Friday, March 22, 2024

Netflix Stuns with 3 BODY PROBLEM


Jeri Jacquin

Premiering on Netflix in an original series from creators David Benioff, D.B. Weiss and Alexander Woo is the fantastical in the story of a 3 BODY PROBLEM.

It is Beijing in 1966 during the Chinese Cultural Revolution when the crowds are cheering on the condemning of professor Ye Zhetai, once highly respected. In the crowd is a daughter Ye Wenjie who watches as her father refuses to deny scientific theories. Even the professors’ one-time students are now against science and pit his own wife against him.

In present day, detectives led by Da Shi (Benedict Wong) makes a shocking discovering in an apartment. A man has taken his own life but it is what they find in his apartment is more shocking than his death. Da Shi has uncovered that at least 30 scientists have been found dead in a months’ time. At the Oxford University Particle Accelerator, Saul Durand (Jovan Adepo) and a colleague Vera are having a discussion on why the science isn’t working and where is God.

Jin (Jess Hong) and friend Auggie (Eiza Gonzalez) are scientists out having a drink and discussing why the accelerators worldwide are not making sense. It is not just their research but experiments all over the world are having the same issues. Auggie can’t help but notice there is something strange in the air, when it finally appears she is shaken and what she sees will not go away.

Jack Rooney (John Bradley) and friend Alex Sharp (Will Downing) are attending a funeral and remembering their friend. Saul, Jin and Auggie are also there and an unexpected guest in Dai Shi. He observes a mysterious guest leaving the service in Mike Evans (Jonathan Pryce) who takes off in an equally mysterious helicopter. The group gathers to talk about old times and what is happening now but Auggie needs air. That’s when she meets a stranger who knows what it is Auggie is going through and taunts her with what can happen at midnight.  

Flashback to 1967 Mongolia as Ye Wenjie (Zine Tseng) is in a work camp where she meets Bai Mulin. Sharing what they can of their lives, things turn difficult for her as those in charge want her to betray others her father knew. Sent to a military base dealing with the Red Coast project, she believes that once inside the gates, she will never leave. Once inside, she witnesses the strange power of a signal sent out and what they are truly doing on the base.

At the Black Palace in London, Da Shi is creating a board filled with names and faces investigating each one. Thomas Wade (Liam Cunningham) discusses what he is finding out about each person in the photos. Jin goes to pay respects to Vera’s mother (Rosalind Chao) and while there, she finds a headset. Vera’s mother tells her to take it believing it to be some video game, when Jin tries it – it is anything but.

It is almost midnight and Auggie asks Saul to go with her to see what the stranger might have been talking about. Looking up at the night sky, what they observe is that the sky is “winking” at them all. But what is it really? Or was it trying to tell them all something larger than they could have ever imagined.

Each has a role to play but what is it to each of them and why - that is what is coming in the 3 BODY PROBLEM!

Wong as Da Shi is a man on a mission to discover how all of these people are connected all while trying to find missing artifacts. A strong presence with a bit of sarcasm thrown in. It will be interesting to watch his role unwrap and what part he plays in the mystery.

Gonzalez as Auggie is the first in the group to discover the internal clock and listens to the mysterious stranger on how to make it stop. Her pressure is on to find out why this is happening and what part her company plays in it. Hong as Jin is the one to discover what Vera’s headset is capable of but it will not be without its dangers and realities. Worrying about Auggie, it doesn’t stop her from jumping into the ‘game’ of the headset.

Tseng as Ye Wenjie is a young woman who is caught up in an era of survival. The loss of her father doesn’t stop the Commission from coming for her as well. Led to the base, she takes it upon herself to learn about what they are doing and makes her own decisions.

Adepo as Saul tries to find answers to the “winking” by covering it up in conspiracy theories. Wanting to just write it off as such, there will come a time when that isn’t going to be possible. Chao as Vera’s mother has her own secrets to tell. Dealing with the death of her daughter, her friends come to pay their respects. Chao gives us past mystery as well as present mystery.

Bradley as Jack decided that being a millionaire candy maker is much more fun than science. That doesn’t mean he still isn’t deep in it when it comes to being with his friend’s pre-candy. I do love when Bradley shows up for a role because I know it will be quirky. Downing as Alex also traded his science life in for that of becoming a teacher. Getting over his romance with Jin is equally as difficult but he has Jack to make him laugh.

Cunningham and Pryce are still the mystery roles that I’m sure will slowly come into play and, since I am a fan of both these actors, I can’t wait to see where their characters go.

Other cast include Marlo Kelly as Tatiana, Sea Shimooka as Sophon, Saamer Usmani as Raj Varma, Gerard Monaco as Collins, John Dagleish as Felix, Stephen Hughes as Anwar Suleiman, Adrian Edmondson as Denys Porlock, Bilal Hasna as Edgar, Ben Schnetzer as young Mike Evans, Aidan Cheng as Reg, and Eve Ridley as Follower.

Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with over 158 million paid memberships in over 190 countries. Enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films, Netflix is across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere and on any internet-connected screen. For more information, please visit

Episodes include Countdown (directed by Derek Tsang), Red Coast (Derek Tsang), Destroyer of Worlds (Andrew Stanton), Our Lord (Minkie Spiro), Judgement Day (Minkie Spiro), The Stars Our Destination (Minkie Spiro), Only Advance (Jeremy Podeswa), and Wallfacer (Jeremy Podeswa).

3 BODY PROBLEM starts out stunning and catches the attention right away. That’s an excellent way to start because this is a slow telling which is a fantastic way for the audience to understand each of the characters. Be prepared for flashbacks but know that it is a truly interesting foundation for the story moving ahead.

I love the cast because they work so brilliantly together. Yes, there are a few Game of Thrones faces and a face or two from the superhero world but I’m good with it. Nothing wrong with recognizing the potential of actors going past a series that made them famous. In fact, very smart as a way to bring audiences in!

There is a bit of everything in the series, science fiction, mystery, adventure, a trip through history, gaming, science itself and the constant questioning. That’s about all I am going to tell you because this is a series experience and one that I believe will have people talking for quite some time. Netflix has taken a bold move in bringing something unique and powerful for those craving just that.

With all the remakes boring viewers for entertainment to tears, 3 BODY PROBLEM is the solution to wake them back up! Prepare to be blown away in 8 binge worthy stunning and brilliant episodes of the newest offering for the senses.

In the end – are we in a chaotic era?

Thursday, March 21, 2024



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from director Gil Kenan and Sony Pictures is the next chapter in the adventures of the infamous GHOSTBUSTERS: Frozen Empire.

The Spengler family, along with Gary Grooberson (Paul Rudd), are now living in New York in the original Ghostbusters firehouse. Callie (Carrie Coon), Trevor (Finn Wolfhard) and Phoebe (Mckenna Grace) are together going after the ghosts that are running rampant through New York City. The is only one problem in the form of now Mayor Walter Peck (William Atherton). He has made is clear that he still is aiming to stop the Ghostbusters and close down the containment that holds ghosts!

When Peck discovers that Phoebe is under age, he puts a stop to her being part of the group as well. Upset, she walks to the park where she meets ghost Melody (Emily Alyn Lind) and feels like there is finally someone who understands. At his store, Dr. Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) meets Nadeem (Kumail Nanjiani) who wants to pawn off grandma’s weird collection. Stantz is interested in a brass shaped ball with writing that only Dr. Hubert Wartzki (Patton Oswalt) can talk about.

In the meantime, Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson) shows Grooberson and Callie that their overcrowded containment area is about to be expanded with Lars (James Acaster) running things. His money has built another lab where they are finding a smarter way to do it all. But, while all this is going on, something weird is shaking the ground and trying to get out. When the group gathers to fight, some old friends show up like Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) and Janine Melnitz (Annie Potts) to put on the suit and make a stand.

The evil spirit Garraka is about to freeze out New York City but there are a few people that aren’t going to let that happen because, after all, who you gonna call?

I have to start with Murray as it is a moral imperative! Returning as Venkman just filled me with so much joy and laughter. There isn’t much that has changed about his portrayal other than he didn’t get enough screen time as far as I’m concerned. Aykroyd as Stantz gives us full on Ray-mode with his insatiable curiosity for all odd things and putting the suit on because nothing says ‘oh yea’ more than having the pack back on ones back. Hudson as Zeddemore may have gotten rich but that didn’t stop him from suiting up and I was all for it.

Rudd as Grooberson is with the Spengler family ghostbusting and having a family life. Making the transition in his life from teacher to parental figure is complicated by ghosts. Rudd gives his trademark performance as the guy who doesn’t ruffle feathers in between ghost captures. Coon as Callie is being a bit of a ghost parent running through the city catching specters but not really addressing family issues other than collecting laundry.

Grace as Phoebe is going through her Spengler-mode upset that the world doesn’t see her more grown up than she really is. Making friends with Lind’s spirit Melody seems like a nature progression for them both, but is it? Potts returns as Melnitz and she brings with her the attitude and the only thing I would LOVE to have seen is when the phone rang, SHE was the one who picked it up and said, “Ghostbusters what do you want!”.

Wolfhard as Trevor decides to take matters into his own hands to go after a green that seems to plague the upstairs. Hudson as Zeddemore returns with a pocket full of money and a way to make containment easier but there is an entity out there that has other plans. Acaster as Lars runs his lab but isn’t immune from what is out there. Oswalt as Wartzki is well versed in what is inside the cute little brass sphere currently in the lab shaking things up.

Shout out to Nanjiani as the new “Keymaster” Nadeem. He gets the chance to wear the iconic metal strainer and go through the weirdness of discovering his family underestimated his potential.

Other cast include John Rothman as the Library Administrator, Chris Tummings as the Police Chief, Logan Kim as Podcast and Celeste O’Connor as Lucky Domingo.

GHOSTBUSTER: Frozen Empire is a trip down nostalgia lane from beginning to end. It seems writers Gil Kenan, Jason Reitman and Ivan Reitman reached into the iconic grab bag to pull out everything but the kitchen sink. Anyone who remembers clearly the 1984 script can quickly see that there are a lot of similarities into the storyline. It is lovely, however, to see that keeping the spirit of Spengler alive runs through the story as well.

This is a full-on special effects film with everything from freezing, electricity, spooks, colanders, mysterious moving objects, talking ghosts, a bit of sliming, a lot of things in the air and destruction of all kinds but that is what happens when ancient entities get a little grumpy. The cast is a big which can test an 8-year-olds ability to keep up. My granddaughter would point and say, “who’s that” followed by “and that person?” until she caught up. She did say, when the film was over that GHOSTBUSTERS: Frozen Empire is now her favorite film so there’s that!

I could not get enough of Murry, Aykroyd and Hudson with Potts coming in from moment to moment because those are the characters I still hold dear. My laughter came from seeing memorable ghosts and small Stay Puft’s (and I would love it if they made those for sale because there would be several on my desk!) that brought me back to 1984 with ease. Talk about joy in this ole heart, these four, along with their misty friends, gave good.

Now, the rest, (insert heavy sigh), I get it, GHOSTBUSTERS has become a generational thing but, to be honest, I think it is time to graciously close the book. Clearly, I am not a fan of remaking iconic and beloved films of the past and trying to resuscitate them with a Thor-like hammer to the chest of an audience who has no other choice when going to the theatres. Go out on a good note and let this be the ending we all deserve.

That being said, take grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins and all kids to have a family time at the movies. Laugh, love and remember why we loved them all in the first place! Cheer for the hero’s, cheer for the spirits we love and sing the song that always brings a smile because we know who we are going to call.

In the end – there is only one call you can make!

Friday, March 15, 2024

THE BLOODY HUNDREDTH: The True Story of the Men Who Inspired MASTERS OF THE AIR


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Apple TV+ and directed by Mark Herzog and Laurent Bouzereau is a documentary, narrated by Tom Hanks, about the men who served in the air and how they feel today about what combat they experienced being part of THE BLOODY HUNDREDTH.

Germany is invading all over Europe by sea, land and air and the world is in turmoil to stop the constant invasions. Hitler controls Europe and there had to be a way top it. Filmmaker Steven Spielberg speaks about how his own family is affected, Jimmy Stewart makes his feelings known as he was a pilot in the 453 Bomb Group announcing that they needed more men in the air and those to make it happen.

John “Lucky” Luckadoo was a pilot with the 100th Bomb Group, who tells his story about becoming an Air Force cadet. Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal, also a member of the 100th Bomb Group, saw what was happening around him at the time and wanted to be an effective part of the war as a young man. He also joined up to become an Air Force cadet.

The call was answered and thousands of men came from all walks of life to sign up to be part of flying in the war. There training was swift as John A. Clark of the 100th Bomb Group tells his story of flying. Harry Crosby of the 100th Bomb Group decided to become a navigator as flying didn’t work out so well. Joseph Armanini also became a navigator of the 100th Bomb Group. The ten-hour training moved the pilots swiftly to the Boeing “flying fortress” B-17 planes. 

Loaded with weaponry, the pilots were trained for six months and in May of 1943, Frank Murphy of the 100th Bomb Group, was sent to England to become a part of the 8th Air Force. The pilots being told they were going “overseas to die” did not stop the men from arriving at Thorpe Abbotts, East Anglia, England. Sharing the bombing duties with the British, they spent day and night bombing the Germans.

Richard C. King, Owen “Cowboy” Roane, Robert Wolff, Robert Rosie Rosenthal, John “Bucky” Egan and Gale “Buck” Cleven, pilots of the 100th Bomb Group get a chance to know each other. Cleven and Egan stand out as the leaders with flare of the group. Seth Paridon, Historian at the Mississippi Armed Forces Museum talks about these two men and what they believe in.

Bruce Alshouse, a Tail Gunner for the 100th Bomb Group talks about the plans they learn about as to what their missions would accomplish and what equipment the men would need to fly. One by one the planes take off and form a “combat box” to be able to fight their way to the drop point. The anti-aircraft guns firing from below, shrapnel made its way through the skins of the plane made of aluminum.

German pilots were proficient at fighting in the air but that didn’t stop the B-17’s from dropping their payloads from 12,000 feet up. Gene Bankston, Togglier with the 100TH Bomb Group says he could see the bombs drop and hit the ground from his window view. After the dropped their payload, they would go home with some damage to the plane as described by Thomas Jeffrey, commander of the 100th Bomb Group.

Now, the 100th is assigned to go deep into Germany to bomb factories in Regensburg while the 8th Bomb Group hits Schweinfurt at the same time. Dr. Conrad C. Crane, SSI Senior Historian, US Army War College describes what is planned and how it can go wrong. Retired Gen. Curtis Leman, Commander, 3rd Bombardment Division talks about that day. A two-hour fire-fight trying to reach their drop point doesn’t stop the pilots as the Regensburg mission crew pushes through.

In October 1943, there were over six targets and on Black Week the pilots were set to drop thousands of pounds of bombs. Planes are hit and Cleven’s plane was one of them as other ships are severely damaged. In all, only six bombers returned. Egan is furious and returns from leave to lead the group. Their next mission to Munster, Germany is told to the pilots and Egan refers to it as a ‘revenge raid’. It was after this that the name The Bloody Hundredth came about after losing so many men and planes.

Pilots were beginning to feel the stress of the war as men were suffering from combat fatigue. Going to Flak House in Oxford, England, the men had a chance to be away from the war enough to regather their thoughts. Sometimes it helped and sometimes it did not to the point of it affecting missions.

Being shot down over Germany, airmen were not trained on survival tactics. Taken to Dulag Luft, Frankfurt, Germany, captured airmen were interrogated in different and sometimes disarming ways. Transferred to Stalag Luft III in Sagan, Germany, the camp was huge but there was a surprised to discover that there were survivors of the 100th Bomb Group there that were thought dead. Cleven and Egan were two of the pilots that were there as the two men became leaders once again in the camp.

Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill and meet in Tehran to talk about an assault given the codename “Overlord”. The key to the success of the mission is that air superiority must happen. The P-51 Mustangs arrive in England, they are fast and the range to help the B-17’s reach their goal. Continual raids begin and they are non-stop as fighters keep attacking as Germany starts to feel their dominance in the air falling fast. Dr. Tami Davis Biddle, author of Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare talks about it.

Ships, warehouses, ball-bearing factories and bombing Berlin is affecting German morale. At the Stalag, prisoners are attempting to escape, some manage it and others do not. The 100th begins to work on more combat formations as Jeffries takes over and in two days they were flying the best formation. The basic rule was that after 25 missions, a pilot could rotate back to the states, but Rosenthal wanted to be a part of D-Day that was coming soon. Allied forces were to land in Normandy and the Air Force would be putting up every plane.

D-Day, June 6, 1944, the voice of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, gives a speech that lets each airman know that “they eyes of the world are upon you”. Looking out the window, airmen could see the vastness of planes in the air. As the men hit the beaches of Normandy, the bombs dropped, went back and gassed up collecting more bombs, and back in the air again. Germans are surrounded by Russia and the West and the discovery of what Hitler had done to people in camps.

In Luft III, Dr. Matthew F. Delmont, author of Half American talks about the Red-Tail pilots who were African American and also in the camps. Richard Macon was a pilot with the 332nd Fighter Group who believed they were better pilots than their German counterparts. J. Todd Moye, author of Freedom Flyers talks of the bomber pilot’s appreciation to the Red-Tail pilots.

The air bombing continues and more missions send up 2,000 bombers as they drop, drop, drop on war manufacturing. The servicemen from Luft II are on the move as the Germans move them from Sagan, to Spremberg, to Stalag VII-A in Moosburg. In a short amount of time, they were rescued and free to finally go home.

On May 1, 1945, the 100th flew one more mission to drop food to 5 million people in the Netherlands happened. The crews were finally ready to go home and they were celebrated all along the way. The reunions were amazing and the recollection of the pilots are still bringing tears to their eyes. Rosenthal would return to Europe for the Nuremburg Trials.

Now, those who are able to speak on it today, share how they feel about their time with The Bloody Hundredth, how it changed them and how it makes them feel as Americans. “The World War II generation deserves to be remembered”.

What more can anyone say than that? The brave men and women who took up arms when they were needed the most, did so without fanfare, without a second thought and with the courage of their convictions that it was the right thing to do as an American.

AppleTV+ is a video on demand web television that debuted in 2019 viewable through the Apple TV app. CEO Tim Cook wanted original content calling it “a great opportunity for us from a creation point of view”. From THE MORNING SHOW to TRYING and THE BANKER and Jason Momoa in SEE, there is plenty of choices for everyone. Plenty of genres? That is exactly what they are bringing to viewers and to see more of what they have to offer please visit

Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have once again come together to bring us the stories of these brave individuals who have the courage of their convictions. These two filmmakers have covered space, battles at sea, battles on the ground, in the air and so much more. THE BLOODY HUNDREDTH is another chapter in their ability to bring such amazing stories and, with this documentary, from the words of those who are still alive to tell it today.

THE BLOODY HUNDREDTH is a look at what it took to fight evil from the air. It is absolutely incredible that these pilots were trained so quickly to do a job that was as dangerous as any other. It also examines the friendships, sorrows, death and survival in a time where being anything other than German could be a death sentence.

My grandparents did their part during that time and so did many of my family after becoming service members in all the branches of military. They were fathers, sons and uncles in my family that fought on land, in the air and on the sea giving their lives in some cases and some came back completely different. Those that did return always told me that they served with honor for their country. I never truly understood that until I was older and my own son went to war.

THE BLOODY HUNDREDTH would be a remarkable tool for teachers who cover this part of history. Hearing it from them men who served and the historians is a stunning way to show the history that always needs to be understood.

In the end – it honors the heroes of the 100th Bomb Group!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

ANYONE BUT YOU Arrives on Bluray


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray and Digital from director Will Gluck and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is the rom-com of when two people believe it’s ANYONE BUT YOU.

Trying to come to terms with leaving school and a boyfriend, Bea (Sydney Sweeney) runs into the very charming Ben (Glen Powell) and after spending the day together they fall asleep in his sofa. In the morning, she wakes and makes a hasty exit but realizing quickly there was no reason too, turns around. Walking up to the door, Ben is in the middle of telling friend Pete (Ga Ta) some insulting things, Bea takes off.

Months go by and Bea discovers that her sister Halle (Hadley Robinson) is dating Pete’s sister Claudia (Alexandra Shipp). At a party, Bea sees Ben once again and gives him the cold shoulder and they each get their shots in. Halle and Claudia become engaged and everyone is invited to attend the ceremony in Sydney, including Bea and Ben.

The madness begins when the two are on the same plane and continues as Bea’s parents want her to reconcile the ex-boyfriend, Ben’s ex-girlfriend has been invited to the wedding and the tension between the two grows when family try to get the couple to see that they belong together. Bea and Ben have decided the only way to get everyone out of their hair is by pretending to be a couple.

Watch how that works out!

Sweeney as Bea plays a doe-eyed undecided young woman who isn’t sure where to go in life. Going to a wedding seems like the best way to avoid dealing with it all, that is until she sees Ben which is a whole new mess of things she is trying to avoid. Her guard is up and she has to keep it up when the two decide to play the cat and mouse game to keep the families at bay. Sweeny is charming and seems to enjoy the role.

Powell as Ben gets to play the charming and good-looking guy who has as quick of an insult wit as Bea does. Teaming up against the family seemed the only way for them to stop pushing the two together. Powell looks like he’s having a good time in this rom-com and it shows.

Ga Ta as Pete wants what’s best for his friend and teams up with Roger to push Bea and Ben together. Robinson as Halle sees what is going on with her sister and that gets hectic while trying to make sure a wedding goes off without much of a hitch. Shipp as Claudia loves coming to Australia for her wedding but worries that the mess between Bea and Ben will make things crazy. She ain’t wrong!

Other cast include Michelle Hurd as Carol, Darren Barnet as Jonathan, Bryan Brown as Roger, Rachel Griffiths as Innie, Charlee Fraser as Margaret and Dermot Mulroney as Leo.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Disc Details and Bonus Materials included with the Bluray, DVD and Digital Extras include He Said She Said, Everyone Down Under, Outtakes & Bloopers, Deleted Scenes, ASMR Pickup Lines and Aussie Snacks.

ANYONE BUT YOU give the pat formula of a rom-com with girl meets boy, moment of connection, misunderstanding, family intervention and then connection. That is not a bad thing as audiences deserve to have fun, love, family and comedy all meshed together for a good time. Having it at home means a movie night with everyone who love a good rom-com!

In the end – they only look like the perfect couple!

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Apple TV+ Takes us on a MANHUNT


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Apple TV+ from creator Monica Beletsky based on the Edgar Award winning non-fiction book Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer from James L. Swanson and directors Carl Franklin, John Dahl, and Eva Sorhaug is the stunning look at the chase for an assassin with MANHUNT.

It is April 14, 1865 and the states are celebrating the end of the Civil War welcoming home troops with parades and good cheer but some are not. President Abraham Lincoln (Hamish Linklater) and Mary Todd (Lili Taylor) is preparing for their own night of celebration at the theatre asking good friend Edwin Stanton (Tobias Menzies), who is the Secretary of War, to join him. What they don’t know is that a man named John Wilkes Booth (Anthony Boyle) has his own night of plans.

Booth, known in a few circles as an actor, sets up all that are part of what is about to happen. The timeline begins with an assassination attempt on the Secretary of State Seward. Stanton is alerted the horrific attempt on the Seward household and rushes to their aid. The Ford Theatre prepares as the performance of Our American Cousin is set to bring in the President. Enjoying the performance, the night rings out with a shot that reverberates into the future. Boothe makes his escape and now begins the biggest manhunt of its time.

Stanton arrives back in Washington only to find out that President Lincoln has been shot. Arriving at his home, Stanton walks into chaos of screaming, yelling and a doctor who is trying to save him. Mary and son Robert (Maxwell Korn) are full of rage and fear as Stanton tries to calm everyone but seeing the President, he, himself, is shaken to the core. Now, along with the help of Thomas Eckert (Damian O’Hare), the race is on to uncover the conspirators!

Menzies as Stanton is not only a friend to the President but works in his cabinet so the pain of his death is more than he can bear at moments yet, he gets what needs doing done. I have been following Menzies career since I first saw his performance in the 2005 series Rome, then really captured me in the 2014 Starz series Outlander in 2018 playing good guy Frank Randall and bad guy Jack Randall and I loved both characters, then, in the series The Terror as the Duke of Cornwall, got his time in with HBO’s Game of Thrones and Netflix’s The Crown as Prince Phillip. Each of these series and performances stand out with Menzies in the mix.

In Apple TV+ MANHUNT, he truly sets the standard leading this cast in an extraordinary direction. Menzies gives us the character of Stanton that understands what President Lincoln was trying to accomplish and is going to fight, almost to his death, to keep that legacy alive. He wants all those responsible for killing his friend and his president to be held accountable. Menzies performance is so rich, powerful and to the point where it is mesmerizing to see his characters struggle. This truly is one of his finest performances to date.

As the series progresses, there are outstanding ensemble cast performances as well. O’Hare as Eckert is equally determined to help Stanton discover every dirty little plan and where it came from. Taylor as Mary Todd Lincoln gives us the performance of a woman who clearly loved her husband but also has other issues and Taylor gives it all.

Boyle as Booth is just eerie and not just because of what historically Booth was clearly capable of and did with narcissism. Boyle takes on the character of one of the most hated men in human history and lets us take a peek behind the Booth curtain. Watching Boyle twists, turn and slink his way through capture, there isn’t a moment where feeling sorry for him was even an issue. That’s what makes a strong performance, when 159 years later Booth still gets a second in the spotlight and all those years of the wrong kind of fame with Boyle’s performance reminding us why. Boyle shows his excellence and I am here for it.  

Each performer in the cast is truly fantastic and that includes Lovie Simone as the very strong-willed housemaid Mary Simms, the liar and manipulator Dr. Samuel Mudd played by Matt Walsh, the next-in-line president who I came truly not like Gleen Morshower as Andrew Johnson, and the seriously intense Patton Oswalt as Lafayette Baker who didn’t take any guff from anyone either wanting to help capture those who tried to bring down the country.

Other cast include Brandon Flynn as Edwin Stanton Jr., Betty Gabriel as Elizabeth Keckley, Will Harrison as David Herold, Timothy Sigmund as Jebidiah Diggler, Anne Dudek as Ellen Stanton, Mark Rand as Salmon P. Chase, Tom McCafferty as Edward Gorsuch, Larry Pine as William Seward, William McCullough as Boston Corbett, Josh Stewart as Wallace, Spencer Clark as Lewis Powell, John Billingsley as Edward Bates, Josh Bowman as Freddie Seward, Joshua Mikel as John Surratt and Carrie Laar as Mary Surratt.

AppleTV+ is a video on demand web television that debuted in 2019 viewable through the Apple TV app. CEO Tim Cook wanted original content calling it “a great opportunity for us from a creation point of view”. From THE MORNING SHOW to TRYING and THE BANKER and Jason Momoa in SEE, there is plenty of choices for everyone. Plenty of genres? That is exactly what they are bringing to viewers and to see more of what they have to offer please visit

Episodes include the pilot which Premiers March 15th, 2024 as it sets up the rest of the series to follow these episodes:

Post-Mortem: Facing a nation without a president, Stanton grapples with funeral arrangements, suspects, and piecing together a larger conspiracy. Premiers March 15th, 2024.

Let the Sheep Flee: The hunt expands to Quebec, where a nest of Confederate spies and expats reorganize. Booth is taken underground in Maryland. Premiers March 22nd, 2025,

The Secret Line: Stanton and Detective Baker investigate ties between Manhattan’s most elite Wall Street traders, the Confederacy, and Booth Premiers March 29th 2024.

A Man of Destiny: President Johnson interferes with Lincoln’s vital plans; Stanton’s health deteriorates as he closes in on Booth. Premiers April 5th, 2024.

Useless: Stanton gets a win, but not the way he wanted. He plans for the conspirators’ trial, which he must conquer to keep Lincoln’s legacy alive. Premiers April 12th, 2024.

The Final Act: In the series finale, risking his personal and professional standing, Stanton produces the trial of the century to seek justice against everyone responsible. Premiers April 19th, 2024.

MANHUNT is an intense story that is brilliantly told in this seven-part series. There is not a moment to rest as the manhunt is fast paced and maddening race to find not only those involved but the man responsible for murdering the President. The cast is extensive and the performances are stellar in every way. Each take their characters and show us what was/is possible in one of the most infamous assassinations in history.

Also drawing me into the story is the costuming and set designs. The feel of authenticity lends itself to telling the story and it is one of the things I love about period pieces. Surrounding the viewer with an easy way into the story takes one simple thing, the right visuals and MANHUNT definetly brings that in every way. As a reader of historical events, I am always thrilled to see how a series or film can do well in the telling and MANHUNT far exceeded my expectations.

Creator, Showrunner and Executive Producers Monica Beletsky says of the work, “The book is a treasure trove of research and an excellent jumping-off point to imagine an emotional, cat and mouse thriller. I designed the series as a conspiracy noir. Not a whodunnit, but a who else dun it? Every generation has the immense responsibility to tell a version of Lincoln’s story on screen and I am deeply honored to have this turn”.

In the end – the assassination was just the beginning!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

It is the Return of KUNG FU PANDA 4


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres this Friday from directors Mike Mitchell, Stephanie Stine, DreamWorks Animation and Universal Pictures is the return of the dragon warrior in KUNG FU PANDA 4.

Po (voiced by Jack Black) is enjoying his life being the Dragon Warrior. All of that is about to change when Master Shifu (Dustin Hoffman) tells him that it is time to choose a new dragon warrior. Po’s role in the valley is about to change and that, sadly, isn’t what he really wants. Going to the temple, Po realizes something strange is happening and it is because of a fox of a thief called Zhen (Awkwafina) with mad skills!

But she isn’t the only one, a sorceress chameleon called, well, The Chameleon (Viola Davis) wants to take over everything. She has the ability to disguise herself to look like anyone which helps her in the quest for domination. Po decides that he can’t allow that to happen and with the help of Zhen, as the Furious Five are on other missions, and the staff given to him by Master Ugway, they take off to Juniper City. Of course, all of this is against Master Shifu’s advice which is no surprise.

Po gets to see what life in the big city is like with its bustling and hustling which is where Zhen comes in. Introducing Po to the thief life underground, he meets Han (Ke Huy Quan) the pangolin who runs it all. It’s a place where trusting doesn’t come easy and you have to keep an eye on your pants at all times.

In the valley, Mr. Ping (James Hong) and Li Shan (Bryan Cranston), Po’s fathers, are worried about their boy and decide that they must try and be of help to their son. What they all don’t know is that The Chameleon wants them all to come to her because she has the dastardly plan to reunite Po with some of his old nemesis’ or is that nemisi?

It is not only a battle to keep the Valley of Peace and its people together, it is a battle to discover that doing what is right is everything!

Black as Po vocally steps back into the role with ease. Enjoying the life as the Dragon Warrior, he doesn’t want to be anything more than that even thought Master Ugway chose him. When he gets the chance to go on an adventure without the Furious Five, he jumps right in always wanting to do the right thing. Going into a big city where that idea isn’t as popular as in the valley, Black’s character stays true to himself even if it will cost him everything.

Awkwafina as Zhen is a fast on her paws thief who doesn’t see anything wrong with her way of life. Hanging around Po is bound to rub off on anyone and Zhen is a hard case. She has never known anyone like him and it has the chance to change her way of thinking if she would only let it. First, she has to get beyond her past and the one who has controlled it for so long. Awkwafina is making a name for herself doing voice overs and if it works, it works.

Davis as The Chameleon is a charming hot mess of a villain but it is awesome to watch such a small creature bring about large terror. She knows what she wants and Davis gives her the voice to get it done, or at least wreak havoc in the process. The plan is a brilliant one and brings the story full circle.

Hoffman as Master Shifu is the one who has always been so tolerant of Po and once again Hoffman is called about to be so. Dealing with the fact that Po has Master Ugway’s staff doesn’t bother him, or at least that is what he is trying to convince himself of. He is also trying to keep Po from danger and that’s a task in itself.

Hong as Dad Mr. Ping is still so lovely, warm, caring and a big of an over protective Dad. I just love this character and have from the start. Now joining him is Cranston as Li Shan, Po’s Dad as well. He now has a front row seat to his son being the Dragon Warrior and it is an adventure in itself. Both these characters are amazing, fun, and supportive of their son and I’m all for it.

Other cast include Lori Tan Chinn as Granny Boar, Ronny Chieng as Captain Fish and Ian McShane as Tai Lung.

Universal Pictures has an amazing film library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

DreamWorks Animation brings amazing, animated entertainment to films, television specials and series for the young and young at heart audiences around the world. For more of what they have to offer please visit

KUNG FU PANDA 4 is a fantastic time at the movies for the whole family. There is fun, adventure, laughter, and a story filled with simple life lessons on family, honesty, friendship and being yourself. It is all done in a vibrant colorful film and plenty to talk about after!

So, pack up the family, and prepare to join in the journey with Po and his friends to fight for the Valley of Peace one more time!

In the end – find your inner peace and then protect it all!




Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres and On Demand from director Paul Dektor and Vertical is the story of a man going through the economics of life with AMERICAN DREAMER.

Dr. Phil Loder (Peter Dinklage) is a divorced college professor of economics who spends his time thinking of writing the novel and buying a house. Showing up to class is becoming a drudgery with the constant daily parking vs. ‘read my paper’ visit from Craig (Danny Pudi). Believing that home ownership is out of reach, real estate agent/friend Dell (Matt Dillon) keeps him in the loop about availability but their relationship is edgy.

Looking through real estate pages, Loder comes across a beautiful house on the lake that is worth millions but the asking price is $249,000 – with a caveat. The elderly woman, Astrid Fanelli (Shirley MacLaine), who owns the house will continue to live there and upon her death the house will revert to the buyer. Loder and Dell get together to look over the contract and he moves into an upstairs room that leaves less to be desired.

Already under a lot of pressure, Loder discovers that there are other members of Astrid’s family. One of them is daughter Maggie (Kimberly Quinn), a legal eagle who has her eye on Loder and makes it clear that she will make sure that the deal is thrown out. She and the family don’t want him to have the house at all.

When Astrid begins to show her health problems, Loder finds himself connecting with the woman on many levels. That’s probably the only thing working at the moment as he has trouble at school and basically with everyone around him except Astrid. When it comes time to make a decision to hang on or walk away, Loder needs to decide what will work for everyone, and that includes Dr. Phil Loder!

Dinklage as Loder is a man clearly going through a deep life crisis. He has a dream, in fact a few dreams, of being a homeowner and when he sees the lake house, he thinks he’s found Nirvana. Even Nirvana comes with a few hiccups and Loder quickly finds out what those are. Dinklage is just so amazing in this role because he gives us every emotional roller coaster of the human condition and some make me laugh and some make my heart hurt because it is truth-speak. This story is a fantastic show of why Dinklage seems to choose wisely in the direction is acting should go. He fits beautifully in all genres.

MacLaine as Astrid is a spunky, charming, snarky and upfront woman who owns this beautiful house on the lake. Meeting Loder for the first time, her snarky is hilarious and I can’t stop laughing. MacLaine on screen, all throughout her career, is such a talent actress who seems to choose roles where she can be charming but I definetly love the ones where she is snarky. There is also a mystery to this character that only MacLaine can pull off and she does exactly that.

Dillion as Dell is just a ridiculously disturbing and laughable character yet I’m not sure if that was the point. Don’t get me wrong, I laughed myself silly in the scenes between Dinklage and Dillion so I’m going to take that. Pudi as Craig is the biggest whiny person one could ever find on campus. Granted Loder wasn’t exactly nice to him but, that doesn’t mean he is going to get away with his bit of nastiness. I’m not going to lie; he made me laugh up to the very end.

Shout out to Danny Glover because when he goes through his private eye pictures, I literally could NOT stop laughing.

Other cast include Michelle Mylett, Donald Heng, Garry Chalk, Rebecca Olson, Brendan Riggs, Kimberley Shoniker, Raresh DiMofte, Frank Warburton Bailey III and Danny Glover.

Vertical Entertainment is a global independent distributor that offers a unique wealth of experience minus the studio costs. They have won a Film Independent Spirit Award for Best Actress for Molly Shannon’s role in OTHER PEOPLE and the film won a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Film Limited Release, Best International Film for Babak Anvari’s UNDER THE SHADOW, a BAFTA and three Independent British Independent Film Awards as well. For more go to

AMERICAN DREAMER starts out addressing the impossibility of the average American owning a home. Loder puts it to his students why this is but when it comes to his turn to be part of the home owning experience, he finds a creative and interesting way to make that happen. The problem is, if it is too good to be true, it probably, most likely, oh hell, IT IS!

I love the cast that has been assembled to tell this story and they just bring the dark comedy, twists, turns and eventual outcome that just works. I have to admit I wouldn’t mind doing the same thing Loder did (but with a little more explanation of conditions for sure) because he is correct. It is the only way to live the American Dream.

Now, the twists and turns would drive anyone nuts so Loder’s reaction, especially the latter classroom scene, is hysterical but more a true reaction by anyone really. He is not only dealing with a reactionary real estate agent, a certain student, an angry lawyer and a shocked private investigator – but he worries about a lady he hardly knows. That’s a lot of emotional eggs not wanting to stay in one basket.  

That being said, I’m on Loder’s side.

In the end – we all want a place to call home!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Netflix Offers Up the World with SPACEMAN


Jeri Jacquin

Currently streaming on Netflix from director Johan Renck based on Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfar is the story of the loneliest SPACEMAN.

Commander Jakub Prochazka (Adam Sandler) is a Czech astronaut on a space mission to learn more about the intergalactic dust around Venus. At home is his wife Lenka (Carey Mulligan) who he waits to hear from daily. Commissioner Tuma (Isabella Rossellini) monitors all of the incoming and outgoing messages of the couple and when a serious one is received, Tuma decides that Jakub should not know about it. Sending their astronaut out to do what other countries would not, Tuma is not going to jeopardize it all.

Everyone notices that Jakub is having a hard time but he tries to continue with a daily routine maintaining the ship. Then something strange happens inside the capsule. Jakub discovers there is another passenger on the ship and is stunned that mission control does not see it on the cameras. Coming to terms with his all-out fear, Jakub now becomes curious as the creature lets him know that it is curious about the spaceman’s humanity, loneliness and Lenka.

Getting to understand one another, Jakub names the creature Hanus (Paul Dano) and another journey begins, one of emotions and understanding. A strange friendship is happening on the way to Chopra cloud. Jakub begins to understand his life and the wonders of it all through the eyes of an unusual friend.

We should all be so lucky.

Sandler as Jakub is a man wanting to fulfill his mission to Venus but in the process, he breaks a promise to wife Lenka. That is something that not only causes his marriage to be in jeopardy but is a sore subject when Hanus brings it up time and again. This is a Sandler we haven’t seen before but it’s a perfect time for him to arrive at this point in space. He gives us a performance where he carries not only the film but the emotion that won’t let us rest until the very end – and probably farther if I’m being honest.

Mulligan as Lenka is not happy about Jakub’s decision to take the mission because of a promise he made to her. Upset, the message she sends is something Hanus is curious about what she is feeling and going through. Mulligan gives us a woman going through her own emotional process of wanting the life she loved and the life Jakub is confined her to by his space journey.

I am giving such a serious shout out to Paul Dano as Hanus. His voice is soothing and non-threatening even when his character is calling out Jakub’s flaws. Wrapped up in this creature’s body, there is one scene where listening to him talk about the beginning and ending of everything is soulful, tearful and so beautiful I don’t believe I will ever forget it.

Other cast include Kunal Nayyar as Peter and Lena Olin as Zdena.

Netflix is the world's leading streaming entertainment service with over 158 million paid memberships in over 190 countries. Enjoying TV series, documentaries and feature films, Netflix is across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere and on any internet-connected screen. For more information, please visit

If you are looking for the wise-cracking comedic Adam Sandler then you are looking at the wrong film. This film is a deep, intense story of a man who had to go in the deepest darkest place in space to find beauty and the answers of his life. Sandler is absolutely stunning in this role as a man who befriends a creature as they teach and learn from one another.

I must tell you that tissue is a must because the story of a man in space and a wife on earth that every scene will complete gut you. There are scenes where Sandler just completely emotionally eviscerates to the point of physical pain in the chest – at least for me. There is also intensity with the relationship between Jakub and Hanus until the very last frame and I am here for every second.

The space cinematography is, pardon the pun, stellar, so colorful and moving. There is an such emotion attached to seeing the beauty in space and Sandler brings it up close and personal to us with his reaction. I got to give it to the character of Hanus and Dano’s voice when he speaks once they get to the dust near Venus.

This is a complete journey and nothing one would expect but everything a film lover would want from this unexpected space story. When a film can move, delight, surprise and keep us talking after – now that’s a film that should have been in theatres but I’m thrilled I experienced it in the comfort of my own home (so no one could see me teary eyed!).

In the end – they are on the doorstep of the universe!


Apple TV + Brings the Documentary THE BLOODY HUNDREDTH


Apple TV+ to premiere new documentary “The Bloody Hundredth” in celebration of the real-life heroes featured in its global hit series, “Masters of the Air”.

Premiering Friday, March 15 and narrated by Tom Hanks, “The Bloody Hundredth" features rarely seen archival footage and exclusive interviews with the 100th Bomb Group airmen.

On the heels of the premiere of its broadly celebrated, global hit series “Masters of the Air,” Apple TV+ today announced “The Bloody Hundredth,” a new documentary honoring the real-life heroes of the 100th Bomb Group. Produced by Playtone-Amblin and narrated by Tom Hanks, “The Bloody Hundredth” will premiere globally on Friday, March 15, 2024 on Apple TV+, just in time for the “Masters of the Air” series finale, and is executive produced by Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman.

Directed by Mark Herzog and long-time Spielberg collaborator Laurent Bouzereau, the hour-long documentary spotlights the true stories of several characters and real-life airmen featured in “Masters of the Air” including John Egan (played by Callum Turner), Gale Cleven (played by Austin Butler), Harry Crosby (played by Anthony Boyle), Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal (played by Nate Mann), Frank Murphy (played by Jonas Moore), Alexander Jefferson (played by Brandon Cook), Richard Macon (played by Josiah Cross), as well as veterans John “Lucky” Luckadoo, Robert Wolf, and many others. From the shock of Pearl Harbor to the joy of VE Day, “The Bloody Hundredth” is a record of what was endured and achieved by a group of young Americans when their country and the world needed them most.

Return to Australia with QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD and Bluray from director Simon Wincer and Shout! Studios is the return of the tallest gunman Australia has ever experience with 1990 western QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER.

Matthew Quigley (Tom Selleck) is an American cowboy who can shoot at extraordinary ranges with his special rifle. When Australian Elliot Marston (Alan Rickman) places an advertisement in the paper looking for someone who is an excellent shot, Quigley answers the letter and is hired. When his ship arrives, he is met by Marston’s men and also in the wagon is a woman named Crazy Cora (Laura San Giacomo).

Arriving at Marston’s station, Quigley is tested and Marston who is pleased with his new employee. But the gunfighter learns quickly that what he is hired to do is kill the Aboriginals on the land and he refuses to do what he wants. That causes Marston to take action and after a beating he wakes up in the outback along with Cora. Knowing that being in the outback without water is a death sentence, the two must find a way to survive.

Cora tells Quigley her story of home and what brought her to Australia and it is a sad tale. She especially is horrified when she sees what Marston’s people are doing to the Aboriginals’ that have helped them along the way. That’s when Quigley makes it clear that what has been happening will no longer stand. That’s when the job takes a turn and the outback will know that one man stood against them all!

Selleck as Quigley is perfect in this role with the tall swagger and fitting right into western wear. His character is calm and doesn’t let much upset him, unless you are trying to hire him to kill innocent people. Then, there is a huge problem and Quigley is the only won strong enough to put a stop to it all. Selleck is charming and literally goes with the punches. Every time I have watched this film, it is because Selleck just does it all.

San Giacomo as Crazy Cora also fits into the role with ease. She is loud but certainly knows how to make crazy look good. Beginning with mistaking Quigley for someone else, it doesn’t seem to stop her from wanting to help her man. When she comes to terms with what is happening to the Aboriginal people, Cora knows that Quigley is going to make it right. San Giacomo is lovely, charming, and a great part of this cast.

Rickman as Marston just seemed to love this role so much because he gets to be a bit of a nut himself but with a gun. High on the outback horse, he is a ranch owner who thinks that hurting people is a sport and he enjoys it. Where he went wrong was attempting to hire a man with a conscience like Quigley. Rickman is just, as always, amazing as part of this cast. I have been a Rickman fan since I saw his 1982 television mini-series The Barchester Chronicles. I knew then that this was an actor to watch in everything he would do from them on – and I love being right.

Other cast include Chris Haywood as Major Pitt, Ron Haddrick as Grimmelman, Tony Bonner as Dobkin, Jerome Ehlers as Coogan, Conor McDermottroe as Hobb, Rober Wand as Brophy, Ben Mendelsohn as O’Flynn, Steve Dodd as Kunkurra, Karen Davitt as Slattern, William Zappa as Reilly and Ollie Hall as Carver.

SHOUT! Studios has grown into a tremendous multi-platform media company. Releasing new animated features such as the exquisite Long Way North, and the epic fantasy Beauty and The Beast. Also, their own original horror film, Fender Bender gives fans a good scare. For more of what SHOUT! Studios has to offer please visit

Special Features include on Disc One of the 4K UHD New 4K Scan of the Original Camera Negative. On Disc Two Bluray is New 4K Scan of the Original Camera Negative, “Finding Crazy Cora” – Interview with Laura San Giacomo, “This One Shoots a Mite Further” – Closer Look at the Sharps Rifle with Master Armorer Mike Tristano, “The Rebirth of a Western” Featurette, Theatrical Trailer, TV Spots and English DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Stereo.

QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER was a stunning, exciting, adventurous 1990’s film and I can honestly say they don’t make them like that anymore. I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen the film and can say that I will be watching it again and again in the future. It is a film that is fun and at the same time offers up the plight of Australia’s Aboriginal people who still have issues today.

If you are looking for a western with heart for the first time or just love Selleck, San Giancomo and Rickman together, then this film should be on the must-see list. This is definetly a large screen, sound system, tub of popcorn, comfy sofa type of adventure packed film that is worthy of inviting friends over for a movie night.

In the end – the west was never this far west!