Thursday, December 31, 2020



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray/DVD and Digital from director Mark Williams and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is the story of an HONEST THIEF.

Tom Dolan (Liam Neeson) is looking for a storage unit when he is taken with Annie Wilkins (Kate Walsh). A year later they are still going strong, but something is bothering Tom. He has a past that he’s trying to steer clear of, but Tom knows it is time to face it.

Calling Sam Baker (Robert Patrick) at the FBI, he confesses to a crime and makes certain requests when they come and get him. Waiting and waiting, he calls again and speaks to Baker’s partner Sean Meyers (Jeffrey Donovan) who passes the file down to John Nivens (Jai Courtney) and partner Ramon Hall (Anthony Ramos) to follow up on.

When they get to Tom’s hotel room, they hear his story and go to check it out. Finding that the story is true, Meyers and Hall hatch a plan of their own and their boss is caught in the crossfire. Tom realizes that instead of clearing his life, things just got more complicated and Annie could be in danger.

That is when Tom decides that no one is going to hurt the woman he loves or get away with taking his chance of a life.

He is determined.

Neeson as Dolan is a man who has done something illegal and knows that the time is coming to face it. When he does, it is because a woman has come into his life and he does not want to go one step further without clearing everything up. As an action star, Neeson has proven himself time and time again and with good films being hard to come by, HONEST THIEF is 99 minutes of a straight story with solid action and Neeson carries it well.

Walsh as Annie is a woman who embraces her relationship with Tom. Not knowing about his past is what is going to cause her to be in danger. Once she knows what is happening, she does not hesitate to stand by her man. Patrick as Baker is not thrilled with Tom’s continual phone calls wanting to confess and his first mistake is passing off the file. It is nice to see Patrick in the film.

Courtney as Nivens is a cop who is as bad as he wants to be. Not seeing an issue with the problems, he and partner Hall keep creating, he continues to take it one step further than it needs to go. Courtney has the ability to give bad all the badness it needs. Ramos as Hall is Nivens partner that has every opportunity to stop what is coming but instead falls is swayed by fear.

Donovan as Meyers is a cop who is furious about Baker and wants Dolan found, and found immediately. When he finally has a chance to meet Dolan, he realizes something is not right with everything that is happening. Donovan can do both a good and bad character and I like his ability to do both extremely well.

Other cast include and Beth Hall as Jasmine, Lewis Wheeler as ER Doc, Jose Alves as Jose, Patty O’Neil as Sharon and Tazzie as Tazzie.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

HONEST THIEF is a wild ride of a story that does not let up from start to finish. The plot is not complicated, but it is fun to watch unravel. Neeson continues his roles as a man looking for redemption but there is always someone in his way. That means he is going to make it clear that no one is going to get away without paying a price.

As I said, this is a 99-minute thrill ride that is a nice break from the world around us and a fun way to bring in the New Year. So, buckle up and remember Dolan isn’t about to sit around and let someone else dictate his past sins!

In the end – never steal a man’s second chance!


Wednesday, December 16, 2020



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to a big or small screener near you from director Ric Roman Waugh and STX Films is a disaster that is hard to escape from when getting to GREENLAND. 

John Garrity (Gerard Butler) is an engineer that is in hot water with wife Allison (Morena Baccarin). Trying to make things right again, he comes home to help with a party that brings their friends over to watch the passing of comet Clarke.

 Taking son Nathan (Roger Floyd) to the store to pick up last minute items, a message comes over his phone that takes him by surprise. Rushing home to talk to Allison about it, it isn’t long before Clarke, who was supposed to pass them by – doesn’t. The shockwave is immediate, and the message appears once again to John and his family.

With only moments to pack, John makes sure to get the medicine young Nathan needs and after confronting neighbors, he must speed past them. The message they received made it clear that without proper instructions, all will be turned away. Getting to the base, everything that can go wrong does go wrong and the family is separated.

Trying to get back together will take everything John and Allison have if they are to make it to Greenland and survive the extinction level event.

Butler as Garrity is a man who knows he has messed up royally with his family and if there was ever a time to prove his worth, it is now. It is no surprise that Butler gets his hands completely dirty in this film at every turn. He has but one single focus, finding his family and getting them to safety. Butler gives it everything and I would expect nothing less.

Baccarin as Allison is not a shrinking violet in this film either. She gives her character the ability to be strong when she must and do whatever she can for her child. It is fantastic to have a female lead character that pulls her weight in the storyline and cares as much for the safety of her family as husband does.

Floyd as young Nathan does not have any easy time of it from start to finish. I will say that when the scariest thing that can happen to a child does, Floyd keeps his cool (as much as a kid can) knowing his parents are not going to sit idly by and do nothing.

Shout out to Scott Glen as Dale, Allison’s father. Anytime this fine actor is on screen I know that not only will he do what he must, but he will do it in his own unique style.

Other cast include: Randal Gonzalez as Bobby, Scott Poythress as Kenny, Claire Bronson as Debra, Madison Johnson as Ellie, Gary Weeks as Ed, Tracey Bonner as Peggy and Merrin Dungey as Major Breen.

STX Films and Entertainment is a global next-generation company who has taken on the mission to unlock the value of direct connection stars have with their fans through the development, production and distribution of film, television, VR, digital video, music and live entertainment content. It is the industry leader in transforming beyond traditional platform-driven content to creating talent-driven enterprises. To experience more please visit

GREENLAND is the perfect mixture of disaster, humanity and survival with just a few small chunky pieces of a comet thrown in. I am not about to give anything away but trust me, what I have written here is a snippet of what you will see. The film has so much in the way of how we treat one another and what happens when things go terribly wrong.

There is definetly a love of family and what we will do to protect those we love. I highly recommend tissue when you see Scott Glen. What I think I love about the film as well is there is no holding back, it is messy, it is sad and yet in the midst of it is the will to live and love – and some of us can totally understand that right now.

So gather the family, crank up the big screen, pop the corn and get ready for the survival ride of the year with GREENLAND.

In the end – they will struggle together to survive!

GREENLAND: A Talk with Director Ric Roman Waugh


Jeri Jacquin

Ric Roman Waugh has made a name for himself being as diverse as Hollywood itself. His resume reads from the ground up as a former stuntman, to writer, producer and film director. His first film IN THE SHADOWS (2001) was followed by FELON in 2008. Waugh wrote and directed ANGEL HAS FALLEN in 2019 and is not finished with the franchise.

Now, pairing back with Gerard Butler, Waugh has taken disaster one step further by bringing a story that branches out to how it not only affects the Garrity family but those around then. I had the opportunity to talk to Waugh about what drew him to the film and his belief in the military and those who serve.

Jeri: Hi Ric, how are you?

Ric: When I am doing anything with the military then I am good to go.

Jeri: That is so generous of you to say.

Ric: Thank you.

Jeri: First, what drew you to this film in particular?

Ric: I wanted to do something in the disaster/sci-fi/horror space, but I did not want to do it just about the event. I wanted to do it from the inside out, I wanted a more personal version. If you think about WAR OF THE WORLDS or A QUIET PLACE or CHILDREN OF MEN, we wanted to do more of it. When I read GREENLAND, it was like a dream come true because it was exactly that, that it was really about humanity. There is this great metaphor of husband and wife that are miles apart and very divided and lost their footing with one another. Trying to save their marriage they think they have all the time in the world until this all hits them in the face. They realize this is a matter of life and death and something like this tends to knock the rust away. This also gives them the realization of rekindling their love, remembering why they fell in love in the first place and wanting to hold onto that. It is a great metaphor for what is going on in the world today and hopefully knowing instead of focusing on our differences, we focus on how we do this together in a unifying way.

Jeri: I am a huge fan of disaster films coming from the era of POSIDEN ADVENTURE and EARTHQUAKE. So, you put a good disaster movie in front of me and I am all in.

Ric: I hope GREENLAND did not let you down.

Jeri: Not at all, in fact I found myself cheering quite a bit.

Ric: Oh, I love that. That is so great, thank you.

Jeri: I know you worked with Gerard Butler in ANGEL HAS FALLEN, was he in the first batch of actors you considered for the role of John Garrity?

Ric: There was nobody else! We wanted to work together again after ANGEL HAS FALLEN, we were lucky enough to have good chemistry and like each other as well. It is almost like we are brothers at this point. We were looking for something different. We did not want to do another big summer action movie right off the bat, so we waited for something different. When I read GREENLAND, I called Basil Iwanyk [producer] and told him I’m on and I know just the person to play John Garrity. I told him Gerry Butler and he did not take any convincing, we both called him together and Gerry read it that weekend and that was it. We did not think anyone else because it was always Gerry for me. The one we got really lucky with; because I love the sense that it wasn’t just about a man winning over the love of this woman, but it was very much about a husband and wife trying to win their love equally and having both husband and wife having equal footing in the movie. So, we really needed a tremendously strong Allison but also someone that had a lot of human qualities that and had the vulnerabilities to go through what Allison did so we just struck gold with Morena Baccarin. The way that her and Gerry, from the very, very first time they met when we had a chemistry read with the both of them, we knew right off the bat before they even read that here is our husband-and-wife team.

Jeri: The interesting part, and you did mention, and I noticed, is that in some films like this you do not have the strong female role where she is fighting just as hard as her male counterpart.

Ric: I totally agree with you. I attribute that to Basil that none of us wanted this to be about the cool wife who is just hanging off the storyline and just along for the ride. We wanted it to be an equal two-hander throughout and Gerry was very much about that at well. You do not see that with a lot of movie stars, man or woman. A lot just want that screen time to themselves to chew up the real estate. Gerry was very generous to the point that he really did want them to be on equal footing. I thought that was a beautiful way to have the movie from a dual point of view from a husband/father and wife/mother.

Jeri: Your film also shows, if you will, human being’s inhumanity to human beings.

Ric: The irony is that we made this movie pre-Covid. We have it made, tested, we were picture locked and in the throws of finishing the sound, color and visual effects -then Covid hit. You wonder how it is going to play and I remember watching the movie playback and I got really emotional because it reminded me of what I was living through in this pandemic. There is this sense of hope, that it is not a ‘woe is me’, it is really about a study in humanity. That we come together, and I love the message of it. Also, it is a sense of love, a love story, as I said from the beginning of this movie that when we strip all the garbage away, all we want to do is love somebody and to be loved back.

Jeri: And the military component?

Ric: The military aspect is a very big component for me. I am a very big supporter of the military community, veterans and making sure I do whatever I can to hire them in front of and behind the camera as well as bringing them into my business. When I read the script and there was a big component with the U.S. Airforce, I was really blessed to meet Lt. Col. Nathan Broshear and he made my life easier. The audience will see the military humanized and show their sacrifices because this is not a war time effort, it is a humanitarian effort, how they go about it with a sense of duty and self-sacrifice. My favorite thing about the movie is we were able to shoot on the Robins Air Force Base in Warner Robins, Georgia and what was beautiful is that 90%, if not more, of the men and women in uniform in the movie are all active duty and had never been on camera before.

Jeri: That is amazing.

Ric: The guards at the gate and the civilians in those scenes and their family members along with civilian contractors that worked on the base are in the film. It was beautiful, I just loved it! They would ask ‘How am I supposed to be? How am I supposed to act?’ and told them ‘You be you, how would you deal with people? Don’t do the movie stuff, do it the way you would do it”. You see the beauty of our military men and women and the sacrifices they make. I love that, and I love that part of the movie.

Jeri: The scene where Allison is pleading with the soldier ‘please, what if this was your child’ and she basically says, “I volunteered to be here” and for a moment it takes your breath because that didn’t not even occur, that someone would volunteer to be in that situation instead of ordered.

Ric: I am proud to say I am the one that put that line into the movie.

Jeri: Excellent!

Ric: It was important to show the importance of our first responders and our military. We have first responders now who have actively put themselves in harm’s way to help us. I am so proud to be a part of that message to be conveyed in GREELAND. To have it come to real life and actually so quickly throughout it all, you are seeing it now with the vaccine and people complaining about when they are going to get it. Of course, you give it to the hospitals first, you give it to the first responders and people put in harm’s way and make sure that they are taken care of.

Jeri: Absolutely.

Ric: I like that message in GREELAND and that they were going to do their job to the end, to the final hour.

Jeri: My son in law is a prior Marine and now a firefighter and we have watched him do his job. You do not think about Covid and those things, you just go in and do your job. You put all that info in a bag and set it aside. You know it is there; you just do not open the bag but instead go out and do your job. You take care in the situation you are in.

Ric: It was one of my favorite part of GREELAND working with so many active military, we have stories to tell that are great entertainment but also have something to say as well.

Jeri: That is amazing. Like I said, I am a huge fan of disaster films and an even bigger fan when they are done exceptionally well. GREENLAND is done exceptionally well.

Ric: Thank you so much, I really appreciate that Jeri.

Jeri: You kept me going from start to finish and I have a short attention span.

Ric: <Laughing> I love it!

Jeri: I may be sixty, but I have the attention of a ten-year-old sometimes. I love the action and there is not anything about GREENLAND that I didn’t like. You did an amazing job keeping the story flowing and I always look at the ‘disaster element’ as a character in the film. It has to be a good character to fall into the story and it just was. And thank you for not leaving me hanging at the end.

Ric: We might come back to it you never know.

Jeri: I hate when the disaster happens and it’s like ‘okay, you’ve seen it, buh bye’. You show that the disaster is survivable. So basically, you got me Mister.

Ric: I appreciate you saying that thank you so much.

Jeri: Well, thank you for taking the time to talk with me today. I cannot wait to see it again.

Ric: Get all your family around on December 18th and it will be on your television somewhere.

Jeri: We have got the 75-inch flat screen and the sound bar ready.

Ric: I love it, let’s do it and happy holidays!


And that is how we left it, ready to spend more time on the way to GREENLAND with Gerard Butler, Morena Baccarin, Scott Glen and brought together by director Ric Roman Waugh.

GREENLAND brings action, thrills and suspense to a genre that always keeps fans on the edge of their seat. This Friday – it is time to fight for survival!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

THE CLOSET Opens Up on Bluray


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Digital Platforms and DVD from writer/director Kwang-bin Kim, Capelight Pictures and Dark Sky Films.  

Sang-Won (Jung-woo Ha) is dealing with the loss of his beloved wife and raising their young daughter Yi-Na (Yool Heo). Living in a secluded house in the woods, Sang-Won keeps himself busy with work and trying to keep his job. This leave Yi-Na to try and understand everything that has happened and with a father that seems to be pulling away.

One gray day, Yi-Na realizes there is something in her closet, something that is reaching out to her. In seconds, she is gone! Sang-Won tries everything he can to understand where his daughter has gone and can get no one to listen.

That is until Kyeong Hoon (Nam-gil Kim) comes into the picture. He tells Sang Won what has happened and where his daughter has gone. At first, he does not believe the unusual and mysterious man – until he becomes wrapped up in the thing that has his daughter. This isn’t the first time evil has come calling and if they don’t stop it, Yi Na won’t be the last child taken!

Ha as Sang Won plays into the storyline brilliantly. Dealing with the death of his wife, he seems to forget that there is a little girl that is also suffering and grieving. It is not until she is missing does Ha realize that his life means nothing without the little girl in it. Ha plays a man who does not believe until, like most believers, he sees for himself. Well done and well played!

Heo as Yi Na is amazing considering she is such a young girl playing in a film that asks a lot emotionally from her. Of course, she is adorable as well! She has the remarkable ability to say so much with her expression and that is important when most of us know that kids are not always forthcoming with their frightening emotions.

Kim as Kyeong is quite cool even though you get the feeling from the first that he is a little full of himself. Deep into the world of mythology and parapsychology, he has gadgets that are going to prove to Sang Won who has his daughter and what it is going to take to bring her back to the world of the living. I enjoyed Kim’s performance even to the last frame.

Other cast include Si-ah Kim as Myung Jin, Soo-jin Kim as Myung Jin’s Mother, Hyun Been Shin as Seung Hee and Park Sung-Woong as Myung Jinn’s Father.

Capelight Pictures has brought THE MAN STANDING NEXT, SECRET ZOO and the Russian sci-fi movie ATRRACTION. Their first theatrical release in the US market is the Korean film ASHFALL.

MPI Media Group is one of the largest independent entertainment companies with a compelling slate of the world’s most respected cinema, documentaries, performances and television programs along with Dark Sky Films.  Films such as THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL and THE INKEEPERS and STAKE LAND brings original talent and projects to a vibrant slate.

THE CLOSET is the perfect thriller with the lights out and the family gathered around to experience terror of another kind. I am a fan of films that do not use blood and guts to tell a good scary yarn. This one does it clean, straight forward and does not mess about. Instead, it has the perfect jumps and jaw drops to keep the suspense going until the FILM is darn good and ready to let us go.

Thanks to director Kwang-bin Kim, THE CLOSET is beautifully presented, the cinematography and special effects give the film such authenticity for the creepy factor. The casting is excellent, and I honestly cannot wait to see the film again.

In the end – it is calling you!

TCM Brings Holiday Treats for Movie Lovers


Jeri Jacquin

Turner Classic Movies is making the holidays even more special for that movie lover in your family. They have an amazing line of gifts that will bring joy through TCM exclusive apparel, home accents, games and treasured classics on DVD and Bluray.

If a wonderful glass of spirits is what you are looking for, The TCM Wine Club brings the best wines and paired with a classic TCM film. There is also an exclusive movie-themed wines such as Jimmy Stewart Cabernet Sauvignon, James Dean Pinot Noir, and my favorite, Eartha Kitt Red Blend. For more please visit


There is the TCM Essential Collection that brings the best with two great guides to must-see cinema along with an official TCM mug. Together these items can be found at


If you are looking for a little bit of spirit and reading about some amazing films. Then the TCM Holiday Spirit Collection may be what you are looking for. Featuring two best-selling books and amazing wine glasses, all you need is a roaring fire and slippers. You can find this collection at


The Essentials, Vol. 2: 52 More Must-See Movies And Why They Matter by Jeremy Arnold with the Foreword by Ben Mankiewicz introduces must-see classics. Arnold profiles 52 more films including TOP HAT, THE WOMEN, BRIEF ENCOUNTER, RASHOMON, VERTIGO, THE APARTMENT, THE PRODUCERS, THE STING, NETWORK and FIELD OF DREAMS just to name a few. You can find this amazing collection at


This Was Hollywood: Forgotten Stars & Stories by Carla Valderrama talks about the forgotten past of the film world from former screen legends who have faded into obscurity to new revelations about the biggest movie stars. Valderrama finds tales from the birth of Hollywood through its Golden Age with archival research and a visually stunning catalogue of the lost history of the movies. You can find these stories at

Christmas is a great time to give a unique gift and TCM has offered up some of the most amazing gift ideas. It is impossible to go wrong with any gift given but its even sweeter when the giver knows how much we all love movies, from films made in the days gone by up till now.

We count on films to get us through the tough times and right now is an extraordinary time to let some of Hollywood’s glorious films to take us away from everything else. So take a moment to shop and find something for all the movie lovers on your list.

This is a small sampling of what TCM has available for the holidays and its okay to get a little something for yourself as well, no one will tell!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020



Jeri Jacquin

Coming soon from director writer/director John Patrick Shanley and Bleeker Street comes the story of life and land in WILD MOUNTAIN THYME.

Tony (Christopher Walken) has lived his life on a beautiful plot of land in Ireland with his son Anthony (Jamie Dornan). In the land next to them is Aoife (Dearbhla Molloy) and daughter Rosemary (Emily Blunt) who keeps her heart out for Anthony.

When Anthony learns that his father might be selling the land to him, he is devastated. He also learns that nephew Adam (Jon Hamm) from America is coming for Tony’s birthday and that is who is considered front runner for the land. There is also a piece of land between Tony and Aoife that belongs to Rosemary!

Tragedy hits Rosemary, Tony wonders if his idea of selling the farm is a very good one and Adam returns to New York. When Anthony’s life changes, he suggests to Rosemary that maybe she should go and see the world and leave the farm. She takes off for New York and meets up with Adam and finally sees a dream on stage.

Anthony lets Rosemary know that he believes Adam is looking for a wife. This is where things get pickled as Anthony cares for Rosemary, Rosemary cares for Anthony and Adam will either make or break them or maybe the secrets they have will explain it all!

Blunt as Rosemary is just so dang cute its ridiculous. Of course, everything Blunt has done is amazing to watch so I did not expect this to be any different. As Rosemary, she is a dreamer and the most patient woman I think I have ever heard of. What I love about this character is that she knows there is something keeping them apart and pulls and pulls again believing that even in her dreams there is something to hold on to.

Dornan as Anthony is a painfully shy man who just does not know his worth to himself and those around him. Dornan is so sweet in this role and even the awkwardness of Anthony only makes him more endearing. Practicing a way to reach the point where he can speak to Rosemary, he constantly is being pulled back by his own fears. Playing opposite Walken is the father-son realities that there is a history in every one’s life, even a father.

Hamm as Adam is not happy when Tony keeps him dangling on a string. Returning to New York, he is surprised to see Rosemary again and that is when he wonders if he has what it takes to be an Irish farmer.  

Walken as Anthony is crotchety, pushy and has a goal – to see his son alone no longer. Although his accent gets a little muddled at times, it changes nothing about his performance. There is a scene between father and son that is not only tissue worthy but thumps the heart because it was a moment of pure love between the two.

Other cast includes Jon Tenney as tommy, Danielle Ryan as Maeve, Lydia McGuinness as Eleanor, Abigail Coburn as young Rosemary and Darragh O’Kane as young Anthony.

Bleeker Street is a New York City film company that has brought outstanding films to the public. Their library includes TRUMBO, DENIAL, THE LOST CITY OF Z, BEIRUT, HOTEL MUMBAI, ORDINARY LOVE and THE ROADS NOT TAKEN. For more information on the titles from Bleeker Street please visit

WILD MOUNTAIN THYME is the kind of film that I adore during a stressful time. It is set in the glorious green of Ireland with vast open land, animals and streams. There is something wonderful just seeing that scenery mixed with something we do not see a lot of in Southern California – rainstorms!

This is a story of generational families and stories that are not told until time has its way. Watching Walken play Dornan’s father is full of emotion, bold, brassy and loud emotion. In case anyone is wondering if Irish families are like that, well, my grandmother’s side certainly was and is. Outspoken, vocal, and no nonsense were the order of the day in her household. That in itself made me laugh at the film watching Blunt be everything I saw in my own grandmother.

It is also a story of love and longing by two people who have such different dreams yet have known each other since childhood. Even then, a fence did not stop them from consistently being pulled toward one another because everything they did not say are the things that could have brought them together sooner. Isn’t that how we all are?

Grab your own love, cuddle up with a huge comfy blanket on a fluffy sofa and be whisked away to Ireland and cheer on the couple who wants what you have – minus the fence.

In the end – there is nothing more dangerous than an Irish woman in love!



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Amazon Prime Video from writer/director Julia Hart and Jordan Horowitz comes the story of when you discover life has been a lie with I’M YOUR WOMAN.

Jean (Rachel Brosnahan) is a housewife living in the 1970’s suburb trying to keep herself occupied. That is until husband Eddie (Bill Heck) brings home a bundle of joy named Harry and Jean finds someone to think of more than herself while Eddie keeps busy with business. That is until one day when a friend barges into the house and tells Jean she must pack a quick bag and leave.

Outside waiting is Cal (Arinze Kene) who quickly takes Jean and Harry away and, on their trip, she is told to contact no one and make friends with no one. She learns that Eddie has done something bad, but Cal will not tell her any more details. All she knows is that he is gone, and people want to hurt her and the baby.

Settling in a safe house, Jean tries to settle in a little taking care of Harry and trying to cook eggs while waiting for Eddie or Cal. When she hears a knock at the door, it is an elderly woman named Evelyn (Marceline Hugot) who feels the need to help Jean. Feeling a bit more comfortable is short lived when Jean hears someone in the house. Making a call and running to Evelyn’s, she realizes that they have been found.

Cal takes them to a far-off cabin that no one would think to look for. No phones and no other contact, Jean tries again to settle into cabin life. She is shocked when Teri (Marsha Blake), Art (Frankie Faison) and young Paul (De’Mauri Parks) arrive. They too are on the run and became separated from Cal.

Jean begins to feel glad she has some company but both she and Teri are anxious when Cal does not show up. Sharing their stories, both women decide they are going back to find him. Teri turns to Mike (James McMenamin) for help and it soon turns out that everyone is in on finding Eddie. That means they are turning to everyone who knew him and if they do not talk – they die.

As Jean learns more about her husband, the stronger she becomes knowing that Harry needs his mother and not to live with the Eddie’s lies and all she believed to be true.

Brosnahan as Jean is a young woman with lots of time on her hands and a husband who takes care of her. So much so that when Harry comes into her life, Jean begins to change her own thinking of what is important. Once she is on the run, not a minute goes by that she does not learn something new about the man she is married to. Brosnahan gives her character a believable naivete that makes one feel sorry for her but at the same time her strength of character grows frame by frame.

Kene as Cal just shows up, says little but lets Jean know that this is no game. There are people who have no problem taking her and Harry’s life because of Eddie. Kene gives us a reserve that feels loaded with information and as it comes out in pieces, we know that he is going to do what ever it takes to take care of Jean and her son. Whether out of care or loyalty, it does not matter because Kene gives it his all and it pays off.

Blake as Teri is like Jean in many respects although a lot wiser in the ways of what is happening to them both. She knows how it works and tries to share with Jean what she can without giving to much away, just in case. Blake gives us the eyes of someone jaded in the life she keeps trying to run away from for the sake of her own young son.

Heck as Eddie has a short role but the impact of it reverberates through the entire film. Hugot as Evelyn is a sweet neighbor who wants to help, stay home with your lasagna next time Evelyn! Faison as Art knows that Jean isn’t savvy in the ways of the real world and tries to give her a push or two toward what can help her even if it’s even more dangerous.

Shout out to McMenamin as Mike, I mean with enemies like this who needs…wait…what?

Other cast include: James as Justin Charles as Harry and Jarrod DiGiorgi as Jimmy.

Amazon Prime offers television shows and original content included in its Amazon Prime subscription. Original programs such as CARNIVAL ROW, THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE, and THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL are hit shows. Coming soon is the next series with GOLIATH starring Billy Bob Thornton and it promises to another successful and intense series.

I’M YOUR WOMAN is actually a tale of twists, turns, action, emotion and I love it! This is not a fast-paced film which I am fine with because with every bomb that is dropped, I kind of need a minute to absorb the exquisite madness of it all. Having it set in the 70’s, the music, cars, costuming is all just a colorful illusion to the underworld that Jean had no idea about.

Step by step she is brought in deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole and if her life was not in danger to begin with, it is almost worthless to those looking for Eddie now. The growth of Jean is stunning and fantastic at the same time. Brosnahan takes us on the ride of her life – literally!

In the end – she is going to stop running!

IP MAN: Kung Fu Master


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres and On Demand from writer/director Liming Li and Magnet Releasing is the next part of the journey of the person we have come to know as IP MAN: Kung Fu Master.

Ip Man (Dennis To) has settled into his life in 1949, Foshan, China as a police officer sworn to uphold the law. Knowing full well that not all policemen believe the same, Ip decides to go after mobster Third Father (Michael Wong) who is responsible for the death of his police captain. While in custody he is killed and daughter Quingchuan (Yuan Li Ruoxin) holds Ip personally responsible and as the new leader of The Axe Gang, wants blood.

Once the attack comes to Ip’s home where wife Cheung (Chang Qinyuan) and their new baby are, it becomes clear they need to leave to be safe and Ip leaves the force. Uncle is keeping a wine-drinking-eye on the situation as well. As if he does not have enough problems, the Japanese army is coming to Guangzhou to take the small port town away from the centuries worth of businesses.

When a challenge is set before him to fight in the ring, Ip knows that he must use the techniques he has learned to win. He finds himself in the company of the people he least expects to help and knows that when the time comes, they will take up the mantle of freedom in Foshan.

To as Ip Man is a character on screen that is as mild mannered as they come. Even in the face of bringing water during the birth of his child in the middle of a fight is nothing short of a stroll through the kung fu park. To gives Ip Man an honorable air about him that does not judge anyone but at the same time will protect those same ‘anyone’s’ from harm.

Ruoxin as Quingchuan begins her screen time with only one goal – to kill the policeman who is responsible for allowing the death of her father and that would be Ip. Trust me when I saw she has mad skills of her own and the fight feels evenly matched but there is one thing that prevents her from beating anyone – her rage. Calm wins over rage every time. Ruoxin gives us a villain/heroine blurring the line between them.

Wong as Third Father begins the film challenging Ip leading to an amazing martial art fighting sequence and, like Ip, is very calm. During the fight and after, he does not lose control but instead keeps his word making him an honorable mobster I suppose.

Qinyuan as Cheung who is not happy about the constant fighting that Ip does. Even during the birth of their child, she knows what is happening right outside the door.  Leaving is the only way she can be sure that their child can be safe from those ready to use Ip’s family for their vengeance.

Magnet Releasing is a part of Magnolia Pictures that specializes in films from the vanguard of horror, action, comedy and Asian cinema. It is also the home of classics like Tomas Alfredson’s LET THE RIGHT ON IN, Ti West’s THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL, Andre Ovredal’s TROLLHUNTER, Neil Marshall’s sword and sandals bloodbath CENTURION and Tony Jaa’s ONG BAK trilogy. Recent released include the terrifying anthologies V/H/S and V/H/S/2, Xan Cassavettes’ stylish vampire film KISS OF THE DAMNED, and the sci-fi thriller THE LAST DAYS ON MARS. Upcoming films include Ti West’s THE SACRAMENT and to find out more of what is to come please visit

The IP MAN films with To began in THE LEGEND IS BORN: Ip Man in 2010 and KUNG FU LEAGUE in 2018. I was introduced to the IP stories by a friend who suggested I dive right into the stories that To is telling for the third time. Since then I have spent time getting to know and appreciate martial art films and the story each tells about the most interesting people such as Ip Man and other like Bruce Lee.

Is IP MAN: Kung Fu Master perfect, no, but it is perfection in the fact that there is so much more of this story that can be told. In this story, he continues to be a protector for those who need it the most and this time it is his own family. Knowing that there are those who want to be better civil servants, the lines between who that is gets blurred and the results are painful.

If you are a fan of the IP MAN franchise, then nothing anyone says will stop you from seeing the next installment coming in at eighty-four minutes. It is fast paced, fast fisted and keeps the viewer on their toes but all the while knowing that Ip is the only man that can be relied on!

In the end – he will protect those who truly need it!



Jeri Jacquin

Coming from writer/director Tara Miele and Lionsgate comes a story of love, fracture and what we will all do to keep both in WANDER DARKLY.

Adrienne (Sienna Miller) and Matteo (Diego Luna) are a struggling new parents only made worse when he forgets their date night out. Pointing out that it was his idea, they try to make the best of the evening. In a fraction of a second that all changes when they are hit head on by another car.

That is when Adrienne’s journey into what is reality and what is fantasy begins. Believing she is dead; she jumps from memory to memory until Matteo stops her. Instead, he points out their memories together to prove that she is still alive. Refusing to believe it, she also points out to Matteo that he has not been honest with her about many things, including another woman.

Adrienne and Matteo start from the beginning of their relationship and remembering what it was that drew them together. Memory after memory gives Adrienne moments of pure joy and then moments of terror when she sees the Hooded Figure. Mom Patty (Beth Grant) tries her best, but Adrienne overhears how she really feels making things more difficult.

Only Adrienne can pull herself out of the place she is in and with Matteo’s help she just may be able to live again.

Miller as Adrienne is epic in this role as a woman caught between feeling death and trying to feel alive. Matteo taking her down the road gives her a chance to see how they came to be as a couple and where things started to go wrong. In the meantime, she sees this figure that cements her belief in no longer being part of this world. Matteo is her only way out of the nightmare, and he does it through forgiveness and love. Miller is stunning.

Luna as Matteo is a man trying his best but knowing that he truly has not given Adrienne all of himself. Unhappy with the way things are going in their marriage as well, he tends to run away, but now he must stay and face everything with Adrienne. Luna is beautiful and brilliant in this role.

Other cast include Tory Kittles as Liam, Dan Gill as Dane, Ayden Mayeri as Summer, Aimee Carrero as Shea and James Landry Hebert as the Hooded Figure.

Lionsgate is a global leader in motion picture production and distribution for theatres, television, home entertainment and more. Theatre franchises include THE HUNGER GAMES, and DIVERGENT along with JOHN WICK. Now, adding this film to its 16,000-motion picture and television titles you can see everything coming soon as well as available now at

WANDER DARKLY is a web of stories, memories and truths that need to be reckoned with. The casting of Miller and Luna together is absolutely stunning to watch. They move the story like weaving a delicate fabric, one misstep and it could ruin the cloth – but here they weave magic.

There are moments of frustration, tears, anxiety and pure love from a couple who lost their way for a bit. It is not unusual for this to happen but watching Adrienne and Matteo take it step by step is ethereal and beautiful even in the sadness.

In the end – some stories end with the beginning!


A Volcano Brings ASHFALL


Jeri Jacquin

Currently on Bluray from directors Lee Hae-jun, Kim Byung-seo, Capelight and MPI Media Group comes a disaster ticking away to ASHFALL.

On the border of China and North Korea is a volcano known as Mt. Paektu. When it begins to rumble, there are several destructive earthquakes that follow and felt all the way to the Korean peninsula. Professor Kang (Ma Dong-seok) has a plan that could stop any more destruction.

Jo In-Chang (Ha Jung-woo) is told he would be going on a special mission and as an incentive, his pregnant wife Choi (Bae Suzy) would be allowed to leave with special permission. He would also be able to join her after the mission is complete. The mission is to free Lee Joon-pyeong (Lee Byung-hun), a double agent for the Korean People’s Army and in a North Korean prison.

After releasing Lee, In-Chang and his group are ordered to get uranium from a nuclear missile and take it to a mine closest to Mt. Paektu. Lee proves to be a problem when he makes it constantly difficult to get the job done. Lee has plans of his own which include finding his young daughter and make a deal with gangsters for the uranium. The Americans try and intervene as well, but In-Chang has one goal – to get to his wife.

In-Chang manages to keep the gangsters as well as the Americans at bay and prepares to get to the mine but this time, Lee makes it clear he is going as well. The two men know that they may die in the process of saving millions of lives.

Jung-woo as In-Chang has been thrust into the leadership role once the accident of those in charge happens. Doing all of this so his pregnant wife will be safe, he takes his roll as seriously as he can. Not happy with the antics of Lee does not help but also does not stop him from his goal, saving lives. Jung-woo is a strong character who has minor moments where he is not sure how this is all suppose to play out. I actually thought his constant thought of his wife and child made him a hero in my eyes.  

Byung-hun as Lee is a man in jail who does not seem to have a conscience about any of it. Getting out of prison is only the beginning and helping his rescuers isn’t part of his bigger plan. Tracking him down once he escapes, the conflict between Lee and In-Chang gets even more tension filled. The obvious thing is that they both have a moment of the same goals; they just don’t know it until its too late. Lee is a smart ass and slippery but then again, he does it so darn well!

Suzy as Choi supports her husband doing the mission in exchange for their ability to be together and wait for their child to be born. As the clock ticks down, she must get to the air base where In-Chang planned to meet her. I give Choi serious props for her moment on the bridge because that was intense! Dong-seok as Professor Kang is keeping an eye on the volcano but as the plans begin to fall apart and the Americans move in, he takes it upon himself to pack up and go. That is until he meets someone on the bus and realizes that he is not finished yet.

Other cast include Jeon Hye-jin as Jeon Yoo-kyung, Jeon Do-yeon as Sun-hwa, Ja-Yeon Ok as Sgt. Min, Kyeong-yeong Lee as General Choi, Jo Han-Chul as the Colonel, Kwang-il Choi as the President and Robert Curtis Brown as Ambassador Wilson.

MPI Media Group is one of the largest independent entertainment companies with a compelling slate of the world’s most respected cinema, documentaries, performances and television programs.  Films such as THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL and THE INKEEPERS and STAKE LAND brings original talent and projects to a vibrant slate.

Capelight Pictures has brought THE MAN STANDING NEXT, SECRET ZOO and the Russian sci-fi movie ATTRACTION. Their first theatrical release in the US market is the Korean film ASHFALL.

ASHFALL is a big disaster film with a mixture of the good guys and the bad guys but who is really who? I am a big fan of disaster films so anything that blows up and keeps people on the move works for me. This fits the bill beautifully.

The tension is there absolutely as everything that could go wrong does go wrong but it does not stop the characters from doing what they need to. The total idea of saving millions instead of the one runs throughout the story and the special effects are pretty darn cool as well.

In the end – they will do what it takes to get the job done!



Jeri Jacquin

Currently on DVD from writer/director Bartosz Konopka and Film Movement comes a story of faith and the misunderstanding of men in SWORD OF GOD.

Willibrord (Krzysztof Pieczynski) is a holy man sent on a specific mission, to find the man Jan (Karol Bernacki). On the boat with other men, he barely makes it to shore but the other men do not. The young man he is looking for finds Willibrord and nurses him back to health. That is when he tells the young man Jan that the king is on his way and it is not to make friends with him or the indigenous people on the island.

Jan takes him to the people and Willibrord is shocked at what he sees. Their leader is Geowold (Jacet Koman) and the people are covered in clay and chanting. Not speaking their language, Willibrord must move slowly with what he does. The goal is to build a chapel and convert the population in order to keep the King appeased.

When Willibrord challenges the shaman, that is when Jan begins to question the elder’s ability to lead the people in faith. In an act of defiance, Jan turns away and pulls half of the people toward him with Prahwe (Wiktoria Gorodecka). The other half with their leader Karenga (Jeroen Perceval) follow Willibrord.

But all the pull back and forth means nothing once the King (Jan Bijvoet) arrives and a secret is revealed followed by what Willibrord feared the most.

And it is all done in the name of God.

Pieczynski as Willibrord is a man on a mission but is it really a mission to bring the indigenous people closer to God? For me that was the biggest question about this character. Piecynski gives a performance of a man confused and turned in so many directors and once he has the fallout with Jan, he seems cemented in moving forward against him. This actor gives a stunning performance of a man who on the outside seems put together but is struggling on the inside.

Bernacki as Jan is a young man who has made the island home. The arrival of Willibrord with news from home does not seem to unsettle him. Taking the elder to meet the indigenous people, he is shocked at the result of their meeting. Turning toward his own faith, it is now Willibrord’s turn to be shocked. Bernacki gives his character a crisis of conscience.

Koman as Geowold has a secret of his own that Willibrord is unaware of at the time he first meets the indigenous people. Keeping an eye on him, he knows where all of this is going, and it is the people he is concerned with. Perceval as Karenga believes in Willibrord because of what he saw during the trial by fire with the shaman. He watches everything but refuses to break away from him.

Other cast include Konrad Beta as Ateb, Marcel Borowiec as Mynothe, Izabela Chlewinska as Juda, Halina Chmielarz as Khari, Olivier De Sagazan as Pem, Dominik Bak as Uwe, Marta Cichorska as Triske, Kamil Dobrowolski as Sentan and Karol Dus as Ahum.

Film Movement, founded in 2002, is an award-winning independent and foreign film company that has released more than 250 feature films and shorts. Theatrical releases include American independent films, documentaries, and foreign arthouse titles catalog such directors as Hirokazu Kore-eda, Maren Ade, Jessica Hausner and Ciro Guerra and Melanie Laurent. Bluray and DVD films bring such directors as Eric Rohmer, Bolle August, King Hu, Sergio Corbucci and Luchino Visconti and many more. To discover what Film Movement is all about and find out more about what they have to offer please visit

SWORD OF GOD is the story of men who spout the word of God and use any means necessary to scare the indigenous people. It is Willibrord versus Jan and the people who pay for their break from each other are the people they claim to want to help. Both men believe they are right but right does not stop what is to come.

This is the story throughout history of religion believing they are saving indigenous people. The United States has history of its own with those claiming to be men of God and the Native Americans of this country. SWORD OF GOD is a film that is a lesson to be learned if we so choose to learn it.

The grey and lack of color in the film is perfection because there is certainly nothing here that is colorful or cheerful. Instead, the darkness of the film is almost a precursor to the darkness in the hearts of those who hold secrets for their own gain.

SWORD OF GOD is an Official Selection at Sitges and Moscow International Film Festival and Winner of Best Cinematography at Cinepocalypse and the Polish Film Festival.

In the end – it is a battle between salvation and damnation!



Jeri Jacquin

Coming from director Tim Hunter, writer Bret Easton Ellis and Lionsgate comes the tale of fear and the insanity of SMILEY FACE KILLERS.

Jake Graham (Ronen Rubenstein) is a young man in school, an athlete with good friends and girlfriend Keren (Mia Serafino). He does have issues with his mental health that have been maintained by medication. However, lately, Jake has been avoiding medication and therapy which has upset Keren.

Jake begins to notice odd things happening around him. First, a map appears in his room that makes no sense to him, followed by text message that are disturbing. He believes that someone is trying to make him feel disjointed, but Keren assures him it is because he has gone off his medication.

He also begins to suspect Keren’s old boyfriend of being the one behind all of this. That is until after leaving a party and an altercation, the van he saw earlier in the day is back. Within moments he is swept up and what happens next is horrific.

Rubinstein as Jake is a young man trying to convince everyone that something is terribly wrong. Instead of believing him, his girlfriend and friends all want to blame medication. Frustrated, he stops telling them what he is finding but instead lets it all get into his head. Arguably there are a few scenes where I would have done things differently but then again, I am not Jake!

Serafino as Keren continually blames everything on Jake’s medication or lack of instead of hearing him. Even till the end she does not realize that everything told to her was not only the truth, but dangerous.

Using his killer moves in the most silent of ways is Crispin Glover as the Hooded Figure. He never has to say a word and that makes him eviler than if he monologues his intentions. He has played evil before and makes his character even more evil if that is possible.

Other cast include Amadeus Serafini as Gabriel, Ashley Rickards as Alana, Garrett Coffey as Adam, Cody Simpson as Rob, Daniel Covin as Devon, Gianna DiDonato as Live, Daniel Dannas as Ryan, Corey Prather as Paul and Reese Mishler as Brandon.

Lionsgate is a global leader in motion picture production and distribution for theatres, television, home entertainment and more. Theatre franchises include THE HUNGER GAMES, and DIVERGENT along with JOHN WICK. Now, adding this film to its 16,000-motion picture and television titles you can see everything coming soon as well as available now at

There are a few things that could have been done differently but as a whole the events are quite harsh which makes those ‘things’ forgiving. The cast is kept to Jake’s closest circle which allows the viewer to watch his progression of questioning.

During the time of 1990’s to around 2010, there were many young men that were drown and law enforcement believe they did not drown by accident but instead we killed by serial killers. New York detective Kevin Gannon wrote a casebook about it entitles Cast Studies in Drowning Forensics. There was also a docuseries in 2019 called Smiley Face Killers: The Hunt for Justice.

In the end – the water wants you!





Monday, December 7, 2020

THE VERY EXCELLENT MR. DUNDEE Brings Hogan Back to the Screen


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Digital and On Demand from director Dean Murphy and Lionsgate is the return of The Hog with THE VERY EXCELLENT MR. DUNDEE.

Paul Hogan (Paul Hogan) is dealing with very anxious manager Angie (Rachael Carpani) who wants him to meet with a studio. Once he does, it becomes clear that their ideas for the next Crocodile Dundee movie if far from anything he wants to do. Already in the news for an incident dealing with a snake and a bunch of kids, he now has to deal with a misunderstanding from the studio.

Angie is even more frustrated, especially when Hogan receives word that he is to be given an award from the Queen. At first Hogan is not really thrilled about the ideal until granddaughter Lucy (Charlotte Stent) is thrilled with the idea for him. He decides that he will go through with it but it seems weirdness is trying to keep him from it.

Dealing with snoopy photographer Luke (Nate Torrence), hiding neighbor Wayne (Wayne Knight), strange goings on with son Chase (Jacob Elordi), a bit of possible romance with Ella (Kerry Armstrong) and a joy ride with John (John Cleese). He had a quiet life in Los Angeles before opening his front door.

How can he keep on the straight and narrow for the Queens Knighthood!

Hogan as, well, himself gets caught in situations that question every aspect of who he is. He has a long history with Australia and become beloved in the United States before of the character Crocodile Dundee. Now 80, he just wants to take naps, keep up with his son and granddaughter and avoid insanity. Well, that hardly happens in this film so if you are looking to blame someone, blame the Queen! Just kidding.

Torrence as Luke is a photographer who has no sense of direction although I would think a Hollywood photographer would know where Melrose is. He just wants to find that one thing that will take him over the top. Elordi as Chase is a kid who is also looking for his place in life and tries a little of everything much to Hogan’s surprise. Stent as Lucy is adorable and knows her grandfather is a little different but that certainly does not stop her from being his biggest fan.

Let us talk about John Cleese for a moment, he just drives into the film and left me cracking up. A fan from way back (do not ask how far back), he gets a chance to be as funny as he wants to be.  

Other cast include Betty Bobbitt, Costas Mandylor, Lynn Gilmartin, Nancy O’Dell, Shane Jacobson, Julia Morris, Jessica Gower, Jim Jeffries, Mel Gibson, Reginald VelJohnson, Luke Hemsworth, Olivia Newton-John, Luke Bracey and Chevy Chase.

What makes the film even funnier is all the Australian actors that come out to do their best to make sure whatever Hogan has all over him does not rub off on them. The stock of Gibson is nicely blended in as a man who knows how far people will go to walk on the other side of the street.

This film is campy, has chuckles and lets Hogan just absorb the craziness of everyone else around him and sees a nap as the answer – or is it?

In the end – he’s back, whether he likes it or not!



Jeri Jacquin

Coming from director Lawrence Michael Levine and Momentum Pictures is a story of what is on film and what is life with BLACK BEAR.

Allison (Aubrey Plaza) is a young film writer that is visiting the Adirondacks to find some inspiration. She meets the couple Blair (Sarah Gadon) and Gabe (Christopher Abbott) who welcome her into their home. Blair is expecting and Gabe is happy to have someone else to chat with. Over dinner the conversation gets intense as Allison realizes she has upset Blair.

Trying to calm down a hysterical Blair, Gabe is frustrated himself. Allison goes to the pier down the path to give the couple some time. When she returns, she and Gabe take a moment to get personal and it all falls apart.

But there is something else going on here, is it Allison who is the one that is hysterical in all of this? The twists begin to show themselves and, in the meantime, there is the sound of nature right outside their door.

Plaza as Allison is very vocal about what she believes but also uses her dry sense of humor that is mistaken by Blair as something more. Trying to avoid the couple’s problems, she finds herself part of the problem. But as the story changes, we see that Allison is able to become just as unglued as Blaire.

Gadon as Blair is a pregnant woman who doesn’t have the patience for the nonsense she feels is happening around her. All she wants is to feel safe and loved by Gabe but cannot seem to believe what she is told. On the other hand, as her story changes, we learn how far someone will go when insecurities kick in.

Abbott as Gabe is stuck in the middle of these two women. Trying to keep Blair calm, he also has realizations about how he feels about the coming child. Sharing that with Allison is what brings about a twist.

Other cast include Lindsay Burdge as Maude, Paola Lazaro as Cahya, Jennifer Kim as Nora, Shannon O’Neill as Simon, Grantham Coleman as Baako, Lou Gonzalez as Chris and Alexander Koch as Mike.

Momentum Pictures has released several family films such as HOODWINKED!, THE ADVENTURES OF ROCK AND BULLWINKLE, ARTHUR AND THE INVISIBLES and one of my favorite films, the charming and delightful IGOR.

I am being intentionally vague in my description of the film because I want the viewers jaw to drop as much as mine did. There are twists, turns, realities and subsequent acceptance of everything that has happened. It is slow in the telling but that is important for the changes that follow. I think the cast did an amazing job and Plaza just blew me away with her range.

Having these three actors be the only cast on the screen for a large segment of the film is brilliant as the explosion of truths lead up to the finale. I love films that do not follow the rules and BLACK BEAR certainly does not.

In the end – do not turn away!