Wednesday, January 18, 2023



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from director Mary Nighy and Lionsgate is the story of losing one’s self in love with ALICE, DARLING.

Alice (Anna Kendrick) is a very busy working woman who is in love with boyfriend Simon (Charlie Carrick). Planning a girl-getaway birthday are friends Tess (Kaniehtiio Horn) and Sophie (Wunmi Mosaku). Struggling to find a way to please both Simon and the girls, Alice makes an excuse to be away for a week.

Staying at a beautiful lake side cabin, Alice cannot seem to find peace. Instead, she is struggling with her friendships and cannot stay away from her phone for more than a few minutes. Tess and Sophie notice immediately that something is not right with their friend. Trying to talk with her about it only causes even more strain in their relationships.

Alice tries to lose herself by helping the townsfolk with a missing person. Spending her day wandering through the forest keeps her from dealing with the reality. Tess isn’t about to let it ride and Alice finally lets out what is trapping her true self – a possessive boyfriend and the fear that it has brought to her life.

Then Simon shows up.

Kendrick as Alice gives the right performance here. She has the unique ability to be sarcastic and all the same time be so vulnerable. The comfortability with her friends is angst palpable which hides her fears and anxiety of her life. When Alice does have a chance to let loose, Kendrick embraces that freedom but it is only brief. This is an interesting character for Kendrick, I do wish it had been explored more as it felt mere surface.

Mosaku as Sophie is trying to keep the girls from going off on each other while also having a wonderful mini- vacation. She also knows something is wrong with Alice but is not sure how to handle it. Once she realizes the depth of Alice’s pain, she also knows what needs to happen and is there for her friend. Mosaku is straight forward as much as Horn and that’s everything.

Horn as Tess seems to be the thorn in Alice’s side and she knows it. Trying to reach her friend is proving difficult but Tess is not a push over. Horn is strong and does not take any nonsense and equally shocked to hear the struggles Alice has been going through. Now her guard is up and her eyes are giving off Mama Bear vibes when Simon shows up. Horn is the friend we all want but are a little bit afraid of – always a good thing.

Carrick as Simon is portrayed in a way that would make every person watching know that he has one goal – total possession of Alice in every way, shape and form. Carrick gives us the charming, smiling, attentive and ‘loving’ boyfriend but each move Simon makes deliberate and with purpose. Well done.

Lionsgate is a global leader in motion picture production and distribution for theatres, television, home entertainment and more. Theatre franchises include THE HUNGER GAMES, and DIVERGENT along with JOHN WICK. Now, adding this film to its 16,000-motion picture and television titles you can see everything coming soon as well as available now at

ALICE, DARLING has been nominated by the CMPA IndieScreen Awards and nominated with the Jordan Ressler First Feature Award for director Mary Nighy.

This film addresses the issue of one person doing a job controlling every aspect of another person’s life. That being said, I truly wish they would have delved deeper into that issue without the side story of a missing girl which really doesn’t play itself out and seems more a distraction. Watching Kendrick portray this struggling young woman is painful to watch at moments.

When Kendricks’ Alice finally talks about what she is going through, Mosaku and Horn are all in with their friend. Knowing something is wrong and finally discovering what it is, neither woman could have guessed it but know how to stop it even if Alice can’t.

In the end – sometimes the hardest thing to see is the truth!

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