Thursday, January 6, 2022

There is Spy Action with THE 355


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from director Simon Kinberg and Universal Pictures is the story of a drive, world domination and the women who will not let that happen with THE 355.

In Bogata, Columbia, there is a deal being made regarding a drive that is dangerous to the world. When a raid takes place, the drive falls into the hands of DNI Agent Rojas (Edgar Ramirez) and he is now on the run. Contacting the U.S. Government about the drive, CIA officer Mace Browne (Jessica Chastain) and Nick Fowler (Sebastian Stan) are off to Paris to negotiate for the drive.

But chaos breaks out when Rojas runs and someone else joins the mix. German BND agent Marie Schmidt (Diane Kruger) is looking for the same drive but the missions get twisted. Rojas is found by SNI psychologist Garciela (Penelope Cruz) to bring in Rojas. Mace turns to former British MI6 agent Khadijah (Lupita Nyong’o) for her special skills with computers to try and locate who has the drive and where it could be heading.

It forces Mace, Marie, Graciela and Khadijah to join forces using each of their special skills to find the drive leading them to Chinese MSS agent Sheng (Fan Bingbing). At an auction house, the drive is put up for bid but there is more going on than the women could know and betrayal is not far behind.

Chastain as Mace leads the group of women on what should have been a clean sweep in Paris. Joining forces with three other women means they have to always be one step ahead even if they feel one step behind. Chastain’s character is tough but that does not mean her emotional side is hidden – especially when she is looking for her own bit of revenge.

Nyong’o as Khadijah is savvy, fast and knows exactly what to do to get the job done. Motivated to help her friend Mace, she also becomes motivated but something much more powerful. Nyong’o gives her character tech-savvy that is pretty darn awesome.

Kruger as Marie has a history of being betrayed so it is something that she seems to be use to. She makes it consistently clear that she does not want a partner in anything she does, except now she needs all the women to get this dangerous job done. Kruger is awesome in this role and a chance to see her get tough!

Cruz as Garciela makes it clear from the start that she is a psychologist with the agent in Columbia and not an actual gun-toting agent. Worried about her family as the mission becomes more and more dangerous, something inside Cruz’s character clicks and she does her part to stop the madness. Bingbing as Sheng has a mission of her own and it is never clear what side she is on – until it is time to know it. She is the calm one in the midst of all the chaos and that can be just as powerful as holding a weapon!

Stan as Fowler is an agent that has worked with Mace before and there are subtle hints about the ending of their personal relationship. That does not stop them from being sent to Paris together to find the drive. Things go wrong and become complicated for the two as the world-wide search for the elusive drive begins.

Other cast include Emilio Insolera as the Hacker, Jason Wong as Stevens, John Thompson as Larry Marks, Hiten Patel as Ahmed-Imam, Leo Staar as Grady and Oleg Kricunov as Pyotr Khasanov.

THE 355 is an action-packed film that keeps the guessing and the jaunt around the world quick and intense. The title of the film is based on Agent 355, a woman spy during the American Revolution who worked for the patriots.

Coming in at 124-minutes, there is no moment of peace as the story plays out from the moment the film opens until it becomes clear who these women truly are. The are up against a world of men who want power and the ability to corrupt but those same men never expected to be up against “a bunch of girls”.

That was their first mistake.

In the end – work together or die alone!

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