Thursday, October 24, 2024

There are Secrets in the CONCLAVE

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from director Edward Berger based on the Robert Harris book of the same name and Focus Features is the story of secrets and desires for power in the CONCLAVE.

Cardinal Thomas Lawrence (Ralph Fiennes) arrives at the Vatican to discover that the Pope has passed. Gathering his emotions, he knows that now he must organize the election of the next head of the church. Turning to Cardinal Bellini (Stanley Tucci), they talk of the grief and who the rest of the cardinals are thinking of supporting.

Almost immediately there are three, Cardinal Adeyemi (Lucian Msamati), Cardinal Tedesco (Sergio Castellitto) and Cardinal Tremblay (John Lithgow) who quietly make it known of their desire to be the next Pope. Preparing for the conclave, Sister Agnes (Isabella Rossellini) brings other sisters in to prepare the rooms and cook the meals for the cardinals.

Cardinal Lawrence attempts to accommodate everyone and everything – especially the unexpected arrival of Cardinal Benitez (Carlos Diehz). This Cardinal is unknown to any but when presented papers from the previous Pope, Lawrence accepts him into the group even as the others are suspicious. Unfortunately, there isn’t any time to go deeper as the voting must begin.

There is no surprise that the three candidates are going to head-to-head with the votes, what it a surprise is a vote for Cardinal Lawrence. Shrugging it off, he begins to hear whispers of issues regarding the cardinals and he is not going to let it go, even if Cardinal Bellini suggest it is the best way to handle situations.

The problem is, now that Cardinal Lawrence has gone down the rabbit hole, he is confronted with the loss of a friend and a connection he could have never possibly ever seen.

Fiennes as Cardinal Lawrence is absolutely the film in every way. There isn’t a scene where his portrayal of this character isn’t stunning. He is the anchor to this story with his calm manner as he tries to navigate what is a gambit of secrets all in the name of faith. Not wanting the position himself, he actually isn’t looking to rise but to scale back to a simpler life. That is what Fiennes gives us – the duality of a man who has his own desires and must confront the powerful desires to rise of other men. This actor’s career has shown his diversity and legendary in the choices of roles he takes and Fiennes is an actor that if I know he is in a film – I’m there.

Tucci as Cardinal Bellini makes it clear that he does not want the position but he is adamant about who does. Believing that the changes the previous pope made strengthened their faith and those who trusted their religious leaders. He doesn’t want a reversal of it all and sees some of the candidates as a threat to it all. Tucci, as always, just takes the role and runs full speed with it. Of course, I am in the Tucci fan club and this role cements my belief that you can throw any role at this exceptional actor and he will make it stick!

Rossellini as Sister Agnes is the eyes and ears of everything around her. Believing deeply in the church and what is requires of the faith, she is not going to let anyone interfere just to be the new pope. Her stern appearance reminds me of a nun who would have no problem whacking your knuckles with a ruler but also a compassionate human being. There is her roles duality. Rossellini continues to show that there is a place for her still in films, are you listening Hollywood?

Lithgow as Cardinal Tremblay presents himself in a way that gave me the icks immediately. The words coming out of his mouth seem sincere but yet… That’s what makes this such a powerful role for Lithgow and he is amazing every second he is on the screen. Msamati as Cardinal Adeyemi believes he is the change the Vatican needs and makes his determination quietly clear to supporters. Msamati gives his part of the story a punch that the audience will be wide eyed about. Castellitto as Cardinal Tedesco is outspoken, rough in his beliefs and has no problem coming face to face with anyone who challenges him. Castellitto gives his character the outspoken fierceness that rocks the vote – literally.

The surprise here is Diehz as Cardinal Benitez! Arriving to bring a ripple in the waters, Diehz’ character is soft spoken, aware of what his presence brings to the conclave and a belief that is unshakable. Diehz is a strong presence in this role without overtaking any scene and the reason for this character’s presence shakes the films foundation completely.

Other cast include Brian F. O’Byrne as Monsignor Raymond O’Malley, Merab Ninidze as Cardinal Sabbadin, Thomas Loibl as Archbishop Mandorff, Jacek Koman as Archibishop Wozniak and Loris Loddi as Cardinal Villanueva.

Focus Features’ mission is to make a lasting impact on global audiences by creating the home for artists to share diverse, distinctive stories that inspire human connection. Focus Features is part of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies that brings entertainment and news to a global audience. For more of what they have to offer please visit

CONCLAVE is a thriller but not the kind that is filled with car chases and people running for their lives. Instead, this is a thriller that is confined in a space that doesn’t allow secrets to go undiscovered for long. Fiennes carries this film from the first frame to the last and his character takes us on a ride of faith, deception, secrets and the want for power. Cardinal Lawrence begins to understand his reason for being and Fiennes portrays it all so beautifully. If he isn’t up for an Oscar, then those who chose need to think about their life choices!

The construction of the set is so beautiful and it is, in fact, another character in the film. Each scene is surrounded by a history and a belief that is steeped in tradition and mystery. CONCLAVE uses that tradition and mystery to bring the Harris book to the screen in such a fantastic way with an ensemble cast that slowly bring us in for the thrill ride.

In the end – what happens behind these walls changes everything!

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