Thursday, October 24, 2024

There are Secrets in the CONCLAVE

Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from director Edward Berger based on the Robert Harris book of the same name and Focus Features is the story of secrets and desires for power in the CONCLAVE.

Cardinal Thomas Lawrence (Ralph Fiennes) arrives at the Vatican to discover that the Pope has passed. Gathering his emotions, he knows that now he must organize the election of the next head of the church. Turning to Cardinal Bellini (Stanley Tucci), they talk of the grief and who the rest of the cardinals are thinking of supporting.

Almost immediately there are three, Cardinal Adeyemi (Lucian Msamati), Cardinal Tedesco (Sergio Castellitto) and Cardinal Tremblay (John Lithgow) who quietly make it known of their desire to be the next Pope. Preparing for the conclave, Sister Agnes (Isabella Rossellini) brings other sisters in to prepare the rooms and cook the meals for the cardinals.

Cardinal Lawrence attempts to accommodate everyone and everything – especially the unexpected arrival of Cardinal Benitez (Carlos Diehz). This Cardinal is unknown to any but when presented papers from the previous Pope, Lawrence accepts him into the group even as the others are suspicious. Unfortunately, there isn’t any time to go deeper as the voting must begin.

There is no surprise that the three candidates are going to head-to-head with the votes, what it a surprise is a vote for Cardinal Lawrence. Shrugging it off, he begins to hear whispers of issues regarding the cardinals and he is not going to let it go, even if Cardinal Bellini suggest it is the best way to handle situations.

The problem is, now that Cardinal Lawrence has gone down the rabbit hole, he is confronted with the loss of a friend and a connection he could have never possibly ever seen.

Fiennes as Cardinal Lawrence is absolutely the film in every way. There isn’t a scene where his portrayal of this character isn’t stunning. He is the anchor to this story with his calm manner as he tries to navigate what is a gambit of secrets all in the name of faith. Not wanting the position himself, he actually isn’t looking to rise but to scale back to a simpler life. That is what Fiennes gives us – the duality of a man who has his own desires and must confront the powerful desires to rise of other men. This actor’s career has shown his diversity and legendary in the choices of roles he takes and Fiennes is an actor that if I know he is in a film – I’m there.

Tucci as Cardinal Bellini makes it clear that he does not want the position but he is adamant about who does. Believing that the changes the previous pope made strengthened their faith and those who trusted their religious leaders. He doesn’t want a reversal of it all and sees some of the candidates as a threat to it all. Tucci, as always, just takes the role and runs full speed with it. Of course, I am in the Tucci fan club and this role cements my belief that you can throw any role at this exceptional actor and he will make it stick!

Rossellini as Sister Agnes is the eyes and ears of everything around her. Believing deeply in the church and what is requires of the faith, she is not going to let anyone interfere just to be the new pope. Her stern appearance reminds me of a nun who would have no problem whacking your knuckles with a ruler but also a compassionate human being. There is her roles duality. Rossellini continues to show that there is a place for her still in films, are you listening Hollywood?

Lithgow as Cardinal Tremblay presents himself in a way that gave me the icks immediately. The words coming out of his mouth seem sincere but yet… That’s what makes this such a powerful role for Lithgow and he is amazing every second he is on the screen. Msamati as Cardinal Adeyemi believes he is the change the Vatican needs and makes his determination quietly clear to supporters. Msamati gives his part of the story a punch that the audience will be wide eyed about. Castellitto as Cardinal Tedesco is outspoken, rough in his beliefs and has no problem coming face to face with anyone who challenges him. Castellitto gives his character the outspoken fierceness that rocks the vote – literally.

The surprise here is Diehz as Cardinal Benitez! Arriving to bring a ripple in the waters, Diehz’ character is soft spoken, aware of what his presence brings to the conclave and a belief that is unshakable. Diehz is a strong presence in this role without overtaking any scene and the reason for this character’s presence shakes the films foundation completely.

Other cast include Brian F. O’Byrne as Monsignor Raymond O’Malley, Merab Ninidze as Cardinal Sabbadin, Thomas Loibl as Archbishop Mandorff, Jacek Koman as Archibishop Wozniak and Loris Loddi as Cardinal Villanueva.

Focus Features’ mission is to make a lasting impact on global audiences by creating the home for artists to share diverse, distinctive stories that inspire human connection. Focus Features is part of NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies that brings entertainment and news to a global audience. For more of what they have to offer please visit

CONCLAVE is a thriller but not the kind that is filled with car chases and people running for their lives. Instead, this is a thriller that is confined in a space that doesn’t allow secrets to go undiscovered for long. Fiennes carries this film from the first frame to the last and his character takes us on a ride of faith, deception, secrets and the want for power. Cardinal Lawrence begins to understand his reason for being and Fiennes portrays it all so beautifully. If he isn’t up for an Oscar, then those who chose need to think about their life choices!

The construction of the set is so beautiful and it is, in fact, another character in the film. Each scene is surrounded by a history and a belief that is steeped in tradition and mystery. CONCLAVE uses that tradition and mystery to bring the Harris book to the screen in such a fantastic way with an ensemble cast that slowly bring us in for the thrill ride.

In the end – what happens behind these walls changes everything!

Do They Know Each Other from BEFORE?


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Apple TV+, director Adam Bernstein and creator Sarah Thorp is a story of loss in a thriller that will keep you guessing till the very shocking end with BEFORE.

Eli (Billy Crystal) is a child psychologist who is dealing with the loss of his wife Lynn (Judith Light). One morning at his front door, a young boy named Noah (Jacobi Jupe) appears and tries to discover where he is from as the boy leaves. After his therapy appointment, Eli begins to question whether he will ever be able to help kids as he once did. When friend Gail (Sakina Jaffrey) asks him to take on a case of a troubled boy, Eli does so begrudgingly.

Later that night, the boy at the door is now the boy at his bedside. Following him home, he meets Denise (Rosie Perez), Noah’s foster mother who cares so much for the boy. He also learns that the boy has stopped talking and Denise does not know why. Eli visits his friend Jackson (Robert Townsend) to try and make sense of what is happening but isn’t thrilled with the answers. Arriving to meet Gail, Eli is stunned to learn that her client is none other than Noah!

Learning that if Eli doesn’t attempt to reach the boy, Noah will go to a state facility. During their session, things begin to happen that Eli cannot explain. Now Eli is even more intrigued with what could possibly be driving the boy and he is not going to stop until he has looked at every aspect of Noah’s life. The clues are there and they are frightening!

Crystal as Eli plays a man who needs to come to terms with the death of his wife but only in a way that he can accept. When Noah shows up in his life, everything turns upside down but he can not stay away from what is happening to him. Becoming involved means he does not have to deal with his own pain and the dreams that haunt him. Crystal is really quite thrilling in this role and to see him take this character to places that can be quite frightening is everything. This fine comedic actor is allowed moments of a chuckle or two and even pieces of sarcasm but when things become intense, Crystal goes deeper than I’ve ever seen him go before.

Jupe as Noah is a very young actor who has taken on a very big and powerful role. As the frightened Noah, Jupe gives the audience a look inside what is going through this young boy’s mind. Jupe’s performance is absolutely stellar and as each episode progresses, he continues to provide the audience a chance to follow him and I was hooked immediately. Yes, he is an adorable kid but he is also a young actor who is showing the audience what he can do given a role such as this. Absolutely well done!

Perez as Denise is a woman who wants to give so much love to the young Noah. Having things go sideways for no reason, in her eyes, is a combination of frustration and total worry for her ward. She provides the audience with a safe link between Eli and Noah with her love for the child and the realization that only Eli seems to be able to reach him. Such a strong performance and a memorable one as well. Jaffrey as Gail believes that Eli is the only person who can help Eli but there comes a point when all becomes muddled. Following the case, she begins to see Eli as part of the problem rather than the solution.

Shout out to Townsend as Jackson is a sounding board for Eli but he is not listening to his friend. Perhaps he should as there might be some truth in what he is saying.  

The cast that will expand as the series runs includes Rebecca Ruane as Sophie, Maria Dizzia as Barbara, Will Hochman as Benjamin Walker, Jorie Rosen as Nikki, Miriam Shor as Sue Ann, David Mattle as Alex, Christina Renee as Nurse Jo and Ava Lalezarzadeh as Cleo.

AppleTV+ is a video on demand web television that debuted in 2019 viewable through the Apple TV app. CEO Tim Cook wanted original content calling it “a great opportunity for us from a creation point of view”. From THE MORNING SHOW to TRYING and THE BANKER and Jason Momoa in SEE, there is plenty of choices for everyone. Plenty of genres? That is exactly what they are bringing to viewers and to see more of what they have to offer please visit

The 10-episode series includes The Imposter, the Scientist, The Liar, Symbols and Signs, Folie a Deux, Fever Dream, The Power of Belief, When We Dead Awaken, And the Darkness Was Called Night and Before.

Hailing from Paramount Television Studios, the limited series is created by Sarah Thorp. Thorp serves as showrunner, writer and executive producer. Crystal executive produces alongside Academy Award winner Eric Roth, pilot director Adam Bernstein and producing director Jet Wilkinson.

BEFORE is a series that needs to be followed from start to the last episode. I am a huge fan of original pieces and this is one of them. The characters of Eli and Noah are complex with strings leading in every twisted direction. Crystal and Jupe are just amazing and as their story unfolds, the characters go deeper and deeper into a story that connects them together – but how?

Being a fan of thrillers with huge twists, BEFORE gives just that. Each episode is a piece of a larger puzzle and telling it means we have to be patient weekly and get a large bowl of popcorn ready because this…is going to get good.

In the end – the connection is real!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from writer/director Julien Hayet-Kerknawi and Enigma Releasing is the story of a village against an enemy on THE LAST FRONT.

During World War I, Leonard (Iain Glen) is a widowed farmer raising son Adrien (James Downie) and daughter Maria (Emma Mortgat) in the Belgian countryside. Adrien is in love with Louise (Sasha Luss) who comes from a prominent family that don’t agree with the relationship. Leonard tries to explain this to Adrien and is causing problems but what is to come put all problems aside.

Coming down the road are Nazi soldiers led by Maximilian Von Rauch (Philippe Brenninkmeyer) and vicious son Laurentz (Joe Anderson). Their first stop is at Leonard’s farm in order to take whatever they want, including Larentz threats of violent. When Adrien worries about his love Louise and dares to take on Larentz’ need for violence.

Now, Leonard rushes to the town being met by Father Michael (David Calder) who reminds Leonard of a hiding place inside the church. Knowing that he must help the townspeople hide, it takes no time before the soldiering force bear down on the town and wreak havoc and destruction among those who could not hide.

Leonard manages to bring some people out of the town and Laurentz is furious. Pushing Von Rauch into running after the townspeople, they set out to follow Leonard and the townspeople. The soldiers don’t know that those who have escaped are trying to get to France but it doesn’t mean they aren’t going to fight with everything they have.

Glen as Leonard is a quiet man living a farmer’s life with his children. He is respected by the town and is still dealing with the passing of his wife. When the Germany soldiers arrive, Leonard is pushed to save his family and the townspeople who trust him. Glen gives his character a strength based in a combination of sadness and anger. I will admit to totally enjoying the character of Jorah Mormont from the television series Game of Thrones and since the ending of that series, Glen has gone on to take on roles that prove he is an acting force. In this film, Glen’s character faces an enemy for the good of the town and his family.

Anderson as Laurentz is a vicious and cruel man who believes he has the right to do whatever he wants any way he wants as people have no value to him. That is a difficult role to play but Anderson wraps up in it to the point where the viewer is going to cheer for the good guys with enthusiasm. Brenninkmeyer as Von Rauch is a father who clearly sees what his son is capable of and even with a threat, it doesn’t seem to affect his decisions or path going after Leonard.

Luss as Louise is a young woman who is now living in a world that has changed so much and affect those she loves. Following Leonard toward France, she helps those in the group move forward. Luss is charming and portrays a girl in love during a dire time in history. Calder as Father Michael realizes that he must turn to Leonard in finding a way to save as many of the townspeople as possible.

Other cast include Julian Kostov as Thomas Bosmans, Leander Vyvey as Peer Schultz, Koen De Bouw as Dr. Janssen, Sam Rintoul as Henri Maes, Joren Seldeslachts as Enzo, Trine Thielen as Elise, Mathijs Scheepers as Corporal Weber, Tess Bryant as Mother Pascal, Anna Ballantine as Camille Maes, Caroline Stas as Brigitte and Steve Armand as Nicolas.

Discover the power of film to inspire, challenge, and connect. At Enigma Releasing, you are at the heart of THIS journey. Join a community driven by creativity and a love for the art of film. Your voice matters here, and we strive to create a space where every perspective is valued. For more please visit

THE LAST FRONT is an intense film that, although focuses on Leonard and his family, spreads quickly to the town and survival in the midst of war. The town manages to be far enough away from much of the war but eventually roars into the middle of their lives with just as much viciousness. Trying to save as many people as possible doesn’t stop a malicious soldier from making it his mission to destroy everyone in his path

The cinematography is so good as the forest becomes an integral part of the story and the small-town feel is absolutely there. The cast, each with an important role, bring together a powerful story with a message of strength, courage and hope in the midst of a very dark time in human history. THE LAST FRONT is a reminder of loyalty and the fight against those who would destroy a community.

In the end – family is worth dying for!



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to VOD & Digital from director Roel Reine, Saban Films and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment comes the twists and turns when it is all CLASSIFIED.

Evan Shaw (Aaron Eckhart) is a CIA agent who is continually on the move. Learning who his targets were discrete ways; Shaw handled each case quickly. Not spending much time thinking about his life, his only friend is Kevin Angler (Tim Roth). It is actually the only person he can talk about a lost love about.

Arriving at his next assignment, a young woman named Kacey (Abigail Breslin) was waiting in his hotel room. What she had to tell him was nothing Shaw could have ever expected. Kacey, an MI6 analyst, tries to convince him that he was actually working for a phantom. Shaw is not convinced and is not going to take just her word for it.

Doing his own investigation, Shaw realizes that something is terribly wrong. He and Kacey decide that it is time to dig deeper into who has been leading Shaw around, but it also answers questions for Kacey. Teaming up, it is time to put an end to the mysteries and those responsible for it all.

Eckhart as Shaw has jumped into the action-star genre following other actors that find second wind to their careers. As this CIA agent, Eckhart is quiet, tough and once he got an assignment, that’s where his focus was aimed toward. Each move he makes takes him in another direction until the only direction left is right into the fray. This is a total action film from start to finish with Eckhart going full bore.

Breslin as Kacey is a young woman who is with MI6 and after learning about Shaw decides to confront him about what she knows. It becomes clear what her motivation is but she also doesn’t have a problem jumping right in with Shaw either. Knowing that whoever is responsible for sending Shaw on missions also holds the key to her life mystery.

Roth as Angler seems to have been a good friend to Shaw. As things begin to unravel, Roth keeps one foot in front of the other to stay away from the gunfire that seems to be headed his way. Roth plays a man who doesn’t seem moved by what is happening around him and doesn’t seem to grasp why Shaw is upset with him. That being said, it doesn’t stop bullets from flying around him!

Other cast include Myles Clohessy as Tanner, Kim DeLonghi as Liona, Baylee toney as Cassandra, Marysia S. Peres as Monica Walker, Mariah Hardy as Sophie, Massimo P. Morana as Steve and Matt Hookings as Antonio Griffin.

Saban Films was launched in 2014 and has built an impressive slate of high-quality feature films distributed with partner Lionsgate. Focusing on talent-driven films, the company looks at projects in all stages of production to be released across multiple platforms. Films such as SISTER OF THE GROOM, FATMAN and BREACH are part of the wonderful Saban slate, and more information can be found at

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

CLASSIFIED is a mystery-thriller that starts with the first frame until the last. Eckhart playing Shaw as a rough, rugged and scared man who just goes from mission to mission. Once Kacey enters the picture, his whole life is about to shift dramatically. It is his CIA training that keeps him looking for clues as to who is responsible for lying to him for so long.

Adding Kacey to the mix, the young woman realizes through her job that something has gone terribly wrong and she wants answers herself. The first person to turn to is Shaw and from the moment they meet, someone wants to end their team up!

If you love a good action-thriller, plot twists and satisfying ending, then CLASSIFIED is a film you can enjoy on the home big screen and loud sound bar! Don’t forget a tub of popcorn!

In the end – there is more than one point of this mystery!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Prepare to Experience TWISTERS on 4K Ultra HD!


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD, Bluray and Digital from director Lee Isaac Chung and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment comes the anticipated adventure when dealing with TWISTERS.

Meteorologist Kate Cooper (Daisy Edgar-Jones) is attempting to recover from a major blow to her storm chasing. Javi (Anthony Ramos) has been testing a new tracking system since then and wants Kate to jump back into the game. Hesitant, Kate agrees to come back briefly and see what Javi has going. Out in the field, she meets Tyler Owens (Glen Powell), a “tornado wrangler” who lives for the thrill of the storm.

As Kate and Javi begin chasing, it is clear that she is hesitant and is causes the team to wonder if she can handle it all. When they see what Tyler and his crew are capable of, Kate takes on the challenge and works with Javi to start chasing the outbreak of tornadoes in the infamous tornado alley. Not far behind is Tyler along with videographer Boone (Brandon Perea) and tag-along journalist Ben (Harry Hadden-Paston) who wants to write about storm chasers, drone operator Lilly

More and more storms are on the horizon but Kate learns that she might be chasing with the wrong team. Tyler and Kate decide it’s time to take the chase to another level and its none too soon as the biggest tornado is about to test them all.

Powell as Tyler is the rough and rugged cowboy chaser who cranks up the music and shouts his way into storms. His character has a swagger that charms everyone, except perhaps for Kate, but that doesn’t stop him from trying. Taking on storm by storm, Powell gives his character depth with his look on those who suffer from the devastation of the tornadoes.

Edgar-Jones as Kate experienced what happens when you take on Mother Nature and it isn’t easy to shake. Getting back into the game, Edgar-Jones brings out the history of this character and what motivates her to accept tragedy and do everything possible to create a system that can prevent disasters.

Ramos as Javi is part of Kate’s original team but after the disaster he goes on his own way. That way is being part of a new storm chasing team but it causes a rift between he and Kate. Trying to make amends, Javi discovers that what he does and how he wants to do it are two very different things.

Shout out to Hadden-Paston as British journalist Ben and Maura Tierney as Kate’s mom Cathy.

Cast also includes: Daryl McCormack as Jeb, Kiernan Shipka as Addy, Nik Dodani as Praveen, David Corenswet as Scott, Tunde Adebimpe as Dexter, Katy O’Brian as Dani, David Born as Riggs, Laura Poe as Debra, Austin Bullock as Manny, and Stephen Oyoung as Mike.

Universal Pictures Home Entertainment has just added an amazing film to their library and making it available for us to all experience and re-experience in our own home theaters. There are films of every genre available from scary to drama to family films. For more of what they have to offer please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Exclusive Bonus Features include Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, Tracking the Fronts: The Path of TWISTERS, Into the Eye of the Storm, Glen Powell: All Access, Front Seat to a Chase, Voice of a Villain, Tricked-Out Trucks and Feature Commentary with Director Lee Isaac Chung..

The soundtrack TWISTERS: The Album features country music artists like Luke Combs with the lead single Ain’t No Love in Oklahoma, Miranda Lambert with Ain’t in Kansas Anymore and more. The music adds an element of fun to the film and I totally enjoyed it.

The story is a bit nostalgic with its twists and nods to the 1996 Bill Paxton-Helen Hunt film TWISTER. This includes an appearance by the late Paxton’s son Cody. I felt like there were a few Easter Eggs whether they were intentional or not. See if you can find them.

TWISTERS is non-stop action and that’s what will keep you on the edge of your seat. The best part of the film is that director Chung didn’t try to reinvent the windy wheel but instead remembers what made the film TWISTER such a massive hit and become iconic. Trust me when I say if you have a sound bar, turn that puppy up because it adds an amazing element to watching at home.

The cast keep it simple and stay on point with their one goal, characters that are pit up against the elements. Tornados are a force to be reckoned with by staying out of their way, storm chasers are the ones that run into the wind while others are getting away.

In the end – if you feel it, chase it!

It all Ends with THE CROWN – The Complete Final Season


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to Bluray from writer Peter Morgan, directors Alex Gabassi, Christian Schwochow, May el-Toukhy, Erik Richter Strand, Stephen Daldry and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment comes the royal finale of the most fascinating series to come to television with THE CROWN – The Complete Final Season.

Princess Diana (Elizabeth Debicki) is attempting to have a life after her divorce from Charles (Dominic West) going on vacation with Mohamed Al-Fayed (Salim Daw) while Prince Charles is having a party for mistress Camilla (Olivia Williams). Queen Elizabeth II (Imelda Stanton) is asked to attend but yet knows the repercussions of attending. One photograph of Diana upstages Camilla’s party sending Charles into a tizzy. When Dodi (Khalid Abdalla) arrives on his father’s yacht, he and Diana become closer.

Now the British government is being pressured to consider denying Mohamed’s application for citizenship but he is not going to take it lightly. Diana says goodbyes to William (Ed McVey) and Harry (Luther Ford) who are going with their father to Balmoral Castle, while she continues to support the Landmine Survivors Network charity. Charles takes the opportunity to use photographs of she and Dodi against her and coerces his sons to take a photo showing them happy with their father.  The Queen is becoming irritated with the whole thing as Diana goes to France with Dodi.

Mohamed tells Dodi that if he marries Diana, he will work with him in the family business. Diana and Dodi are spending time together and to avoid the paparazzi go into a jewelry show where Diana points out a ring she likes. Jetting off to Paris, Dodi has a surprise planned but the surprise is that both he and Diana have a talk about their future. Back at Balmoral, Prince William is hunting in the vast lands of the castle and in Paris there is the sounds of a crash.

Mohamed goes to Paris to take his son home and the father is absolutely in grief but also returns Diana’s things to the royal family. Charles arrives to take Diana home and tells the family of the public response to her death. The Queen finds herself in a trap between what she believes should be the response to the Princess’ death and what the British outcry is telling her. Feeling pushed towards it, she agreed to a ceremonial funeral as Charles William, Harry and Philip (Jonathan Pryce), are followed with Diana’s brother Charles Spencer (Philip Cumbus) in the procession. The Queen does deliver a speech for Diana as well.

Charles is having trouble with William who wants to return to school even though the family tells him he can take his time. He starts receiving mail and becoming someone of a teenage heartthrob that makes him uncomfortable. On a skiing holiday, Williams makes it clear to his family that he is absolutely hating the press which Charles thinks is part of the struggle dealing with his mothers’ death. Thinking he is meeting the Queen but Charles is there setting William into accusing his father of Diana’s death. It takes Philip to calm the waters as William needs to visit Althrop.

Prime Minister Tony Blair is dealing with the invasion of Kosovo and wants US military help but Clinton isn’t as quick to give his support.  When the Queen asks for ways he thinks will modernize the crown, she isn’t to keen to agree with his ideas. William meets a young woman named Kate (Meg Bellamy) who has a crush on the young prince. They meet again years later in college and he is now keen on her, unfortunately his awkwardness and a boyfriend get in the way. When Kate hears that William is thinking of leaving, she inserts her own opinion.

Princess Margaret (Lesley Manville) remembers a special time between she and her sister that is carefree but her life hasn’t been easy. Life choices and strokes are plaguing the now elderly royal. Taking care of her after a recent episode, they talk about that special night in 1945 as both become aware of their roles and how it, at times, kept them apart. More trouble is on the horizon as Mohamed accuses the royal family of being responsible for the death of Diana and Dodi and the Queen Mother has passes as well. William sees Kate once again and the two become roommates with friends.

The Queen’s 80th birthday is coming and advisers think its time for her to plan her state funeral and she already knows the bagpipe sound of Sleep, Dearie, Sleep must be played. Charles finally asks her if he may marry Camilla and at this point, she agrees to it after talking with the church bishops. William, Kate and Harry are put to the fire when a Halloween costume causes press trouble. After thinking of abdicating, the Queen reconsiders and Philip tells her it is the right decision as Charles and Camilla finally marry.

At the chapel, the Queen has a think on life and hears bagpipes.

Stanton as Queen Elizabeth was the absolute stellar choice to play the finale series look at the life of the Queen. She gave everything that showed what could have possibly happened in this remarkable woman’s life. Stanton gives poise, thoughtful choice, a bit of frustration and the care of a daughter/sister/wife/mother/grandmother that was not allowed to be seen to the public because of the raise she was taught to be a royal. Just brilliant actually. Let me just say that the final scene of the series absolutely gutted me.    

Debicki as Diana is also a marvelous casting choice and I was in it for everything she gave. Playing someone with such a widely known public life is difficult enough, but to dive into the personal is another level difficult that Debicki did masterfully. Every award she received was absolutely well earned. West as Charles, well, of course he did it well. He is a diverse actor that can play good, bad and indifferent. In this case, that about sums up the portrayal of Charles and how the world sees this particular royal in the years prior to him becoming King. Williams as Camilla is portrayed as the sweet victim in all this which only lends to anyone watching to wonder how this portrayal came to be.

Daw as Mohamed Al-Fayed is a shrewd businessman but also wants a crown of his very own in the form of his son marrying Diana. That’s not to say he did honestly have a fondness for the royal but it is a duality in his character that Daw brings out. Abdalla as Dodi is a man who is trying to make a name for himself and doing it in a way that brings father and son tension. That is until he meets Diana but that in itself brings the media to the forefront in her life. Trying to find a way to share a life together. Abdalla is charming and frustrating all at the same time in his portrayal but it works in the story.

Pryce as Philip is by his wife’s side even when he doesn’t always agree with her decisions. He has an opinion and Pryce makes sure his character expresses it. McVey as William is a young man dealing with sad situation after sad situation and learns to come to terms with it in his own way. Ford as Harry is also trying but being younger, he is surrounded by those who jump in quickly to avoid the same situation that William finds himself in.

Manville as Margaret is so amazing but then again, I adore her as much as I do Stanton. The scenes between these two actresses are so beautiful as Manville puts her own touches on the lesser understood royal. Bellamy as Kate portrays the future Queen as actually how most people see her – open, genuine, lovely and outgoing. I secretly hope that in a few years they do THE CROWN again with Charles reign bringing Kate’s story out in the open.

Other cast include Claudia Harrison as Princess Anne, Eve Best as Carole Middleton, Viola Prettejohn as teenage Elizabeth, Beau Gadsdon as teenage Margaret, Harry Anton as Trevor Rees-Jones, Andrew Havill as Robert Fellowes, Jamie Parker as Robin Janvrin, Bertie Carvel as Tony Blair and Marcia Warren as the Queen Mother.

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment encompasses motion picture production for television, digital content and theater releases. The studios include Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, Stage 6 Films and Sony Picture Classics. To see what is coming to theaters and to home entertainment please visit

The series includes the episodes Persona Non Grata, Two Photographs, Dis-Moi Oui, Aftermath, Willsmania, Ruritania, Alma Mater, Ritz, Hope Street, Sleep Dearie Sleep, Special Features include A Family Saga, Royal Weddings and A Lasting Legacy.

THE CROWN has won so many awards including Best Supporting Actress and Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series at the Golden Globe Awards and Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series at the Primetime Emmy Awards for Elizabeth Debicki.

As a thrilled super-fan of THE CROWN, this is a series I absolutely can and will watch again and again. The performances of the cast from Claire Foy ending with Imelda Stanton is just so stellar and even that seems like such a small word to describe such a big event in the life of the beloved Queen Elizabeth. Portraying her has having the ups and downs of life all while trying to have a personal life along with her royal duties is unfathomable to most yet she did so with the dignity she believed was required of her position.

The Executive Producers, writers and directors has an outstanding formula in this storytelling and they took it and ran – taking us all along with them. Having all six seasons available means only one thing, those who have not seen the series have the opportunity to binge it all at one time (which I can absolutely see happening). The cast is exceptional, the cinematography and set designs are another character in the series and the costuming allows us to follow along with the changes in their lives keeping up with the times. Although, the Queen and her hats, gloves, shoes and the snap of the purse are iconic and can never be done again.

The complete series collector’s box set is now available on Buray! Winner of over 20 Emmys including Outstanding Drama Series, the box set contains all six seasons on high-definition with over 100 minutes of special features and a collectable 24-page photobook with a special message from Peter Morgan.

In the end – they are the family royal!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Thrill in Space with ALIEN: Romulus


Jeri Jacquin

Now on Digital (Prime Video, Apple TV and Fandango at Home) and coming to 4K Ultra HD, Bluray and DVD from writer/director Fede Alvarez and 20th Century Studios is the science fiction thriller that comes from a legacy with ALIEN: Romulus.

It is 2142 and Rain (Cailee Spaeny) is a young girl trying to make it on her own in the Jackson’s Star LV-410 mining community taking care of her brother Andy (David Jonsson). After being forced to work under a contract wo the Weyland-Yutani company, Rain is angry that they have extended her contract when all she wants to do is go to the planet Yvaga. That’s when she received a call from ex-boyfriend Tyler (Archie Renaux) who wants her and Andy, along with sister Kay (Isabela Merced), Bjorn (Spike Fearn), and Navarro (Aileen Wu) to head to an abandoned ship to get cryostasis chambers that will help them get to Yvaga.

Of course they need Andy to make their personal mission work. Why? Because Andy can talk to the computer system on the ship and help them get the cryo-chambers. The idea is to get in and get out quickly before the ship falls into a destructive orbit. Agreeing, Rain, Tyler, Andy and the crew take off in the Corbelan IV to meet up with the abandoned ship and discover there are two sections called Romulus and Remus.

After a few miscalculations, they are learning as they go but not soon enough to release something deadly into the ship. They find a synthetic named Rook (Daniel Betts) who tells them that he has a prime directive and is loyal to the company. Rook is completely honest with the crew when something is happening to Navarro but Bjorn decides Navarro, Kay and the situation to take matters into his own hands. When the Corbelan spins out of control, it crashes into the ship’s dock and those inside are now susceptible to what is taking over the ship.

Andy has the idea that to get to the part of the ship that can help them, Rain and Tyler are told they must control themselves to walk through more of the xenomorphs. Rook is sending them to retrieve a compound that the company wants but when things become out of control, Rain takes over and does what she needs to helping to take out as many survivors as possible. Finding the fight in her, Rain isn’t about to go down easy!

Spaeny as Rain is a young woman who is trying to do right by adoptive brother Andy. Trying to start a new life on another planet, teaming up with Tyler seems to be the only way left. Frustrated about the extension of her contract, Rain has to make decisions that are now going to put her face to face with horror. Spaeny gives us a strong, empathetic yet very smart character and following in Sigourney Weaver’s footsteps, she does an excellent job to the very last frame.

Jonsson as Andy is a synthetic who has found a home with Rain. She takes care of him and when things go wrong, she is always there to turn the key. Jonsson gives us a tad different perspective of a synthetic showing care for one person even if it is his directive. Taking on this incarnation, Jonsson does an extremely good job of giving fans someone to root for besides Rain. Renaux as Tyler also wants to start a new life on Yvaga but also knows he needs something Rain has. Gathering his crew together to make the decision to go, he leads and fights for them all.

Fearn as Bjorn has a chip on his shoulder against Andy and does not try to hide it in the least little bit. Merced as Kay has a secret of her own that is so explosive (sorry, had to) but in a way fans are not going to expect. Wu as Navarro gets the opportunity to be the chest bursting victim because what would an ALIEN’s film be without it.

Huge shout-out to Betts as Rook because the way they bring Ian Holmes original character of Ash through Rook is stunning with the AI and, in a weird way, I was happy to see him!

Twentieth Century Studios Home Entertainment brings award-winning global product and new entertainment to DVD, Bluray, and Digital HD. There amazing collection offers fans an opportunity to expand their own home libraries with the best films. To discover what other titles they have please visit

MOVIES ANYWHERE gives viewers the ability to download the Movies Anywhere App. With that you can view films by downloading or streaming to your favorite device using a Digital Code. For more information on Movies Anywhere please visit

Bonus Features include Return to Horror: Crafting Alien: Romulus, The Director’s Vision, Creating the Story, Casting the Faces, Constructing the World, Inside the Xenomorph Showdown, Alien: A Conversation, and Alternate/Extended Scenes.

An added note is that the original 1979 sci-fi thriller, ALIEN, is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year. Fans can experience the terror in a 2-movie collection digital bundle (Alien & Alien: Romulus) on October 15 in 4K UHD, HD and SD.

Remembering vividly the first time I saw ALIEN in 1979, it was mind jolting because it was a new way to look at a thriller with space being the “box” this is all happening in. There was no where for Ripley, or anyone on the Nostromo, to run! The creation of a new cold, calculating and acid blood alien was and still is absolutely stunning in every way. Since then, any fan of ALIEN has followed each story that has come about and flocked to theatres to see them.

This new cast has given us another look at the space-horror-thrill but added easter eggs that are not hidden at all. They are there and when something works as effectively as they have from other films in the franchise, then use it right? The face-to-face scene between the xenomorph and Rain is an absolute classic scene as a nod to the original scene in ALIEN. Things like that just draw fans in and we are here for it. I’m thinking, it’s an ALIEN franchise binge weekend because ALIEN: Romulus is up on space deck!

In the end – in space no one can hear you!

Monday, October 14, 2024

They are Going SIDEWAYS


Jeri Jacquin

Coming home on Digital and Sideways 4K is now available for the first time at digital retailers (Prime Video, Apple TV, and Fandango) from writer/director Alexander Payne, Jim Taylor and Searchlight Pictures based on the book by Rex Pickett is the story of going SIDEWAYS.

Miles (Paul Giamatti) is a depressed English teacher living in San Diego who is trying to write a book and loves wine. He decides to take best friend Jack (Thomas Haden Church) on a road trip through the Santa Ynez Valley to go wine tasting before he gets married. On their way, Miles decides to go visit his mother but its not really to visit, its to get in and get out before he is caught – in more ways than one.

All Miles wants to do is golf, eat and drink wine but bestie Jack wants to have one more fling before he says ‘I do’! Finally making it to wine country and stop for a bite to eat, Jack notices Maya (Virginia Madsen) who happens to notice Miles. Jack also manages to send Miles on a drunk when he lets slip that the ex has remarried and is coming to the wedding. Jack hooks up with Stephanie (Sandra Oh) and decides maybe he doesn’t want to get married after all.

As Miles is centered on his depression, Jack has decided he is going to have as many flings as possible even if there is an angry husband waiting in the wings. Back in San Diego, Miles receives an unexpected call and it sends him knocking on a door!

Giamatti as Miles is just stellar but I would expect nothing less. I have followed his career since he first caught my attention in the 1998 film THE NEGOTIATOR in the role of Rudy. I knew then that he was somebody to keep my eye on. Giamatti has the uncanny ability to take any role and make it memorable – comedy, drama, historical, good guy, bad guy, sad guy, you name it. In SIDEWAYS he once again gives us the role of a man who just can’t find his happy.

Church as Jack also has the same role qualities as Giamatti. He can play so many roles, and some of them caught me unexpectedly, yet I love when I see he in a new film. In SIDEWAYS he is the guy who wants the world and is going to do everything he can to do what he wants when he wants. Trying to keep his buddy’s spirits up led me to laughing a lot. Putting Church with Giamatti is a stroke of genius which is the reason the film holds up today.

Madsen as Maya is sweet, charming and seems to have a real interest in Miles. He doesn’t see it because he has spent to long in his closed off little world. He does manage to enjoy her company and it is in those moments that Madsen is just delightful to watch. Oh as Stephanie gets a chance to hook up with Jack but, as often happens in life, its just too good to be true. I loved her in THE RED VIOLIN and UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN and it becomes clear why she is a force to be reckoned with still today.

Other cast includes Marylouise Burke as Mrs. Raymond, Jessica Hecht as Victoria Cortland, Lee Brooks as Ken Cortland, Missy Doty as Cammi, MC Gainey as Cammi’s husband, Alysia Reiner as Christine Erganian, Stephanie Faracy as Ginny, and Natalie Carter as Siena.

Searchlight Pictures is responsible for such films as SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, 12 YEARS A SLAVE, THE SHAPE OF WATER and THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING MISSOURI. They have an extensive film library as well as documentaries, scripted series, and limited series. For more information, please visit

Bonus Features include Commentary by Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church, 8 Deleted Scenes and Making of Featurette.

SIDEWAYS is a film that is so memorable and it won Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) for Jim Taylor at the 2005 Academy Awards. Other awards include the Bost Society of Film Critics Award for Best Film, Best Supporting Actor for Church, Best Ensemble Cast, Best Screenplay and Best Actor for Paul Giamatti. Jim Taylor and Alexander Payne won a BAFTA for Best Screenplay, Critics Choice Award for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor for Church, Best Supporting Actress for Madsen and Best Acting Ensemble and the list of winnings goes on and on.

The ensemble cast is nothing short of fantastic and deserves to be recognized again and again. Giamatti and Church brought us into the story while Madsen and Oh kept us happy with a large glass of wine! They give us a story that is so memorable and relatable in the sense of heart ache and sometimes the recklessness we all deal in (maybe not so far as Jack!) when it comes to matters of the heart. Payne gets to direct us where he wants us to go and we go willingly, especially when it comes to watching and experiencing a film like SIDEWAYS.

In the end – wine can change their world!




Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres from directors Neil Boyle, Kirk Hendry and Blue Fox Entertainment comes a story of survival and friendship in KENSUKE’S KINGDOM.

Sailing on the family boat around the world is the Peggy Sue. Young Michael (Aaron MacGregor) is with Dad (Cillian Murphy), Mom (Sally Hawkins) and sister Becky (Raffey Cassidy) along with family dog Stella. When a storm hits the boat, Michael runs up to the deck to retrieve Stella and a rogue wave takes them both.

He wakes up on an island and can’t find anyone else! Michael can not see fresh water or food until one morning he awakes to see the mysterious and very standoffish Kensuke (Ken Watanabe). Becoming hurt in the water, Kensuke takes the boy and his dog to his stunning tree home. When Michael wakes up, he can not believe what he is seeing and discovers that talking to Kensuke is going to be difficult. Neither speaks the others language.

But there is another way to communicate and Kensuke introduces Michael to the island world of animals and beauty. As the days pass, a growing friendship happens between the two and Michael starts to understand his new Japanese friend. He has spent his years protecting the island and its animal inhabitants from those who would attempt to destroy it.

But a time comes when the only to inhabitants of the island must tackle those who would try to hurt the animals and Kensuke must choose.

MacGregor voicing Michael is a young man who feels as if he is looked over on the family sailing trip. When the storm hits, his first and only thought is that of family dog Stella. He could never have anticipated what would happen next. On the island, his life is changed by a man who has been there for a long time. The changes are that of caring for another person and animals he could have never imagined would be in his life. Michael has growth of character and it is such a lesson for us all.

Watanabe as Kensuke is not exactly a chatterbox but when he does speak, it is actually filled with emotion. Himself becoming stranded years before, Kensuke has made the island his home in the most unique, inventive and beautiful ways. Instead of trying to change the beauty of the island, he becomes part of it by becoming responsible for it. Kensuke is a character that everyone should aspire to be.

Blue Fox Entertainment is a global film distribution and sales company specializing in connecting filmmakers to audiences and buyers in the United States and around the world internationally. For more of what Blue Fox Entertainment has to offer please visit

Directed by Neil Boyle and Kirk Hendry, KENSUKE'S KINGDOM is based on the best-selling novel by Michael Morpurgo and adapted for screen by BAFTA Award nominee Frank Cottrell-Boyce. Producers are Emmy Award-winning producers and founders of animation studio Lupus Films, Camilla Deakin and Ruth Fielding, Academy Award nominee Stephan Roelants of Melusine Productions.

KENSUKE'S KINGDOM is an emotional, beautiful, and memorable piece of storytelling from start to finish. The animation is equally stunning filled with color, life and a story all on its own. I watched this film with my nine-year-old granddaughter and we were so very moved. The conversation that followed was a discussion on the characters friendship, the animals and the final scene.

That is what absolutely makes this a family film. There is so much to talk about and hearing it from a child’s perspective is everything. Questions I wouldn’t have thought to ask (no spoilers here) brought another level of understanding to this very thoughtful film. Two people in the most unexpected place brought on by frightening circumstances forge a friendship with not only each other, but an island who embraces them both.

Author Morpurgo wrote a lovely book and Cottrell-Boyce was able to see how it could be brought to the screen. We plan to make this a part of our family’s return-to again and again

In the end – a story of the ultimate friendship!

AMITYVILLE: Where the Echo Lives


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to On Demand and Digital from writer/director Carlos Ayala and Lionsgate is the story of AMITYVILLE: Where the Echo Lives.

Heather West (Sarah McDonald) is a paranormal investigator who is still dealing with the death of her father who was also a renowned investigator. She receives a call from a woman who suspects there is a spirit in her home. Setting up her equipment, Heather also takes time to study the case of the young Mary Gonzalez (Breanna Rossi) who has been missing for a very long time.

When she is alone, Heather is writing her feelings and drowning them in vodka and orange juice all while avoiding her family. The one person she does want to see is John (Nick Barelli) because his problems are normal and she can handle that much at least. Back at her new investigation, she begins to feel strangely with a voice trying to warn her to stay away. She finds herself turning to others who have connections to the spiritual plane in order to heal her own pain only to free another’s.  

McDonald as Heather is a young woman who wants to make her father proud by continuing with paranormal investigations. Doing the best she can, it is only a matter of time before what is on the other side comes looking for her in its own way. McDonald gives a stoic performance never really letting the audience know who she is or what she is about, that is, perhaps the point. She doesn’t know any of that either which muddles the spiritual waters.

Barelli as friend John is dealing with normal life worries and looks to Heather for a solid relationship. He is probably the only normal thing in her life and Heather holds onto it for dear life.

Other cast include Hector de Alva as the Psychic, Adelina Monroe as the t.v. host and Carlos Ayala as Ronny Bushik.

Lionsgate is a global leader in motion picture production and distribution for theatres, television, home entertainment and more. Theatre franchises include THE HUNGER GAMES, and DIVERGENT along with JOHN WICK. Now, adding this film to its 16,000-motion picture and television titles you can see everything coming soon as well as available now at

AMITYVILLE: Where the Echo Lives feels a bit like an arthouse piece with its long pauses, emotional ‘diary’ entries and special effects. Although the story is about the paranormal, it takes much of its time explaining how Heather’s life came to be mired by alcohol and her emotional state. Then again, if you believe in the paranormal, that is precisely how unfriendly spirits manage to get in (if you believe the literature on the subject).

There is not the frights and chills one expects from a story that has Amityville in its title but instead takes time to delve into the life of Heather West and what brings her to the point of finding the light. When creating the family Halloween playlist for the frightful day we all love to be scared for, add this to your playlist.

In the end – follow the voices!

Thursday, October 10, 2024



Jeri Jacquin

Coming to 4K Ultra HD, VHS (yes, VHS!) and Bluray in a Chainsaw Edition from director Tobe Hooper and Dark Sky Selects comes the film that caused a stir in theatres in 1974 and is celebrated fifty years later with THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE.

Driving through Texas in 1973, Sally Hardesty (Marilyn Burns), Jerry (Allen Danziger), Pam (Teri McMinn), Kirk (William Vail) and brother Franklin (Paul A. Partain) are on a road trip of fun. Siblings Sally and Franklin decide to stop and pay respects to their grandfather’s grave and Franklin speaks about his family’s history and their slaughterhouse. On the road is a hitchhiker and when the group picks him up, he also tells of his family’s involvement in the slaughterhouse. After a confrontation, the group kicks him out of the van!

Next to an empty gas station, they gang walks through the hold house the Hardesty family once lived but Kirk and Pam decide to go the swimming hole. When the couple comes across a run-down house, they go exploring and that starts a chain of horror events. When Sally and Franklin go looking for their friends, Sally finds herself in the same house chased by a masked man. Trying to escape, she ends up back at the gas station being told about Grandpa (John Dugan) and Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen).

The night of terror has only begun!

Burns as Sally brings the most memorable and frightening character to the screen. The chase between she and the vicious family is on in a night of terror. Through the years Burns has spoken about her role and how she never expected it to be talked about throughout the years. Supporting the film through conventions and appearances, Burns’ role in the film brought her fans world-wide. She did appear in other films and television productions such as the role of Linda Kasabian in the 1976 series Helter Skelter. Burns passed away in 2014.

The other notable character that continues to keep fans on their toes is Leatherface played by Gunnar Hansen. Every year, the costume of Leatherface is always front and center around Halloween, even fifty years later! Hansen took on roles after the film and also became an author with his Memoir on traveling with Islands at the Edge of Time: A Journey to America’s Barrier Islands and 2014 book Chains Saw Confidential.

Other cast include Jim Siedow as the Old Man, Robert Courtin as Window Washer, William Creamer as Bearded Man, John Faulk as the Storyteller and John Larroquette as the Narrator.

Dark Sky Selects is committed to delivering a meticulously curated selection of high-quality, limited edition film releases and exclusive merchandise to the collector's market. As an extension of MPI Media Group and Dark Sky Films, Dark Sky Selects hails from nearly five decades of experience in genre films, as a specialty label dedicated to preserving the legacy of iconic titles like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, and modern classics like The House of the Devil. Our mission is to provide premium, collector-focused products that honor our cinematic heritage and ensure its preservation for future generations.

Dark Sky Films works with emerging talent as well as established veterans to develop, produce and finance feature films and episodic television projects. Representing films from some of most talented directors working today, such as Ti West’s THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL and THE INKEEPERS, and Jim Mickle’s STAKE LAND, Dark Sky continues to identify original talent and projects to bring a vibrant slate of films to the world market, with original productions and releases such as GIRL ON THE THIRD FLOOR, WE ARE STILL HERE, and most recently, THE DARK and 1BR. For more please visit

Bonus Features include Disc 1: 4-Feature Commentaries of Writer-Producer Toe Hooper, Actor Gunnar Hansen and Cinematographer Daniel Pearl, Actors Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger and Paul A. Partain, and Production Designer Robert Burns, Writer-Producer-Director Tobe Hooper, Cinematographer Daniel Pearl, Editor J. Larry Carroll and Sound Recordist Ted Nicolaou. Disc 2 includes the feature film.

Disc 3 Bluray Bonuses include: The Fil Which You Are About to See, Hunters of Another Kind, Documentary: The Legacy of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Cinefamily Presents Friedkin/Hooper: A Conversation About THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Between William Friedkin and Tobe Hooper, Flesh Wounds: Seven Stories of the Saw, A Tour of the TCSM House with Gunnar Hansen, Off the Hook with Teri McMinn, The Business of Chain Saw: An Interview with Production Manager Ron Bozman, Grandpa’s Tales: An Interview with Actor John Dugan, Cutting Chain Saw: An Interview with Editor J. Larry Carroll, Deleted Scenes & Outtakes, Blooper Reel, Horrors Hallowed Grounds: TCSM, Dr. W.E. Barnes Presents “Making Grandpa”, Still Gallery, Trailers, TV Spots and Radio Spots.

THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE hit theatres in 1974 setting the horror genre and movies goers teeth on edge – and we’ve loved every minute of it. Starting out with an X rating, the film was edited with a final rating of R. Reviews went from hailing is a work of horror genius to trash and everything in between. No one who has seen the film through the years can ever hear the sound of a chainsaw and not have their, pardon the pun, skin crawl for half a second. The film has continued time and time again to bring fans to its story and although there have been many incarnations since then but, purist will always be the first in line to bask in the original frights.

Available in a stunning box set that includes your own chainsaw, a 4K Ultra HD/Bluray copy and, for all the purists at heart, a VHS copy. Is it twisted to say this is so much fun to have in anyone’s home entertainment library? It is time to gather up your own group of Leatherface’s, turn out the lights, crank up the big screen television and soundbar up loud because THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE has come home once again bringing that memorable sound to chill us all!

In the end – can you survive?

Thursday, October 3, 2024

JOKER: Folie a Deux


Jeri Jacquin

Coming to theatres this Friday from director Todd Phillips and Warner Bros. Pictures is the follow up to the 2019 film with JOKER: Folie a Deux.

Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) has been at Arkham awaiting trial. Under the watchful eye of guard Jackie Sullivan (Brendan Gleeson), he is set into a routine of waking up, taking medication and watching television. Visiting him, attorney Maryanne Stewart (Catherine Keener), and he sees a young woman he later learns is Lee (Lady Gaga) and is instantly taken with her. At their first meeting, Lee makes it clear that she believes in the Joker.

Arthur finds a warmth in himself believing he has finally found someone who he can care for and be cared about. One thing stands in his way, the trail being held for the murders he committed. Stewart believes she can save her client by proving that his upbringing brought him to this point, but Arthur has other ideas. As his past, present and fantasy life collide – so does the life of the Joker.

Phoenix as Arthur/Joker has made the role his own and he did the best he could with what he was given. There is so much more than could have been done with this role but, instead, Phoenix’s talent wasn’t given the opportunity to expand the story toward a more believable storyline. That being said, if you are looking for the conflicted Arthur/Joker, Phoenix delivers.

Lady Gaga as Harley gives what she can to the role and that being her voice. This is not the Harley Quinn but instead just a Lee who sings through all the troubles in front of the “relationship” between herself and Joker.

Gleeson as Sulliver once again gets to play a tough character and he is so very good at it. Keener as Stewart wants to keep her client out of prison or death sentence but is fighting her own client to make that happen.

Other cast include Harry Lawtey as Harvey Dent, Leigh Gill as Gary Puddles, Ken Leung as Dr. Victor Liu, Jacob Lofland as Rickey Meline, Sharon Washington as Debra Kane, Bill Smitrovich as Judge Herman Rothwax, Ernie Bullock as Alfred Rubin Thompson, Zazie Beetz as Sophie Dumond, Steve Coogan as Paddy Meyers.

This has to be the biggest disappointment to date as far as highly anticipated films go. If I wanted to spend over two hours watching a musical then I would go see a musical. When going to see a sequel to one of the hottest films made, I come with a set of expectations of action, solid story and something that resembles connection. That being said, the script is horrible, the two leading characters are forced into oblivion or purgatory (whichever) singing all the way and all the other actors are relegated to the role of extras without a purpose.

Sorry folks, I will be quite honest and say this is a film I won’t ever see again, not even if it’s free or I happen to pass it while channel surfing. It is as if writers Todd Phillips, Scott Silver and Bob Kane went into separate rooms, wrote whatever they wanted to be in the story and then the three came together and mashed their work together with no editing or thought, when they should have followed Harley Quinn’s idea of lighting a match and burning the score into ashes. Instead, the reigns were given to Phillips so that he could torture the audience with over two hours of singing that doesn’t add anything to the messy storyline.

The horrifying fact of it is that in one two-hour swoop, two of the most recognizable characters in comics have been sent to the garbage heap of failed time lines. The budget of the film is estimated at 200 million dollars and all I can think is that there is a better use in the world for that kind of money, and the world would have been a lot better for it. But no, no one dared to tell anyone – get it right or don’t do it at all. Why does Hollywood continue to throw out this kind of money without someone saying, “hey, this isn’t working”. Oh, I know, because audiences that are excited for what they think they will see are going to pay – but in a way that isn’t nice.

Characters that we have come to know love do not exist in director Phillips’ universe, making it seem as if they never existed at all. Using music and songs to portray the “obsession” of Arthur and Lee but it didn’t even do that!  The reason we love Harley Quinn and the Joker, aside from the horrible things they did, is the dark and deep obsession they have for one another – it’s not in this film at all. There is no connection between the two because they are too busy trying to sing. There is no story to their mind-bending obsession, even Harley’s character seemed more Joker-esque and it is uncomfortably awkward. Is this suppose show the audience that a woman control of the story? Even that doesn’t work. This was all so flat. The film is two hours and eighteen minutes of pure torture plain and simple.

In the title “Folie a Deux”, it means “Madness of Two” in French. Here’s a bit of trivia for you, it comes from two French psychiatrists in the 19th century came up with it referring to two or more people that share the same madness. That is about the only interesting thing that came from the film for me but, sadly, I am refusing to share in the madness.

In the end – the world is a stage!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024



Jeri Jacquin

Coming this week only on Digital and later this month on 4K Ultra HD, Bluray, DVD from director Shawn Levy and Marvel Studios comes the film and story everyone has been waiting for with DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE.

Okay, so this is going to be a tad different because I am doing my best to write this up without laughing myself into fits again but here we go:

Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) is once again trying to figure his life out. Back living with Blind Al (Leslie Uggams) his Deadpool days seem to be a thing of the past. Trying to celebrate a birthday and feeling sad that he and Vanessa (Morena Baccarin) are trying to work things out, it is all interrupted by Mr. Paradox (Matthew Macfadyen) from the Time Variance Authority (you remember them, right? Loki’s reason for being irritated).

He convinced Wade that its time to take up his Deadpool mantel again because the timelines need saving. Suiting him up, he also tells Wade that there is one person in particular who’s timeline is fading fast, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). Taking matters into his own hands, Deadpool slips through time to find Logan. Returning, Paradox has other ideas and sends them both into the Void where they meet a very calm Cassandra Nova (Emma Corrin). She shows her power but Wolverine isn’t about it and they escape.

Meeting up with other (no, I’m not going to tell you who these others are so stop asking), the only way to get past Nova and get back home is by Juggernaut’s helmet. After a battle royal, Nova gives up how to get back as Deadpool and Wolverine make a jump through time. Nova isn’t happy about how this has all taken place and wants decides to make her own jump.

When Deadpool & Wolverine discover that Paradox is preparing to use a Time Ripper, they have had enough of his antics and decides it’s time to put him and Nova in their place! No one could have imagined what they were in for when these two came together!

Reynolds as Deadpool will always be Deadpool. There is no way he can ever be replaced and I absolutely okay with that. He delivers on every level with his delivery of insults, witticisms and even on emotion. His continual fourth-wall breaking is something audiences wait for sitting on the edge of their seats. This time out he has become a used car salesman which, if you think about it, is Wade in every way. Be prepared to go on a ride of pure insanity as Reynolds is the conductor of the crazy train.

Jackman as Wolverine is still in his feels with a coating of heavily alcoholic anger. Trying to deal with it all, Deadpool is not exactly the ideal person to be partnering up with. Believing that helping him will somehow fix the mistakes he’s made, it doesn’t mean its all love and light between these two. In fact, its hardly that as Wolverine pushes and pushes to get away from anyone coming close. That doesn’t stop Deadpool, in fact it causes him to push back in his usual hilariously antagonistic way. Jackman as Logan is absolutely amazing and, alongside Reynolds, makes these two the perfect pair – the characters both have issues and both have razor sharp wit, not to mention good at fighting.

Corrin as Cassandra Nova is as bald as she possibly can be and calmly as evil as she wants. There is a reason she is this way, which you will discover soon enough, and you don’t know whether to join her or choke her out, oh the duality of it all. Baccarin returns as Vanessa although her time on screen is short it does play into the storyline.

Let’s talk Macfadyen as Paradox! I fell for him in 2005 as Mr. Darcy in PRIDE & PREJUDICE, then I cheered for him in 2018 beat down character Tom Wambsgans in the series SUCCESSION and neither of these roles had real comedic timing to them, wisecracks maybe, but no real comedy. THIS is Macfadyen’s role for pure comedy and it had me laughing so hard at his antics. Well done Mr. Darcy, I mean Paradox!

Marvel Studios has released sixteen films since 2008 in what is known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel is built on a library of over eight thousand characters featured in a variety of media content for over seventy years. For more of what they have to offer please visit

Bonus Features include Finding Madonna: Making the Oner, Practical Approach: Celebrating the Art of Ray Chan, Loose Ends: The Legacy of Heroes, Wolverine, Filmmaker Commentary, Gag Reel, Deleted Scenes of: Elevator Ride, Do Nothing, Daddy’s in Love, and Fun Sack: Dr. Deadpool, Product Reviews, Wade is Back.

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE blew up theatres and now it’s going to do the same at home. I am not going to list anyone else from the film because I truly want home viewers to find out for themselves what writers Ryan Reynolds, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick came up with. There are stunners, more laughs than anyone has a right to have and visuals that stunning. Is it raunchy? Yes. Is there language that might make a few people cringe? Absolutely Are their references that can slip by if you’re not careful – seriously? Of course there are!

I remember when the news was that in 1984, the film RED DAWN had the 118 highest body count in film, but I’m willing to bet that this film will blow any 80’s body count out of the water. Of course, there is an amazing soundtrack to help the fight scenes have nostalgic meaning to those of us old folks.

It’s pretty much sure to this writer that DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE is going to be my favorite film of the year. I hope the Academy is paying attention because I think it’s really time that we acknowledge a superhero (or anti-superhero depending on your outlook on life) comedy with this particular dynamic duo to win a golden statue or two. 

Gather up everybody you know; I mean everybody that loves Deadpool and that loves Wolverine because this is where people can come together. It is time to have the best movie going experience at home that we have had in a long time. There is nothing better than coming together to cheer, laugh (expect LOTS of laughs), action, twists, intertwining stories and recognizable faces as the MCU welcomes its newest and screwed-up beloved character – yes, that’s you Wade Wilson! 

To Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds, thanks for being at San Diego Comic Con, thanks for the popcorn bucket and thanks for knowing that the characters you represent are everything to fans. Don’t stay away too long!

In the end – everyone deserves a happy ending!