Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to a big or small screener near you from director Ric Roman Waugh and STX Films is a disaster that is hard to escape from when getting to GREENLAND. 

John Garrity (Gerard Butler) is an engineer that is in hot water with wife Allison (Morena Baccarin). Trying to make things right again, he comes home to help with a party that brings their friends over to watch the passing of comet Clarke.

 Taking son Nathan (Roger Floyd) to the store to pick up last minute items, a message comes over his phone that takes him by surprise. Rushing home to talk to Allison about it, it isn’t long before Clarke, who was supposed to pass them by – doesn’t. The shockwave is immediate, and the message appears once again to John and his family.

With only moments to pack, John makes sure to get the medicine young Nathan needs and after confronting neighbors, he must speed past them. The message they received made it clear that without proper instructions, all will be turned away. Getting to the base, everything that can go wrong does go wrong and the family is separated.

Trying to get back together will take everything John and Allison have if they are to make it to Greenland and survive the extinction level event.

Butler as Garrity is a man who knows he has messed up royally with his family and if there was ever a time to prove his worth, it is now. It is no surprise that Butler gets his hands completely dirty in this film at every turn. He has but one single focus, finding his family and getting them to safety. Butler gives it everything and I would expect nothing less.

Baccarin as Allison is not a shrinking violet in this film either. She gives her character the ability to be strong when she must and do whatever she can for her child. It is fantastic to have a female lead character that pulls her weight in the storyline and cares as much for the safety of her family as husband does.

Floyd as young Nathan does not have any easy time of it from start to finish. I will say that when the scariest thing that can happen to a child does, Floyd keeps his cool (as much as a kid can) knowing his parents are not going to sit idly by and do nothing.

Shout out to Scott Glen as Dale, Allison’s father. Anytime this fine actor is on screen I know that not only will he do what he must, but he will do it in his own unique style.

Other cast include: Randal Gonzalez as Bobby, Scott Poythress as Kenny, Claire Bronson as Debra, Madison Johnson as Ellie, Gary Weeks as Ed, Tracey Bonner as Peggy and Merrin Dungey as Major Breen.

STX Films and Entertainment is a global next-generation company who has taken on the mission to unlock the value of direct connection stars have with their fans through the development, production and distribution of film, television, VR, digital video, music and live entertainment content. It is the industry leader in transforming beyond traditional platform-driven content to creating talent-driven enterprises. To experience more please visit

GREENLAND is the perfect mixture of disaster, humanity and survival with just a few small chunky pieces of a comet thrown in. I am not about to give anything away but trust me, what I have written here is a snippet of what you will see. The film has so much in the way of how we treat one another and what happens when things go terribly wrong.

There is definetly a love of family and what we will do to protect those we love. I highly recommend tissue when you see Scott Glen. What I think I love about the film as well is there is no holding back, it is messy, it is sad and yet in the midst of it is the will to live and love – and some of us can totally understand that right now.

So gather the family, crank up the big screen, pop the corn and get ready for the survival ride of the year with GREENLAND.

In the end – they will struggle together to survive!

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