Thursday, June 16, 2022



Jeri Jacquin

Available on Digital and coming to Bluray and DVD from director Keith Thomas and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment based on a Stephen King novel is FIRESTARTER.

Andy (Zac Efron) and Vicky (Sydney Lemmon) are raising their young girl Charlie (Ryan Armstrong) in a bit of isolation. That is because when Charlie was a baby, she showed the powers pyrokinesis. That is not a surprise as dad Andy has the power of telepathy and mom Vicky is telekinetic being part of a chemical drug experiment years before.

Trying to evade those looking for them and that includes John Rainbird (Michael Greyeyes) so Vicky stays home, and Andy works as many paid gigs as he can get using a bit of his powers for cash. Charlie is at school, but she is not quite fitting in and when something upsets, her powers shake to her core.

That sets off alarms for Captain Jane Hollister (Gloria Reuben) who is helping Dr. Wanless (Kurtwood Smith) find Andy, Vicky and Charlie. After their home is invaded, Andy and Charlie have no choice but to go on the road and try to stay one step ahead of capture.

Yet Charlie learns what happened to her parent and why they want her so badly. They think dealing with the young girl will be easy, they do not know Charlie!

Efron as Andy gets to be a strong father for Charlie and would do anything to protect her. It is hard explain what happened and the consequences to the young girl but once they are on the run, Charlie gets it. We now live in the realm where Efron gets to play a dad – when did that happen? That being said, he played it well.

Armstrong as Charlie is a young girl trying to fit in and not quite understanding why she is the way she is. As her powers grow, controlling them becomes difficult and frightening for her. Relying on her father to guide her, there comes a moment when it is all on her and Armstrong gives it with fire and rage.

Greyeyes as Rainbird is on a mission to find Charlie and is going to do whatever it takes to make that happen, even the worse thing he can. Lemmon as Vicky lives day to day wondering when they will be discovered and what will happen to her young daughter.

Reuben as Hollister has a mean streak and does not hesitate to use her force but in a calm manner that is just as disturbing. Nothing worse than a twisted woman on a mission. Smith as Dr. Wanless tries to present himself as caring about Andy and Charlie but you only have to see him for two seconds to know his goals are self-serving and destructive.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Bonus Features include Alternative Ending, Deleted and Extended Scenes, Gag Reel, A Kinetic Energy, Spark a Fire, Igniting FIRESTARTER, Power Struggle and Feature Commentary with Director Keith Thomas.

FIRESTARTER is a creation of Stephen King from his novel by the same name written in 1980. Nominated for many awards, the novel was turned into a screenplay that landed in theatres first in 1984 with a very young actress named Drew Barrymore.

This updated version still embraces the relationship between Charlie and her father and the evil that is trying to destroy them. That is the heart of the story, and it keeps that momentum going.

In the end – embrace the fire within!

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