Thursday, May 25, 2023

It is Survival for 65

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD, Bluray and Digital from directors Scott Beck, Bryan Woods and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is survival for 65.

Mills (Adam Driver) is about to take a space journey for two-years so he can help his daughter with her medical expenses. Wife Alya (Nika King) is not happy about his decision but daughter Nevine (Chloe Coleman) knows he is doing what’s best.

The ship Zoic finds itself going through an asteroid field and it damages the ship and crew. When the ship hits a planet, Mills takes stock of the ship and discovers how many of the other passengers have died while sending out a distress beacon. He has crashed landed on Earth and it becomes immediately apparent that the ship is in ruins and there is something out there!

Thinking about his options, Mills discovers Koa (Ariana Greenblatt), a young girl that speaks no English and the translator is damaged. Now he realizes that he must find a way off the planet and an escape shuttle is on a mountain a way away. Packing up the best he can, Mills and Koa begin to make their way towards surviving.

Following them are very aggressive and killer dinosaurs! Through hiding and trusting one another, Mills and Koa are chased below ground, into caves and through water and quicksand. That isn’t all, Mills realizes that the asteroid field that took the ship is now aimed at the planet itself and time is running out.

Driver as Mills is a man who realizes that he must sacrifice time with his daughter and it is always on his mind. When the ship crashes, it turns everything in his life upside down. Driver gets a chance to take on prehistoric creatures and become responsible for someone other than himself. That changes everything for this character as Driver takes on not only a survival mode but a protector.

Greenblatt as Koa just wants to know where her parents are and how to get to them. Not initially happy to be around Mills, it become clear that she needs him as much as he needs her. They learn to work together to get to the shuttle craft. Koa is a strong-willed young lady and does not always do what she should but then again, she is a teenager. Greenblatt portrays her character through actions instead of words and she does it very well.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Special Features include Deleted & Extended Scenes, Creating the World of 65, Primordial Planet, Final Showdown: Concepts to Screen and more!

The film 65 comes from the writers of the wildly successful film A QUIET PLACE (one of my favorites). Driver and Greenblatt totally carry the film from crash to escape and they work well together considering there isn’t much dialogue between the two. Fighting creatures and trying to survive without bugs getting in your mouth, these two actors play off well.

If you love films with large, teethy, swift and aggressive dinosaurs then 65 is for you. There isn’t a cuddly creature in sight. Every thing only wants one thing, to put human beings on the dinner menu. Problem is, humans aren’t willing to let that happen so 65 is filled with action and adventure every moment.

Turn the lights down, pump up the sound bar, pop the popcorn and gather the family because it’s time to survive.

In the end – a million years ago prehistoric earth had a visitor!


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