Made in NINE DAYS

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray from director Edson Oda and Sony Picture Classics is a tale of life, mystery, and even love learning it all in NINE DAYS.

In an interesting position of the universe, Will (Winston Duke) judge’s souls before they are sent to a human being. Living in a quiet house in the middle of nowhere, he spends his time researching and interviewing soul-candidates.

When he is not doing that, Will watches people that are living their daily lives. One in particular is Amanda. She is a violinist that plays music that touches Will, although its hard to see it by his demeanor. On the day she is to give a big recital, Will is joined by Kyo (Benedict Wong), another who also has the same job as Will but a more outgoing judge.

What happens while they wait is something that sends will into disbelief. That does not stop him from interviewing candidates to take Amanda’s place. As each candidate comes into his office, he tells them the process takes nine days and all the while taking copious notes to their responses.

Emma (Zazie Beetz) has caught Will’s attention as she seems to show an interesting in what is happening without really caring how the process works. But, Will is not going to be distracted, even when Kyo brings someone to him that shows him more about Amanda. Refusing to react, he is then subjected to Emma’s curiosity and candidate Alex’s (Tony Hale) calling him out.

As Will begins to send candidates away, the choice becomes even narrower and so does Will’s perceptions. Making a decision based on emotions he refuses to accept; a moment comes where Will has to accept the choice he has made.

Duke as Will gives us a mysterious character to follow and be totally curious about. Even as his story unfolds, Will is a mystery wrapped in an enigma because he calmly does not give anything away about his ‘life’ or how the process of the 9-days works. The moments of emotion that he does give are powerful and moving. Duke may be a judge of soul-candidates but there is something much deeper that he brings to this role.

Wong as Kyo is the yang to Will’s yin. He is full of emotion, says what he feels, is curious about the people they are dealing with and has an instant response of the event surrounding Amanda. He takes an instant liking to Emma and again, is not afraid to show it. Trying to help Will deal with his unfeeling-ness is like a second job for Kyo and he is more successful than he realizes.

Beetz as Emma is a free-spirit spirit that takes the nine days as it comes. She sees the joy in everything and is curious about the world she is in now and not whether she will see another world soon. She is lovely and entertaining with a laugh that is contagious. Watching Beetz’s character work her unassuming magic is everything and Emma is pure gold.

Hale and Skarsgard are the two candidates that are so interesting to watch because, like Will, they are hard to read most of the time. Hale is willing student to the process and does give Will something to thing about. Skarsgard is a candidate that does not give anything but in his responses tells everything – kind of scared me a bit too.

Other cast include David Rysdahl as Mike, Arianna Ortiz as Maria, Geraldine Hughes as Colleen, Erika Vasquez as Luiza, Perry Smith as Anne, and Bill Skarsgard as Kane.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

The Special Feature includes THE MAKING OF NINE DAYS.

NINE DAYS is a stunning and powerful look at belief and the ‘process’ of the soul. It is truly a beautiful film to just sit back and let it come to you piece by piece. It challenges us, in a great way, to think about who would we be, how would be handle the nine days?

It is a desire to be born but each candidate has a different way of wanting it because they are in different stages of thought. The questions Will asks also asks us; how would we answer? Do we think about the spirituality of it all or the metaphysical implications of the nine days? Yes, NINE DAYS will have everyone watching asking so many questions.

Outside of Will’s house may seem desolate but to me, it is beautiful with sunsets that are stunning and even the characters walking around at night is lovely. Duke’s recitation of Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself is a celebration of the beauty of the entire film from start to finish.

In the end – would you be chosen?











Friday, October 22, 2021

For the First Time Together is the Collection of UNDERWORLD


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD are all five films in a Limited Edition 5-Movie Collection of UNDERWORLD from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.

In 2003, director Len Wiseman introduces Selene (Kate Beckinsale) who is on a mission to destroy anyone, and everyone connected with killing her family. When she learns about a man named Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) and that the Lycans led by Lucian (Michael Sheen) are looking for him discovering the reasons they are so interested. Along the way she learns things about her father Viktor (Bill Nighy) and that the stories she knew are made up for both vampire and Lycans benefits.

The story is even deeper, and Selene is struck with the truth about the history and beginnings of the first vampire and Lycan. The history involves Michael Corvin and scientist Singe (Erwin Leder) explains what could come of it all.

The smash hit of UNDERWORLD let to the 2006 release of UNDERWORLD: Evolution again directed by Len Wiseman. It is now 1202 with vampire and werewolves once again attacking one another. This time it is Markus (Tony Curran), Viktor (Bill Nighy) and Amelia (Zita Gorog) who are looking for another in the werewolf bloodline in William Corvinus (Brian Steele) to put him somewhere no one can find him.

Selene (Kate Beckinsale) has her hands full keeping Michael safe (Scott Speedman) knowing she is going to have to have it out with Kraven (Shane Brolly) who wants Markus (Tony Curran) dead. In the mix is Alexander Corvinus (Derek Jacobi) who finds a metal piece knowing the other half once belonged to Lucian. In hiding, Tanis (Steven Mackintosh) tells them more of the history and the first Lycan-Vampire hybrid.

With all the destruction, it is Selene that gets the answers to questions she never knew she had and a gift that will make her even more of a threat to everyone around her.

UNDERWORLD: Rise of the Lycans directed by Patrick Tatopoulos would hit theatres in 2009 with the first Lycan Lucian (Michael Sheen) beginning the next chapter. Viktor (Bill Nighy) takes Lucian raising him believing he can use him and all like him to be at the beck and call of vampires. Viktor has a daughter, Sonja (Rhona Mitra) and she has a passionate affair with Lucian and even when he saves Viktor’s daughter, Viktor’s anger is raging, and Lucian is imprisoned.

But the lovers are not going to take it all and fight back, but it is the elder Viktor that once again uses his powers to subdue the situation. Lucian’s anger sends him looking for Viktor and knowing that a war is about to start with Lycan against Vampire.

In 2012, director Mans Marlind would bring UNDERWORLD: Awakening as the world learns that there really are Vampires and Lycans in the world. Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is put in cryogenic suspension for twelve years and Michael () is held captive. Escaping, Selene meets David in tunnels below the basement where she is being held. There, she realizes that it is filled with sick Lycans.

She also learns a horrible secret of what was done to her while she was in suspension. Getting away from the Lycans with a young girl named Eve (India Eisley) by her side and a coven that will not accept hybrids, David (Theo James) tries to convince her to stay. Outside, Selene is met with a savage battle. She also meets Sebastian (Michael Ealy) who tells her that a corporation called Antigen is responsible for what happened to her.

Run by Dr. Jacob Lane (Stephen Rea), she learns that their purpose is to create a Super-Lycan. Horrified, Selene sees that Lane has Michael also in cryostasis and attempts to free him but when the Lycans discover where she is, they must run. The police are alerted, and Selene, Eve and David have no choice but to get away, even after discovering Michael is now missing.

UNDERWORLD: Blood Wars hit theatres in 2016 directed by Anna Foerster and the final installment to the franchise. Now it is the vampires that are in jeopardy of being vanquished totally by the Lycans. Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is being hunted by both sides as Marius, leader of the Lycans, wants the young girl Eve and the vampires are still a little upset about what happened to Viktor.

Thomas (Charles Dance) has reluctantly agreed to allow Selene, bringing David (Theo James), to come into his coven to train new Death Dealers but Semira (Lara Pulver) and Varga (Bradley James) are furious with the arrangement and set in motion death of other vampires and the draining of Selene. Once again on the run, more attacks happen to other covens. In the midst of it all, David learns that he is the rightful heir to the Easter Coven and returns to claim his place.

Selene, believing her time is over, is taken in by the Nordic Coven led by Lena (Clementine Nicholson). Now the war comes to a head as it is time for a changing of the guard – but it is not going to be easy as the blood war rages, and Selene finally gets the answers she needs. Now, Selene, David and Lena chose to rule, and Eve is safe.

Beckinsale as Selene has taken the story of her character into so many different story directions that it is incredible to have all five of these films together to binge (which I love doing) the action. Spending thirteen years telling Selene’s story, Beckinsale left no emotional stone unturned and brought audiences back for more.

Sheen as Lucian also puts his mark on the story but then again anything Sheen does – sign me up. Equally, Nighy returning again and again to play Viktor is just such a joy to watch. The same can be said for the incredible talent of Dance as Thomas. These actors bring to much to these characters to make them not only awesomely interesting but irreplaceable in the storyline.

The addition of James brings in the fresh blood yet still has its place in the original story of the vampires and Lycans mythology.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

UNDERWORLD Bonus Features include: 4K Ultra HD, Theatrical & Extended Versions of the Film, and Alternate Flashbacks. The Bluray includes Extended Version of the Film, Director & Cast Commentary, Fang vs. Fiction Documentary, 7 Featurettes, Outtakes, Storyboard Comparisons and “Worms of the Earth” by Finch.

UNDERWORLD: Evolution Bonus Features include: 4K Ultra HD Theatrical Trailer. The Bluray includes Director & Filmmaker Commentary, The Hybrid Theory, The War Rages On, Bloodlines: From Script to Screen, Making Monsters Roar, Building a Saga, Music and Mayhem and “Her Portrait in Black” by Atreyu.

UNDERWORLD: Rise of the Lycans Bonus Features include: 4K Ultra HD Rise of the Lycans: Inside the Castle Walls and Theatrical Trailer. The Bluray includes Behind the Castle Walls: Picture-in-Picture Experience, Filmmaker Commentary, 3 Featurettes, and “Death Club” by William Control featuring Matt Skiba.

UNDERWORLD: Awakening Bonus Features include: 4K Ultra HD Underworld: Endless War 3-Part Animated Series and Theatrical Trailer. The Bluray includes Cracking the UNDERWORLD: Picture-in-Picture Experience, Filmmakers Commentary, 5 Featurettes, and Blooper Reel.

UNDERWORLD: Blood Wars Bonus Features include: 4K Ultra HD Franchise Recap and Theatrical Trailer. The Bluray includes UNDERWORLD: Blood Wars – The Official Movie Graphic Novel, The Evolution of Selene, Building a Blood War, Old & New Blood and The Evil Evolved.

Each of these films is filled with intensity of story and amazing action as well. It is a battle royale between the vampires and Lycans. Each have their goods and evils that become clearer and clearer with each film.

It is interesting that vampires are always seen as the ‘bad guys’ but with the UNDERWORLD franchise, we see that the Lycans are not as innocent as we’d like them to be, no matter how cool Lucian is. Both sides want nothing but pure destruction of the other and will do almost anything to make that happen.

Selene is the calming force between the two even if she does not mind throwing down from time to time to make that happen. Beckinsale looks amazing film and film and I believe that is what keeps us coming back for more. She delivers and makes it all look so easy that we are completely sucked into every moment that each film gives us.

So, when doing your Christmas shopping (because we are doing it earlier and earlier), and you have someone who needs to binge on the awesomeness that is UNDERWORLD, then this collection is a must-have for your own home entertainment library.

In the end – it is an immortal battle for supremacy!

Villeneuve's DUNE: Part One


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres and HBO Max from director Denis Villeneuve and Warner Bros. is the story of a battle for DUNE: Part One. 

Living on the ocean planet of Caladan, House Atreides is ruled by Duke Leto Atredies (Oscar Isaac). Living peacefully with concubine Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) and son Paul (Timothee Chalamet), their lives are about to change. There are two that want to hurt House Atredies and that is House Harkonnen and one other person of power.

Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV is the ruling the planet of Arrakis and he does so for only one reason - melange. It is a spice that is coveted for extending life and the Emperor knows that by controlling it, he controls everything except House Atredies. Seeing a way of changing that, he sends Atreides to Arrakis replacing the Harkonnen's.

Duke Leto is well aware of what the Emperor is capable of but still cannot refuse to go. Taking his son Paul and Lady Jessica, who is part of the Bene Gesserit's, they prepare to leave. But not before a visitation by the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam (Charlotte Rampling) who tests Paul. The Reverend Mother is furious with the Lady Jessica for bearing Duke Leto a son and accuses her of ulterior motives.

Paul has not only been trained by his mother, but also taught warfare by Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa) and Gurney Halleck (Josh Brolin). All too soon, Leto, Jessica and Paul find themselves on Arrakis and meet the people called the Fremen. It is Leto and Paul who discover the dangers of the desert when Stilgar (Javier Bardem) shows them how melange is harvested.

Sandworms are not the only thing they need to worry about as an attempt is made on Paul's life. Dealing with it, what Duke Leto does not see coming is a Harkkonen army and is kidnapped. Paul and Jessica are dropped into the desert but instead, survive. Taking over Arrakis once again is the Baron (Stellen Skarsgard) who ramps up production giving power to Rabban (Dave Bautista).

Taken in by Stilgar, Chani and the Freman, Paul now realizes that there is another dream that he plans to honor, and that is what his father wished to do - bring peace to Arrakis.

Chalamet as Paul is wrapped up in his dreams of a girl he does not know. Excited to be going with his father to Arakkis, he seems to go along to get along. When the time comes to get away from the attack that is destroying Arakeen, Chalamet's Paul goes through a series of realizations and is brought to the point where he must decide whether to listen to his mother and go home – or embrace becoming a Fremen and fight on.

Isaac as Duke Leto is going to win in my eyes no matter what. I truly enjoy his choice of performances and he performs well in the role of a man who already knows his fate. He gives Duke Leto a strength of character which is what I would have expected in this remake. Isaac always gives his characters something special and for that I am grateful.

Ferguson as Lady Jessica is an emotional hot mess and canot seem to keep herself in check. One moment she is walking down the hall falling apart and the next second she's making oaths to Leto. Her best talent is her own form of sign language that comes in handy a time or two. Zendaya as Chani lost me the second she pronounced Harkonnen's badly but then again, the rest of the cast also goes along with the destruction of names. So far there is not much of her character except long walks on the desert dressed like a biblical Bedouin.

Momoa as Duncan has his clever moments, a close relationship with Paul and is larger than life. Learning what he can of the Fremen for the Duke, he stands by the family. Clean shaven, he still brings his Momoa-ness to his character as we would expect. Brolin as Halleck gives us his stern face and fast fighting style but then again, we already knew he was extremely good at it. In this role he gives us a bit of poetry and the words he finds in books to keep his focus on what is required to keep House Atredies safe.

Rampling as Reverand Mother may be brutal, but she also sees steps ahead of the Baron. Making deals with men, she is seen as nothing to worry about and that is their first mistake. Every time Rampling is on the screen I am thrilled. Bautista as Rabban is as brutal as he wants to be taking out any who support Atredies yet when he’s around the Baron, he is a whupped puppy.

Skarsgard as The Baron puts on the thick make up and does not forget how to float. He makes promises with every evil intention of going against them and doing whatever it takes to bring the Emperor what he wants. Bardem as Stilgar is abrupt, standoffish and does not take any nonsense from anyone, including the new landlord of Arakkis. Once in the company of Jessica and Paul, Bardem gives his character a hint of the surprises to come.

Other cast include Sharon Duncan-Brewster as Dr. Liet Kynes, Stephan McKinley Henderson as Thufir Hawat, Chen Chang as Dr. Wellington Yueh, David Dastmalchian as Piter de Vries, Babs Olusanmokun as Jamis, Benjamin Clementine as Herald of the Change, Souad Faress as Bene Gesserit Sister and Golda Rosheuvel as Shadout Mapes.

Warner Brothers is home to one of the most successful collections of brands in the world and stands at the forefront of every aspect of the entertainment industry from feature film, television and home entertainments with worldwide distribution to DVD and Bluray, animation, comic books, videogames and broadcasting. For more please visit

HBO Home Entertainment brings critically acclaimed and groundbreaking programming throughout the world. Releases include the global hit Game of Thrones, True Detective, Girls, The Sopranos, Sex and the City, True Blood, The Wire and Entourage. The company's catalog contains hundreds of titles including Big Little Lies and Band of Brothers. For more of what they have to offer please visit

Dune was written in 1965 by Frank Herbert and was made into a film in 1984 by director David Lynch and is the film most are familiar with. Now, Denis Villeneuve has put his hand into the mix to bring a two-part telling of Herbert's book.

There is no green light yet for the second half of DUNE as director Villeneuve says he is “standing with one foot in the air, waiting for the permission to make Part Two”. Coming in at 165 million dollars to make, I would not hold my breath to get that kind of budget for the next installment.

That being said, I feel like I could have turned down the sound and had no problem following along with what was happening. At times I wanted to turn down the sound because I just do not understand the need to remake something so epic as Lynch's version of DUNE, especially if the 2021 version uses the same classic lines. Failing to see the need to break the film up into two over two-hour parts just does not register with me.

So, the film is predictable even if the special effects are updated (dragonfly helicopters are a nice touch), the characters try to say the memorable names in a different, annoying way and the writers changed lines around giving them to other characters. Was it thought that true DUNE film fans would not notice this?

Now let’s address the elephant in the film - sparkling sand? Really? Did TWILIGHT teach us nothing? That's not the first thing one would think of when describing the spice melange. There is no sparkle in mélange!

I am sure that for those looking for a bit of science fiction mixed into their film watching choices then DUNE will be fine. It is not something that I needed to sit through for over two hours when I am still alive, breathing and have a good memory that goes back to 1984. Perhaps studios should wait until a large group of us have gone to the theatre in the sky before regurgitating our beloved films.

In the end - it begins!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

He is a Father from STILLWATER


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to DVD and Bluray from writer/director Tom McCarthy and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is the story of a father looking for redemption in STILLWATER.

Bill Baker (Matt Damon) is a construction and oil-rig worker from Oklahoma who spends his days working hard and visiting Sharon (Deanna Dunagan). Packing his bag, he arrives in Marseilles to visit daughter Allison (Abigail Breslin) who is in prison convicted of murder. Their relationship is strained as she has issues with her father, and he did not handle her upbringing well.

On this particular visit, Allison slips her father a note and asks that he deliver it to her attorney. Trying to do as his daughter wished, Bill discovers that the letter contained information that might help his daughter, but the lawyer has no interest. Determined to not let her down, Bill turns to private investigators to find someone Allison has mentioned who might know something.

Offering to help is Virginie (Camille Cottin), a theatre actress he met at the hotel and her little girl Maya (Lilou Siauvaud). Not speaking the language, Virginie helps translate and sees that Bill is dealing with a lot. Wanting to stay longer to help Allison, he becomes roomates with Virginie and forms a friendship with Maya.

He continues his visits with Allison and still looks for the potential killer. There time together reopens old wounds and yet when an unexpected event happens, Bill’s world is about to change. The pains of the choices he is making will follow him back to Stillwater.

Damon as Baker is a man who has a past that is not pretty and has caused emotional stress. Trying to make things right is made harder when his daughter Allison is 5,101 miles away in another country so when he has the chance to make things right with his daughter, he can not help himself but dive right in. The problem is he involves Virginie and Maya who come to care for him. Damon is a good ole’ country boy who says ‘yes ma’m’ and believes in helping just to help.

That’s what makes his character believable, Damon’s ability to draw us into this character who is like a fish out of water. That being said, it does not change who he is but instead quietly changes the way he sees the situation they are all in.

Cottin as Virginie is charming and although her first meeting with Bill is not a good one, she changes it around. She is also a good person at heart and sees what Bill is going through and wants to help where she can. Cottin gives her character so much understanding towards Bill’s situation.

Breslin as Allison is a daughter who is trying to get out of prison telling anyone who would listen that she is innocent. Bill believes her and tries everything and when old father-daughter issues come up, she remembers those problems and it causes problems. Breslin character is angry, frustrated and has a story to tell.

Siauvaud as Maya is adorable, charming, funny and the one character that seems to bring Bill any peace. Their relationship is based on nothing more than understanding one another until the bond they both loved so much becomes tested. Siauvaud gives the viewer a look at a child who gets caught up in adults messes.

Other cast includes Idir Azougli as Akim, Anne Le Ny as Leparq, Moussa Maaskri as Dirosa, William Nadylam as Patrick, Mahia Zrouki as Samira and Massiriat Mohamed as Souad.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

The Bluray and DVD Bonus Features include An Alchemy of Viewpoints – The cast of STILLWATER discuss their characters and the research that went into portraying them authentically, An American in Marseilles: The Location of STILLWATER – Hear from the cast and filmmakers on what it was like filming in locations such as the streets of Marseilles and the Calanques along the coast.

Also With Curiosity and Compassion: Director Tom McCarthy – Cast and filmmakers discuss the thought and interest that goes into director Tom McCarthy’s stories, and how he uses his natural curiosity about real life interactions to guide his filmmaking style.

STILLWATER is a story of a father and his past mistakes, a daughter and her own mistakes and anger issues and two other people caught up in the middle of their story. Watching Damon make his way through Marseilles trying to be the father he always should have been, it is heartbreaking and heart pounding every step of the way.

The cast allows the story to be told in a pace that is believable and director McCarthy gives us not only a tour of France but of the lives filled with grief and attempted redemption. Beautifully done.

In the end – secrets run deep!