Friday, September 11, 2020

I MET A GIRL is an Emotional Rollercoaster


Jeri Jacquin

Coming from Gravitas Ventures and director Luke Eve is the story of love, reality and what can change a life in I MET A GIRL.

Devon (Brenton Thwaites) loves music and brother Nick (Joel Jackson) and trusts that he will be there always. That is sometimes difficult for Nick as Devon has schizophrenia and relies heavily on Nick to get through his days and remind him to take his medication. Nick marries the lovely Olivia (Zahra Newman) and they are soon expecting a baby.

When Devon has an episode, he meets Lucy (Lily Sullivan) and in one night finds himself completely in love. Thrilled to share with Nick the news, the arrange a dinner but Lucy doesn't arrive leaving his brother to wonder - is there really a Lucy?

Trying and trying to make Nick believe him turns into a disaster that Devon now knows has only one remedy. In hand is her note 'meet me in Sydney', that is exactly what he does. Take it upon himself to find any means necessary to find the woman who has shown him the healing power of love.

More importantly, Devon must discover for himself what it takes to be stronger in mind and heart.

Thwaites as Devon takes us on a roller coaster ride of emotions, feelings, fears, heart and a gentleness that serves him well. This is a difficult role to play as Thwaites takes on a combination of what is real and what lives in Devon's mind. With the good and the frightening fighting for his attention, waiting for Devon to find himself and accept life his own terms takes patience of our own.

Jackson as Nick is a brother who has found that a lot of his life is centered around Devon. From causing problems with his job and leaving little time for his new bride, the pressure becomes something of a guilt when there is no other choice than to place him in a facility. When Nick finally tells Devon what his life has been like, it is a moment that breaks the heart.

Sullivan as Lucy is the object of Devon's affection and he will stop at nothing to find her. She is sweet, funny and clever and it is easy to see why Devon cannot stop until he finds her once again. Newman as Olivia tries too hard to be understanding, and even when pregnant still tries to be but she also has to consider her own family that is coming together.

Other cast include: Anita Hegh as Patricia, Liam Graham as Fergus, the frightening Anni Finsterer as Miss Needles and Peter Rowsthorn as Mr. Rocket.

Gravitas Ventures searches for thought-provoking features and documentaries and stays in the forefront providing exceptional film product to audiences worldwide. For more of what they have to offer please visit

I MET A GIRL is definitely a story of love but there are so many layers to this film you definitely cannot turn away for a moment. Thwaites do not give the viewer one moment of rest because Devon does not get one moment of rest. He is fighting the world he has come to know and the two most powerful visions that will not let him go.

The casting of Thwaites is well one done as he brings so much to the character of Devon. His performance brings us to care for the story, the journey and the hope that something will change in his life for the better. That is a powerful message to bring to audiences.

In the end - what if the woman of your dreams was all in your head?

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